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  School of Social Work 2019-2021 Academic Policies and Procedures Academic Standing Academic Standing and Student Review Policy  

Academic Standing and Student Review Policy

Students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 each semester, which is also the minimum GPA required to graduate from the master of social work program. Students must also meet any conditions imposed at the time of admission to remain in good academic standing.

Academic Difficulty

Student GPAs are reviewed each semester by the Office of Student Affairs. A student is considered to be in academic difficulty and will be placed on academic probation if any of the following conditions apply:

1. The student has earned a semester GPA of less than a 3.0 and his or her cumulative GPA is 3.0 or better.

2. The student received an F in an elective course.

3. The student received an incomplete in fieldwork.

4. At any point during the semester, there is evidence of inadequate field performance.

The associate dean for student affairs will notify both the student and the student's academic adviser regarding the student's academic probationary status.

Academic Jeopardy

Students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 each semester. A minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA is also required to graduate from the master of social work program.

A student is considered to be in academic jeopardy and will not be permitted to continue at the School of Social Work, if at the conclusion of any given semester, any of the following conditions apply:

1. The student has a cumulative GPA of less than 3.0.

2. The student received a grade of F in a required course.

3. The student received a grade of F in fieldwork.

The associate dean for student affairs will notify any student in academic jeopardy in writing of the GPA and automatic dismissal. A copy of the notice will also be sent to the student's academic adviser and the associate dean for academic affairs.

Students who fail to achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and are automatically dismissed may appeal the dismissal to the associate dean for academic affairs in writing within two calendar weeks of the notification of dismissal.

The student must address the reason(s) for not achieving the minimum GPA and show how this factor(s) has been addressed and resolved. The student must also develop a specific written plan to resolve the academic problem. The student should meet with an academic adviser to develop and review this academic plan.

The associate dean for academic affairs will review the student's written statements and academic plan, and the student will be notified in writing within two weeks of the date that the associate dean receives the student's written appeal.

If the student is not satisfied with the associate dean's decision, the student may appeal to the dean of the School of Social Work in writing within two weeks of receipt of the associate dean's decision. The dean will notify the student in writing within two weeks of the date that the dean receives the student's written appeal. The decisions of the dean are final.

For additional information, contact RU-info at 848-445-info (4636) or
Comments and corrections to: Campus Information Services.

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