Policy Analysis in Criminal Justice (3)
research and writing oriented seminar that will prepare students for
conducting criminal justice policy analysis. Topics include the role of
interest groups and organizational participants in the policy process,
types of policies, and models of policy research. Examined are current
criminal justice policies using analysis that considers the
development, implementation, and evaluation of policy (i.e., what has
occurred in policy, why, and at what benefits or costs). Also covered is
policy formulation, which involves the development of new policy
options to remedy public problems.
The paper students write in this course fulfills the writing requirement for the master of arts degree in criminal justice.
Foundations of Policy Analysis (3)
The logic of action, decision making, and belief; epistemological issues underlying scientific and policy research; causality, probability, statistics, and public policy; the role of problem definition, description, theory, model building, explanation, and prediction in policy research and decision making. Reviews major substantive theories of public choice and public policymaking and critically examines them from a logical and theoretical perspective.
Human Behavior and the Social Environment (3)
Theories, themes, and issues concerning the ongoing interaction between people as they grow, change, and develop over the life course and the social context in which this occurs. Particular attention to assumptions about human behavior that may interfere with recognition of diversity in the ongoing interaction between individual, family, and group identity; social context; and social life. Highlights values and ethical issues related to biopsychosocial development. (Note: only one social work class may be counted toward the master of arts degree in criminal justice.)
Law and Public Policy (3)
The place of law in the formulation, articulation, and enforcement of public policy; legal sources, such as constitutions, statutes, cases, administrative rulings, and agency practices; federal, state, and local sources and materials examined for policy inconsistencies, contradictions, and overlap; the effectiveness of fees, taxes, licenses, labeling, injunctions, and other legal sanctions.
Social Welfare Policy and Services (3)
History, philosophy, and development of social welfare as an essential institution in the United States. Study of the emergence and role of social work, understanding of patterns of current provision, and introduction to analysis of social welfare policies. (Note: only one social work class may be counted toward the master of arts degree in criminal justice.)
Organizational Behavior (3)
Examines organizational behavior of individuals and group/teams and the organizational context in which that behavior takes place. Organization theories as well as behavior theories and approaches discussed, including seminal historical works and more current treatments.
Diversity, Oppression, and the Legal Environment of Social Work (3)
Three five-week modules on diversity, oppression, and law. Diversity module introduces the range of diverse populations by gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, and physical differences. Oppression module focuses on the role, function, and effects of oppression in society and the impact of oppression as it relates to issues of social and economic justice. Law module examines the role of law in health and human services and addresses specific legal concepts such as confidentiality, privacy, and informed consent in the context of practice. (Note: only one social work class may be counted toward the master of arts degree in criminal justice.)
Psychopathology (3)
Major forms of emotional distress in adults and children. Classification trends, issues, and models. Introduction to clinical syndromes in terms of diagnostic methodology, research, and social concerns and their implications for at-risk groups. (Note: only one social work class may be counted toward the master of arts degree in criminal justice.)
Criminal Justice Issues and Trends (3)
Overview of current issues and trends in criminal justice with an emphasis on empirical basis of knowledge in the field. This course surveys research and issues associated with criminology and criminal justice, emphasizing the criminal justice and juvenile justice systems, the police, courts, and corrections.
Criminology (3)
Explanation of crime and delinquency in American society. Topics include deterrence theory, biological explanations for crime, sociological theories, and conflict-based theories. Emphasis on social causes of crime.
Introduction to Public Budgeting and Finance (3)
Combines readings with the development of a budget for a hypothetical city to demonstrate budget formats, the politics of budgeting, and methods of projecting expenditures and revenues. Administration and criteria for selecting taxes.
Social Inequities in the Criminal Justice System (3)
Critical examination of the treatment of minorities, women, and/or the poor by the criminal justice system.
Principles of Public Management (3)
Contemporary management approaches, techniques, and skills for managing various kinds of public organizations. Decision making, administrative leadership, planning, implementation, evaluation, ethics, and budgeting are key topics.
Law and Society (3)
Examination of laws and legal institutions
and their interaction with society focusing on the issue of change. Law
as a product of social change and law as a source of change are
discussed. Topics include legal analysis, white collar crime, and power
and conflict.
