Weekend M.S.W. Three-Year Program Sequence
Year 1 (Generalist Curriculum)
19:910:500 Social Work Practice I with Individuals,
Families, and Groups (3)
19:910:501 Social Work Practice I with Organizations and
Communities (3)
19:910:502 Human Behavior in the Social Environment
I (3)
19:910:504 Social Welfare Policy and Services I (3)
19:910:506 Diversity and Oppression (3)
Writing for Social Workers and Field Orientation (N/C)
19:910:605 Generalist Field Education Practicum 1A (1.5)
19:910:611 Generalist Field Education Practicum 1 (1.5)
19:910:552 Generalist Field Education Practicum 2B (1.5)
= 19.5 credits
Year 2 (Generalist Curriculum-Specialized Curriculum)
Methods of Social Work Research I (3)
19:910:507 Psychopathology (3)
19:910:511 Clinical Social Work Practice I (3)
19:910:585 Social Welfare Policy and Services II (3)
19:910:___ Human Behavior Distribution Requirement (3)
19:910:596 Supervision and Human Resource Management
19:910:556 Generalist/Clinical Field Education Practicum 2 (1.5)
19:910:564 Clinical Field Education Practicum 3 (1.5)
19:910:629 Clinical Field Education Practicum 3A (1.5)
= 22.5 credits
Year 3 (Specialized Curriculum)
19:910:512 Clinical Social Work II (3)
19:910:595 Methods of Social Work Research II (3)
19:910:___ Clinical Social Work Distribution
Requirement (3)
19:910:___ Elective* (3)
19:910:___ Elective* (3)
19:910:628 Clinical Field Education Practicum 4 (1.5)
19:910:633 Clinical Field Education Practicum 4A (1.5)
= 18 credits
Total Credits = 60
Weekend M.S.W. Advanced Standing Program Sequence
Year 1
19:910:507 Psychopathology (3)
Writing for Social Workers and Field
Orientation (N/C)
19:910:___ Human Behavior Distribution Requirement (3)
19:910:511 Clinical Social Work Practice I (3)
19:910:585 Social Welfare Policy and Services II (3)
19:910:596 Supervision and Human Resource Management
19:910:624 Clinical Field Education Practicum 3 (1.5)
19:910:629 Clinical Field Education Practicum 3A (1.5)
19:910:628 Clinical Field Education Practicum 4 (1.5)
= 19.5 credits
Year 2
19:910:512 Clinical Social Work II (3)
19:910:595 Methods of Social Work Research II (3)
19:910:___ Clinical Social Work Distribution
Requirement (3)
19:910:___ Elective* (3)
19:910:___ Elective* (3)
19:910:633 Clinical Field Education Practicum 4A (1.5)
19:910:___ Clinical Field Education Practicum 4AS (1.5)
19:910:___ Clinical Field Education Practicum 4AS (1.5)
= 19.5 credits
Total Credits = 60
Students admitted on conditional status without an
introductory statistics course that covers descriptive and basic inferential
statistical procedures may not enter the specialized curriculum until they complete
such course.
*The intensive weekend program offers only a prescribed selection of electives. Two of the following electives will be used
according to availability:
19:910:530 Solution-Focused
Therapy (3)
19:910:538 Law
and Social Work (3)
19:910:539 Community
Organization (3)
19:910:544 Policy
Perspectives on Poverty and Inequality (3)
19:910:545 International
Social Work (3)
19:910:550 Play
Therapy (3)
19:910:559 LGBTQ
Issues (3)
19:910:560 Current
Issues in Developmental Disabilities (3)
19:910:562 Chronic
Illness and Disability (3)
19:910:561 Group
Dynamics (3)
19:910:564 Women's
Issues (3)
19:910:571 HBSE:
Understanding Addictive Behaviors (3)
19:910:608 Theories
of Management and Strategic Planning (3)