Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School of Education
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Ph.D. Program in Education
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Five-Year Teacher Education Program
Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration
Learning and Teaching
Educational Psychology
Infant/Early Childhood Specialist Interdisciplinary Studies (Isis): Children Birth to Five and Their Families
Graduate Courses (Educational Psychology 290)
Graduate Courses (Educational Statistics, Measurement, and Evaluation 291)
Graduate Courses (Special Education 293)
Graduate Courses (Learning, Cognition, and Development 295)
Graduate Courses (Counseling Psychology 297)
Ph.D. Courses (Educational Psychology)
Nondepartmental Graduate Courses in Education
Teacher Education/Adminstrative Certification Programs
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Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  The Graduate School of Education 2004-2006 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Educational Psychology Graduate Courses (Counseling Psychology 297)  

Graduate Courses (Counseling Psychology 297)
15:297:501Introduction to Counseling Psychology (3)

Readings, activities, and discussion cover issues in psychology and related fields that are basic to counseling relationships; emphasis on improving interviewing, listening, and responding skills.

15:297:505Group Psychology: Theory and Practice I (3) Provides opportunity to develop theoretical and practical insights into the life and functions of basic groups, including definition of group parameters, sociometric structure, social power, leadership, norms, and problem solving, which serve as a means of achieving optimal blending of personal and group boundaries. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:297:506Group Psychology: Theory and Practice II (3) Sequential, theoretical, and practical continuation of Group Psychology I with increasing emphasis on application of facilitating basic concepts such as structure and function, interaction and communication, strength and cohesion, movement and productivity, and role and leadership. Prerequisites: 15:297:505 and permission of instructor.
15:297:507Multicultural Issues (3) Exploration of sociocultural and sociohistorical experiences of clients and counselors and their potential impact on the counseling process. Designed to provide the counselor-in-training with a more flexible frame of reference for working with a diverse clientele. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:297:508Family Psychology: Systems Development (3) Introduction to family systems theory, family development, family assessment, and contemporary issues in family psychology. "Systems" thinking emphasized. Provides foundation for further study.
15:297:510Introduction to Vocational Psychology (3) Psychological framework for understanding vocational behavior. Emphasis on psychological theory and research as foundation for development of effective strategies for using self-understanding and occupational information to make work-related decisions.
15:297:525Psychological Assessment in Counseling (3) Assessment as an integral part of all counseling; covers these widely used techniques: records, rating scales, and observation; emphasis on standardized tests and inventories; includes supervised experience in the provision of assessment service to counselors. Prerequisites: 15:291:515, 15:297:613, 16:960:531, or permission of instructor.
15:297:601Fieldwork in Counseling (BA) Supervised orientation to the functions and activities of various agencies that provide vocational, educational, and personal-social counseling services; specified sections provide opportunities for such experiences in particular settings: elementary schools, colleges, and community agencies (employment agencies, child and family guidance bureaus, programs for the unemployed or physically disabled). Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:297:602Foundations of Counseling Psychology (3) Orientation to the profession of counseling. Topics include history, current issues, training and professional concerns, introduction to research, and legal/ethical and professional standards. Open only to matriculated counseling psychology doctoral students.
15:297:603Professional Ethics for Counseling Psychologists (BA) Topics concerning personal and professional matters regarding the general practice of counseling psychology and related ethical and legal issues, communication with other professionals, client-psychologist relationships, and continuing education. Open only to doctoral students in counseling psychology.
15:297:605Supervised Counseling (3) Provides supervised counseling experience in the Graduate School of Education Counseling Center. Prerequisites: 15:297:501, 505, 525, 637. Open only to doctoral students in counseling psychology with permission of adviser. Students should consult the instructor prior to the beginning of the term.
15:297:607Family Psychology: Theories of Marriage and Family Counseling (3) Study of major theoretical perspectives in marriage and family counseling. Focus on theoretical assumptions, concepts, application, and process of counseling. Problem situations considered.
15:297:613Theories of Counseling (3) Extends and deepens knowledge of theoretical aspects of coun- seling; provides a vehicle for students to survey, analyze, discuss, and synthesize current theories and issues related to counseling psychology. Open to doctoral students in counseling psychology.
15:297:614Racial-Cultural Counseling Laboratory (3) The role of racial, social, and cultural factors in the development of relationships in counseling. Focus on the individual as a racial-cultural person whose network of personal and social identities and group affiliations influence the development of effective counseling relationships. Prerequisites: 15:297:501, 505, 507.
15:297:615Research Seminar in Counseling Psychology (3) Research designs, methodological issues with an emphasis on multicultural and family psychology. Identify questions to be used for dissertation research. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. For doctoral students approaching dissertation study.
15:297:625Advanced Application of Counseling Psychology (BA) Provides for professional activities in an approved setting. Designed to meet advanced students` individual needs for further work in individual and group counseling; personal, educational, and vocational evaluations; and a variety of consulting or supervisory activities under the supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisites: 15:297:605 and permission of instructor and adviser.
15:297:629Predoctoral Internship in Counseling Psychology (1) Supervised internship in settings that meet the accreditation of the American Psychological Association (such as counseling center, hospital, medical setting, or mental health clinic). Full-time experience for one calendar year or a half-time experience for two calendar years. Prerequisites: Completion of all doctoral course work and qualifying examinations; approval of training director.
15:297:630Special Topics in Counseling Psychology (BA) Allows in-depth exploration of specific topics by staff and advanced students. Staff responsibility for the course alternates from term to term. Topics determined by the mutual interest of staff and students. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:297:637Advanced Theories of Personality and Counseling (3) Critical analysis of selected theories of personality used in counseling. Emphasis on major theories and systems. Provides in-depth concept for developing a consistent approach to professional counseling. Prerequisites: 15:297:501, 613; or 15:290:518; or enrollment in the doctoral program in counseling psychology.
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