All matriculated students at the
Rutgers School of Public Health must maintain continuous matriculation from the time of
admission until the completion of all degree requirements. Typically, this is achieved by enrolling in courses
in the fall and spring semesters. (Summer semesters are not required for campus-based programs.) Students who do not register for courses must register for Maintaining
Matriculation or a Leave of Absence (which includes student scholar). For more information about a leave of absence,
please see the Leave of Absence policy.
Maintaining matriculation
reserves a student's place in the degree program as
a continuing student;
ensures that the student will continue to receive
registration materials and any other mailings to enrolled students;
allows access to university facilities and services,
such as the library and health services; and
enables application for student health insurance, if
for Maintaining Matriculation
register for maintaining matriculation a student should submit a Request for Maintaining Matriculation form to their adviser for approval. This maintaining matriculation status requires the
payment of a $35 fee for each semester this type
of status is used.
Please visit the School of Public Health's Academic Policies and Procedures webpage for eligibility requirements and more detailed information about this policy.