Public Information Systems (3)
Management-oriented computer methods including personal productivity systems and office automation; database management; and the analysis, supervision, and coordination of the management information systems department within the larger organizational culture.
Law and Social Work (3)
Law in health and human services. Reading, using, and finding law. Law in practice in relation to law on the books. Topics include due process, equal protection, discrimination, confidentiality and duty to warn, child abuse, domestic violence, AIDS, sexual harassment, mental health, developmental disabilities, courtroom testimony, malpractice, and administrative liability. (Note: only one social work class may be counted toward the master of arts degree in criminal justice.)
Victimology (3)
Study of the role and treatment of victims in the criminal justice system. Emphasis on risk factors and impact of crime on victims.
Studies of Cultural Diversity (3)
Either in historical or contemporary perspective, treatment of issues pertaining to gender, race, or ethnicity within western societies or examination of various developments in one or more nonwestern societies.
Community Corrections (3)
and philosophical overview of the theories behind alternatives to incarceration
and their implementation in corrections. Emphasis on their impact and future.
Financial Management of Public Programs (3)
Examines budgetary processes, municipal bonds, cash management, and intergovernmental fiscal relations as they apply to financial management of public programs. Topics include cost-benefit, cost-revenue, and cost-effectiveness analyses, as well as contemporary issues such as privatization and liability insurance.
Prerequisite: 56:202:515.
Human Resource Management (3)
The relationship between employers, employees, and their labor relations organizations in government, health and human services, and the nonprofit sector; leadership and direction of employees; impact of collective negotiations on critical issues of public policy; civil service organizations.
Executive Leadership and Communication Skills (3)
Strengths and limitations of various leadership theories. Awareness of personal learning, leadership, influence, and communication styles. Develops leadership skills through interpersonal exercises and through course projects involving current managerial and political issues. Communication skills involving writing, speaking, meetings, media relations, and strategic planning emphasized.
Family Violence (3)
Examination of the definitions and scope of family violence in today's society. Focus on the prevalence, etiology, myths, and dynamics of child physical abuse, incest, date rape, marital rape, sibling violence, women battering, and elder abuse and neglect. Includes a review of the issues, policies, programs, and services aimed at remedying and eliminating violence in the home. (Note: only one social work class may be counted toward the master of arts degree in criminal justice.)
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (3)
Action of drugs, epidemiology; consequences of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, abuse, and addiction; and issues of prevention, intervention, and evaluation addressed. Attention given to various populations. Research findings and theoretical perspectives are central. (Note: only one social work class may be counted toward the master of arts degree in criminal justice.)
Labor-Management Relations (3)
Analysis of the structure and development of labor-management relationships in the United States and abroad, focusing on both private industry and governmental organizations. Explores history and the surrounding law while focusing on the negotiation and administration of collective bargaining agreements, related micro- and macroeconomic problems, and issues that accompany the growth of the nonunion sector in both private and public sectors.
American Legal History I (3)
Survey of developments in American law from the colonial era through Reconstruction; special emphasis on the role of social, economic, and political development in fostering legal change. Topics include historical origins of American constitutionalism; tensions between judicial authority and popular rule; the law's role in American economic development; slavery, race, and law; status of women in American legal history; and history of American criminal justice.
American Legal History II (3)
Overview of major themes dominating American legal history from 1870 to the present, including changing standards of legal education; admission to the bar and the practice of law; legal responses to social, technological, and economic changes; jurisprudential experiments such as Progressive-Pragmatism and American Legal Realism; and race relations.
Violent Crime (3)
Discussion of gangs, homicide, serial crimes
of violence, interpersonal violence, rape, and crimes
involving weapon use.
Race and American Law (3)
Examines the role that law has played within the systematic subordination of racial minorities and in the formal elimination of racial badges of servitude. Materials are designed to provoke class discussion at both the scholarly level and at the more pragmatic level that students should find useful as they attempt to fashion legal remedies for future clients who, having won the eradication of overt racial barriers, seeks the substance of equal opportunity. Topics to be examined include voting rights, educational equality, contemporary miscegenation problems, employment discrimination, affirmative action, race and freedom of expression, race and intersectionality (with other differences such as class and gender), and race and reproductive rights. All of these subjects are studied in an historical context designed to aid understanding of current racial developments and its identification of continuing problems of race.
