Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
School of Social Work
About the University
Mission of the School
Degree Programs Available
Tuition and Fees
Financial Aid
Student Life and Services
Academic Policies and Procedures
Student Responsibility to Keep Informed
Programs of Study
Registration and Course Information
Class Schedules and Hours
Grades and Records
Scholastic Standing
Student Grievance/ Complaint Procedures
Policy on Academic Integrity Summary
University Code of Student Conduct Summary
University Safety and Security
Administrative Procedures for Responding to Disruptions
Policy Prohibiting Harassment
Policy Against Verbal Assault, Defamation, and Harassment
Nondiscrimination Policy
National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics: Summary of Major Principles
Value: Service
Value: Social Justice
Value: Dignity and Worth of the Person
Value: Importance of Human Relationships
Value: Integrity
Value: Competence
Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act
Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act Reports
Graduation Rates
Teacher Preparation Program Pass Rates
Student Records and Privacy Rights
Student Residency for Tuition Purposes
Research Policy and Research Centers
Patent Policy
Baccalaureate Program
Master of Social Work Program
Course Listing
Administration and Faculty
Field Agencies
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  School of Social Work 2005-2007 Academic Policies and Procedures National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics: Summary of Major Principles Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act  

Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act

The Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act requires institutions of higher education to adopt and implement a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees. In compliance with this federal regulation, Rutgers has various policies and programs in place. The University Code of Student Conduct, available at, or through the Assistant Director of Student Judicial Affairs (732/932-9414), provides information regarding prohibited conduct and sanctions related to drug and alcohol possession, use, and distribution. The university also has adopted a Policy on the Use of Alcoholic Beverages that can be accessed online at In addition, Rutgers offers extensive educational resources and programming related to alcohol and other drugs through University Health Services. Students can access educational materials and program information online at More comprehensive information regarding the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act is set forth in the Student Health Insurance Manual, located online at insurance, and is provided to all new students.

For additional information, contact RU-info at 732/932-info (4636) or
Comments and corrections to: Campus Information Services.

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