Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School of Education
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Degree Requirements
Master of Public Health (M.P.H.)
Master of Science (M.S.) in Biostatistics
Master of Science (M.S.) in Epidemiology
Master of Science (M.S.) in Health Outcomes, Policy, and Economics
Doctor of Public Health (Dr.P.H.)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
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  School of Public Health 2022-2024 Degree Requirements Master of Science (M.S.) in Biostatistics  

Master of Science (M.S.) in Biostatistics

The master of science (M.S.) degree in biostatistics is offered by the biostatistics concentration in New Brunswick. The objectives of the M.S. in biostatistics are: (1) to educate graduate students as biostatisticians at the master's level with the ability to collaborate and consult with researchers of other disciplines in the biomedical and public health sciences; (2) to meet the need for well-trained master's-level biostatisticians for the pharmaceutical industry, medical research institutions, and public health and other governmental organizations in New Jersey and nationwide; and (3) to identify and educate promising doctoral students in biostatistics.

The program is designed to provide qualified students with comprehensive knowledge and technical skills needed for planning and conducting statistical analysis for studies that are required for evidence-based medicine, epidemiology survey, and public health policy decisions. In addition, for those graduate students who may intend to continue their studies toward a Ph.D. in biostatistics, the M.S. in biostatistics program will equip them with the necessary training and preparation for further advanced studies and research. The biostatistics discipline emphasizes the concepts underlying the scientific method, and the applications in biomedical data collection, analysis, interpretation, and reporting of results. The study of biostatistics includes design and analysis of experimental studies, including clinical trials, and nonexperimental (observational) studies, theory of probability and statistics, and statistical computing. Applicants to the biostatistics concentration should have strong aptitude for quantitative thinking and interest in biomedical and public health applications. A practicum in consulting is required. Students are encouraged to work closely with faculty and to attend seminars concerning current problems and issues in empirical research.

Students seeking the M.S. in biostatistics degree must complete 30 credits of academic work with a minimum GPA of least 3.0; earn no more than 6 credits bearing grades less than B, and complete the degree requirements within four years. Students must also pass a qualifying examination and submit a research paper. The qualifying exam for the M.S. in biostatistics program is normally given twice each year. This coursework is distributed as follows:
  • 6 credits in core areas of public health: Students take Public Health Foundations and Principles and Methods of Epidemiology
  • 18 credits of courses required by the concentration
  • 6 credits of elective courses
  • research paper (thesis)
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