Research Methods in Criminal Justice (3)
Foundation in research methods commonly used in criminal justice and
the social sciences. Includes methods of inquiry, causality, sampling,
research instrument design, coding, and ethics and research procedures,
e.g., survey research, experiments, fieldwork, and interview studies.
Students design and implement a research project under faculty
Data Analysis in Criminal Justice (3)
course provides students with a grounding in the basic tools used in
quantitative analysis in the field of criminal justice along with an
introduction to the statistical issues involved in the design and logic of
research. Students learn to use various nonparametric measures of association
as well as parametric tests of significance and are introduced to the
fundamentals of correlation, regression, and hypothesis testing.
Proseminar in Criminal Justice (3)
This course approaches criminal justice policy, research methods, and
the analysis of data by focusing on a specific policy area. In a series
of papers, students demonstrate competence in resolving a problem in
policy, designing a research study that would shed light on the problem,
and in drawing policy relevant conclusions based on the analysis of
Gender, Crime, and Justice (3)
Discussion of women as victims and criminal offenders, women in the
criminal justice work force, and emerging legal docrines on gender
Sex Discrimination and the Law (3)
Examines the law as a cause of and as a remedy for sex discrimination. Considers problems of sex discrimination in historical, economic, sociological, and political contexts. Topics include constitutional law, reproduction and sexuality, employment, family and property laws, and criminal law. Considers litigation and legislation as tools for the elimination of sex discrimination, with emphasis on lawyering skills and strategic concerns.
Employment Law (3)
A survey of common law, statutory and constitutional regulation of the employment relationship in both the private and public sectors, with primary attention to issues not covered in courses on collective bargaining or employment discrimination. Considerable time is devoted to the study of wrongful discharge law. Other topics covered may include job applicant screening process, restrictions on employee speech and conduct, employee privacy rights, statutory wages and family leave policies, employer-provided fringe benefits (e.g., health insurance and retirement benefits), workers' compensation laws, plant closing laws, employee stock ownership plans, and government provided employee benefits (e.g., unemployment insurance and social security).
Criminal Procedure: The Investigatory Process (3)
An in-depth study of the investigatory stage of the criminal process. Focuses on the power of the courts to shape criminal procedure and their capacity to control police investigatory practices, such as arrest, search and seizure, interrogation, and identification, through the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 14th amendments. Discusses the role of counsel in this process and explores competing theories of criminal procedure and related systems of social control, such as the juvenile justice system and civil commitment of the mentally ill.
56:202:670,671,672 (BA, BA, BA)
Independent Study
Designed for students conducting independent research under the supervision of a sponsoring faculty member.
Special Topics in Criminal Justice (3)
Courses may be offered under this
general title, dealing with special topics intended to involve students in
intensive study and investigation on topics related to crime and justice.
Evidence (3)
A study of the law and rules (with particular attention given to the Federal Rules of Evidence) governing the proof of disputed issues of fact in criminal and civil trials, including the functions of judge and jury; relevancy; real and demonstrative evidence, authentication and production of writings; the examination, competency, and privileges of witnesses; hearsay; impeachment; and burden of proof, presumptions, and judicial notice.
Labor Law (3)
A study of the common law's response to employees' efforts to organize
and take concerted action to improve their wages, hours, and other
employment conditions. The course traces the evolution of a national
labor policy in this country through the New Deal and later federal
legislation. Focus of the protections afforded by the federal law to
union organizational activities; the procedures established by federal
law for the selection of representatives for the purposes of collective
bargaining; federal regulation of concerted economic activity by
unions, such as strikes, boycotts, and picketing, and of countervailing
employer action; and the extent of federal preemption of state
regulation in the labor area.
*Course is offered by School of Law-Camden. The starting and ending dates for the law school's semester differ from those of the graduate program at Camden.
Matriculation Continued (0)
Continued registration may be accomplished by enrolling for at least 3 credits in standard course offerings or by enrolling in this course for 0 credits. Students who are using university facilities and faculty time are expected to enroll for the appropriate credits.