Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School of Education
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About the School
Degree Programs Available
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Degree Requirements
Ph.D. Program in Education
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Five-Year Teacher Education Program
Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration
Learning and Teaching
Educational Psychology
Infant/Early Childhood Specialist Interdisciplinary Studies (Isis): Children Birth to Five and Their Families
Graduate Courses (Educational Psychology 290)
Graduate Courses (Educational Statistics, Measurement, and Evaluation 291)
Graduate Courses (Special Education 293)
Graduate Courses (Learning, Cognition, and Development 295)
Graduate Courses (Counseling Psychology 297)
Ph.D. Courses (Educational Psychology)
Nondepartmental Graduate Courses in Education
Teacher Education/Adminstrative Certification Programs
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  The Graduate School of Education 2004-2006 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Educational Psychology Graduate Courses (Educational Psychology 290)  

Graduate Courses (Educational Psychology 290)
15:290:501Introduction to Educational Tests and Measures (3)

Preparation and interpretation of classroom tests, sources of information on standardized tests, criteria for their evaluation, methods of scoring, and interpretation of scores. Basic statistical concepts necessary for understanding and using tests.

Not open to students who have completed 16:960:531 or equivalent. Not recommended for doctoral students.
15:290:509Emotional and Social Maladjustment (3) Major topics of abnormal psychology with special reference to school-age children and youth; covers the broad areas of identification, causation, treatment, and educational problems of the emotionally and socially maladjusted child. Recommended: Background in general psychology and personality theory.
15:290:518Psychology of Personality (3) Major historical and contemporary theories of personality. Prerequisite: Background in child and general psychology.
15:290:520Motor, Biological, and Neurological Development and Issues in Infancy and Early Childhood (3) Normal neuromotor and neuropsychological development from the prenatal period throughout the early years. Biological and medical conditions as a primary source of risk for developmental disabilities of various sorts; disruptions in motor development areas, facilitation of development through intervention and support. Effects of disruptions and issues affecting assessment and intervention. Prerequisite: Recently completed graduate course in child development or permission of instructor.
15:290:521Psychosocial Issues in Infant, Early Childhood, and Family Development (3) Social/emotional development in infancy and early childhood and the development of parent-child relationships; developmental sequences in infancy and early childhood in relation to life-span development issues; impact of various disabilities upon attachment and interaction and upon general family adjustment; methods of promoting optimal psychosocial and family development within the context of cultural variations. Prerequisite: Recently completed graduate course in child development or permission of instructor.
15:290:522Cognition and Language from Birth to Five: Normal Development and Implications of Risk and Disability (3) Reviews recent research evidence concerning sequences of development in cognition and language in the first five years and the relationship between these domains of functioning; consideration of delays and disruptions in cognitive and language development following from various congenital disabilities and risk factors. Prerequisite: Recently completed graduate course in child development or permission of instructor.
15:290:523Interdisciplinary Assessment of Infants and Young Children (3) Methods and issues in the assessment of infants and young children at risk and those with disabilities; formal and informal methods (medical, psychological, neuromotor, speech, and language); issues of prediction and its relationship to interventions. Prerequisites: Recently completed graduate course in child development and at least two of 15:290:520, 521, 522; or permission of instructor.
15:290:525Externship in Applied Infant and Early Childhood Development (3) Service experiences based on student`s goals; placements are available in a range of settings in which infants and young children, including those with risk or disability, and their families receive services such as assessment, intervention, or day care. A weekly seminar is required. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:290:583Biological Bases of Behavior (3) Brain structure and functional specialization; neurological bases of movement sensation, vision, audition, language, spatial perception, memory, emotion, and executive function; emphasis on character-istics and educational treatment of developmental and acquired disorders of children. Each student is expected to develop a class presentation based on intensive study of one disorder.
15:290:601Independent Study in Educational Psychology (3) Gives students in the Department of Educational Psychology an opportunity for independent study (either a literature review or nonthesis research) under the supervision of a faculty member, in areas of their own interest. Open to advanced students with permission of an educational psychology supervising faculty member.
15:290:605History and Systems of Psychology (3) Philosophical and scientific antecedents of psychology; history of the schools and systems of thought that contribute to modern psychology, including structuralism, functionalism, behaviorism, gestalt, psychoanalysis, and cognitive; recurring issues in psychological thought. Open only to matriculated doctoral students in programs in the Department of Educational Psychology.
15:290:622Individual Cognitive Assessment (3) Training in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of standardized individual test of cognitive abilities; emphasis on Wechsler scales for children and adults. Considerable practicum time required. Prerequisites: 15:291:515 or 15:295:502 and permission of instructor.
15:290:701Dissertation Study in Educational Psychology (BA)
Open to advanced students with permission of adviser. Required of all students who wish to write doctoral dissertations in any of the curricula of the Department of Educational Psychology.
15:290:800Matriculation Continued (0)
Continuous registration may be accomplished by enrolling for at least 3 credits in standard course offerings, including research courses, or by enrolling in this course for 0 credits. Students actively engaged in study toward their degree who are using university facilities and faculty time are expected to enroll for the appropriate credits.
15:290:866Graduate Assistantship (E-BA)
Students who hold graduate assistantships are required to enroll for 3 or 6 E credits per term in this course.
15:290:877Teaching Assistantship (E-BA)
Students who hold teaching assistantships are required to enroll for 3 or 6 E credits per term in this course.
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