Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School-Camden
About the University
Graduate Study at the University
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Student Life
Student Programs and Services
Academic Policies and Procedures
Degree Requirements
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Biology 120
Chemistry 160
Childhood Studies 163
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
English 200, 350, 352, 354, 615, 842
History 512
Liberal Studies 606
Admission Requirements
Degree Requirements
Scholastic Standing
Graduate Courses
Mathematical Sciences 645
Physical Therapy 742
Psychology 830
Public Policy and Administration 834
School of Business–Camden
School of Social Work
Graduate School-Newark (on the Camden Campus)
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-Camden 2007-2009 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Liberal Studies 606 Graduate Courses  

Graduate Courses

56:606:501,502 Studies of the Ancient and Medieval Eras (3,3) The foundations of western thought in classical antiquity and the Middle Ages. Topics vary from semester to semester. Treatment of themes such as the individual and society in ancient Athens; pagans and Christians before and after the fall of Rome; cultures in conflict in the Near East.
56:606:511,512 Studies of the Early Modern Era (3,3) Cultural development between about 1500 and 1789. Topics vary from semester to semester. Focus on topics such as the Italian Renaissance, the world of William Shakespeare, the scientific revolution of the 17th century, and the French enlightenment of the 18th century.
56:606:521,522 Studies of the Age of Revolutions (3,3) Interrelationships between social and cultural development between the French Revolution and the First World War. Attention given to such phenomena as debates about industrialization, the social novel, and the depiction of urban society in the visual arts.
56:606:531,532 Studies of the 20th Century (3,3)   Various aspects of the era that began with the outbreak of the First World War. Topics vary from semester to semester. Exploration of themes such as war and tyranny in literature, conflicting ideas about science and technology, and the rise of popular culture in Europe and America.
56:606:541,542 Studies of Cultural Diversity (3,3) Either in historical or contemporary perspective, treatment of issues pertaining to gender, race, or ethnicity within western societies or examination of various developments in one or more nonwestern societies.
56:606:601,602 Studies of Ideas (3,3) Examination of ideas about the natural world and the human conditions that are rooted in the past but still have enduring significance.
56:606:611,612 Studies of the Arts and Literature (3,3) Opportunity to explore a particular theme in the history of culture. Course may focus heavily on influential contemporary developments.
56:606:613,614 International Study Abroad (3,3) Short-term study trip abroad focusing on a literary figure or theme, some aspect of art or architecture, or a particular component of foreign language or culture.
56:606:621,622 Studies of Politics and Society (3,3) Exploration of one or more problems rooted in the past that continue to cause controversy in the present, such as nationalism, dictatorship, freedom, poverty, and health and illness.
56:606:631,632 Studies of Culture and Criticism (3,3) Exploration of some aspect of modern culture or the arts and the varieties of criticism exercised upon it.
56:606:641,642 Studies of Philosophy and Religion (3,3) Exploration of major philosophical and religious ideas from a variety of traditions, shedding light on different approaches to the meaning of human life and the ethical values that guide it.  The social, cultural, and political roots and consequences of these ideas may also be considered.
56:606:689,690 Research in Liberal Studies (3,3)   Independent study of a topic of special interest to the student, under the supervision of an adviser chosen in consultation with the program director. If this course is taken for one semester, the project culminates in a paper about 20-25 pages in length. If the course is taken for two semesters, a more substantial paper is required.
56:606:800 Matriculation Continued (0) Continuous registration may be accomplished by enrolling for at least 3 credits in standard course offerings, including research courses, or by enrolling in this course for 0 credits. Students actively engaged in study toward their degree who are using university facilities and faculty time are expected to enroll for the appropriate credits.
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