Human Diversity and Social Issues in the Community (3)
Advanced nursing practice examined from epidemiological perspective in
the context of cultural and social pluralism. Emphasis on multiple
dimensions of human diversity with identification and assessment of
vulnerable and undeserved populations and ethical issues.
Contemporary Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse (3)
Establishes a theoretical context for role execution. Includes
knowledge and strategies basic to practice as a teacher, manager, or
provider of care. Analysis of the role of the nurse within the health
care delivery system. Emphasis on practical issues and the influence of
public policy, regulation, reimbursement, work-settings, and
professional interrelationships. Focus on the nurse as change agent and
evaluation of the effectiveness of nursing.
Theoretical Foundations of Nursing (3)
Discusses the historical and philosophical bases for the development of
a science, the components and processes of theory development, and
their relationship to knowledge generation in the discipline of
nursing. Analysis of existing conceptual models in nursing and their
potential for and relevance to theory development, research, and
practice. Identification and analysis of concepts relevant to theory
Prerequisite: Descriptive and inferential statistics.
Research Methods in Nursing (3)
Development of skills in the application of principles and methods of
scientific research. Identification and conceptualization of a research
problem relevant to nursing and the formulation of testable hypotheses.
Emphasis on research designs and methodologies, the psychometric
properties of instruments, sampling techniques, methods of data
analysis, and interpretation of research findings. Focus on the
scientific merit of empirical studies and ethical and legal
Prerequisite: 26:705:510.
Psychopathological and Psychosocial Foundations in Advanced Nursing (3)
Biologic and behavioral theories and research from a variety of
disciplines, including nursing, for application of psychiatric
assessment in primary care settings. Analyzes research and makes case
studies for the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of psychiatric
disorders across the life span within a developmental framework that
examines the manifestations of psychiatric illnesses in children,
adolescents, adults, and the aged.
Advanced Health Assessment (3)
Assessment competencies necessary for advanced practice nurses with
emphasis on assessment skills and the client as an individual in
context of the family. Focus on development of comprehensive
understanding of clients for effective health care delivery.
Pre- or corequisite: 26:120:547.
Pharmacodynamics for Primary Care (3)
Designed to meet the needs of nurses in advanced practice who are
eligible for prescriptive privileges. Focuses on pharmacological
management of self-limited episodic complaints and stable chronic
disease states across the life span, commonly managed by
advanced practice nurses.