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School of Social Work
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  School of Social Work 2016-2018 Administration and Faculty Faculty  


The following list includes faculty from the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degree programs offered through the School of Social Work.

Ayse Akincigil, Associate Professor; M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers

Edward Alessi, Associate Professor; M.S.W., Columbia; Ph.D., New York

Mary Beth Ali, Field Education Coordinator and Teaching Instructor; M.S.W., Fordham

Elizabeth Angell, Associate Professor; M.S.S.W., Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Wen (Vivien) Li Anthony, Assistant Professor; M.S.W., Ph.D., North Carolina (Chapel Hill)

V. DuWayne Battle, Director, Baccalaureate Program and Associate Professor of Teaching; M.S.W., Rutgers; D.Min., Southeastern Seminary; Ph.D., Rutgers

Doug Behan, Director, Continuing Education and Assistant Professor of Professional Practice; M.S.W., Rutgers

Natalie Bembry, Assistant Director of Student Affairs and Teaching Instructor; M.S.W., Monmouth

Mariann Bischoff, Coordinator of Field Education and Teaching Instructor; M.S., Cornell; M.S.W., Monmouth

Marla Blunt-Carter, Assistant Professor of Professional Practice; M.S.W., Rutgers

Emily Adlin Bosk, Assistant Professor; M.S.W., Ph.D., Michigan (Ann Arbor)

Charles Chear, Assistant Director or Student Affairs and Teaching Instructor; M.S.W., Boston

Laura Cuesta, Assistant Professor; M.A., Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Laura Curran, Director of the M.S.W. Program and Associate Professor; M.S.W., Columbia; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)

Rebecca Davis, Director, Office of Global Programs and Associate Professor; M.S.W., North Carolina (Chapel Hill); Ph.D., North Carolina (Greensboro)

Ericka Deglau, Director, Intensive Weekend Program and Professor of Teaching; M.S.W., Hunter; Ph.D., New School for Social Research

Marian Diksies, Director of Student Affairs and Associate Professor of Teaching; M.A., Montclair State; M.S.W., Rutgers

Jacquelynn Duron, Assistant Professor; M.S.W., Ph.D., Houston

Richard L. Edwards, Distinguished Professor; M.A.S.W., Chicago; Ph.D., SUNY (Albany)

Antoinette Y. Farmer, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor; M.S., Ph.D., Pittsburgh

Patricia Findley, Associate Professor; M.S.W., Loyola (Chicago); Dr.P.H., Illinois (Chicago)

Jerry Floersch, Associate Professor; M.S.W., Kansas; Ph.D., Chicago

Emily Greenfield Cohen, Associate Professor; M.S., Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Anna Haley-Lock, Associate Professor; M.A., Ph.D., Chicago

Bernardo Hiraldo, Associate Director of Field Education and Teaching Instructor; M.S.W., New York

Lorraine Howard, Field Education Coordinator and Teaching Instructor; M.S.W., Rutgers

Chien-Chung Huang, Director, Huamin Research Center and Professor; M.S.W., Chung-Cheng, (China); Ph.D., Columbia

Myungkook Joo, Associate Professor; M.S.W., South Carolina; Ph.D., Washington (St. Louis)

Rupa Khetarpal, Coordinator, VAWC Certificate Program and Assistant Professor of Teaching; M.A., Jadavpur (India); M.S.W., Rutgers

Jeounghee Kim, Associate Professor; M.S.W., South Carolina; Ph.D., Washington (St. Louis)

Jeanne Koller, Program Coordinator, Aging and Health Certificate and Teaching Instructor; M.S.W., Hunter; Ph.D., Rutgers

Mark W. Lamar, Executive Director, Field Education, and Associate Professor of Professional Practice; M.S.W., M.B.A., Rutgers

Michael LaSala, Director of the Doctoral (D.S.W.) Program and Associate Professor; M.S.W., Ph.D., SUNY (Albany) 

Eric Lock, Associate Teaching Professor; M.A., Chicago

Jeffrey Longhofer, Associate Professor; M.A., Kansas; M.S.W., Smith College; Ph.D., Kansas

Michael MacKenzie, Associate Professor; M.S., Ontario; M.S.W., M.A., Ph.D., Michigan (Ann Arbor)

Judith McCoyd, Associate Professor; M.S.W., Columbia; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College

Sarah McMahon, Associate Director, Center on Violence Against Women and Children and Associate Professor; M.S.W., Ph.D., Rutgers

Christine Morales, Assistant Director of Recruitment and Admissions and Teaching Instructor; M.S.W., Southern California

Felix Muchomba, Assistant Professor; M.P.H., Ph.D., Columbia

Shari Munch, Associate Professor; M.S.W., Ph.D., Michigan State

Lenna Nepomnyaschy, Associate Professor; M.S.W., Rutgers; Ph.D., Columbia

Lia Nower, Director, Center for Gambling Studies, Director of  Addiction Counselor Training Certificate Program, and Professor; J.D., St. Louis; Ph.D., Washington

Kerrie Ocasio, Assistant Research Professor; M.S.W., Fordham; Ph.D., Rutgers

N. Andrew Peterson, Director, Center for Prevention Science and Professor; M.A., Ph.D., Missouri (Kansas City)

Sara Plummer, Assistant Director of Baccalaureate Program and Assistant Professor of Teaching; M.S.W., Adelphi; Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth

Judy L. Postmus, Director, Center on Violence Against Women and Children and Professor; M.S.W., Barry; Ph.D., SUNY (Albany)

Cathryn C. Potter, Dean and Distinguished Professor; M.S.W., Washington; Ph.D., Denver

Kathleen J. Pottick, Professor; M.S.W., Ph.D., Michigan (Ann Arbor)

Kristen Gilmore Powell, Associate Director, Center for Prevention Science and Assistant Research Professor; M.S.W., Ph.D., Rutgers

Ramesh Raghavan, Associate Dean for Research and Professor; M.D., Manipal (India); Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)

Raymond Sanchez Mayers, Associate Professor; M.S.W., Barry; Ph.D., Brandeis

Nancy Schley, Associate Director of Field Education and Assistant Professor of Teaching; M.S.W., Columbia

Rachel Schwartz, Director of Online M.S.W. Programs and Assistant Professor of Teaching; M.S.W., Rutgers

Gina L. Sharpe, Assistant Director, Continuing Education and Teaching Instructor; M.S.W., New York

Cassandra Simmel, Associate Professor; M.S.W., Ph.D., California (Berkeley)

Karun Singh, Professor of Teaching; M.S.W., Ph.D., Columbia

Amy Strickler, Assistant Director, Intensive Weekend Program and Teaching Instructor; M.S.W., Columbia

Trinay V. Thomas, Associate Director of Field Education and Teaching Instructor; M.S.W., Rutgers

Emmy Tiderington, Assistant Professor; M.S.W., Michigan (Ann Arbor); Ph.D., New York

William Waldman, Executive in Residence and Professor of Professional Practice; M.S.W., Rutgers

Tova Walsh, Assistant Professor; M.S.W., Ph.D., Michigan (Ann Arbor)

Allison Zippay, Director, Center for Leadership and Management and Director, Doctoral Program and Professor; M.S.W., Ph.D., California (Berkeley) 

Karen Zurlo, Associate Professor; M.B.A., M.S.W., Ph.D., Pennsylvania
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