Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
School of Social Work
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Student Grievance/ Complaint Procedures
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  School of Social Work 2016-2018 Academic Policies and Procedures Student Grievance/ Complaint Procedures Grievances/Complaints—Class  


1. A complaint/grievance may be initiated by the student meeting with his or her faculty adviser. The complaint or grievance must be made within two weeks of the posting of the grade. The adviser and student should explore all possibilities for an understanding of and an informal resolution to the complaint/grievance.

2. The second step, if necessary, is for the student and the adviser to meet with the instructor to discuss the complaint/grievance and its possible resolution within 10 working days of the filing of the complaint.

3. The third step, if necessary, is for the student to prepare and submit to the designated lead teacher a written statement of the complaint/grievance. This should include documentation for the complaint/grievance. The lead teacher will call a meeting to include the student, adviser, and instructor. The complaint is discussed and its possible resolution explored. The lead teacher will provide a written disposition to the student, the instructor, and the adviser within 10 working days, or two calendar weeks, of his or her assessment of the validity of the complaint/grievance.

4. Finally, if the student is unable to get a satisfactory response in step three, the student and his or her adviser may appeal to the dean of the school within 10 working days for a final decision.

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