Members of the Faculty
Ayana April-Sanders, RBHS Instructor of Epidemiology; PhD, MPH, Columbia Mailman School of Public Health
Health Inequities; Cardiovascular and Cardiometabolic Disease in Minority and Immigrant Populations
Emily Barrett, Professor of Epidemiology; Ph.D., M.A., Harvard
Perinatal, Reproductive Environmental Epidemiology
Greta Bushnell, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology; PhD, MSPH, UNC Gillings School of Public Health (Chapel Hill)
Pharmacoepidemiology; Psychotropics, Mental Health; Substance Use Disorders; Pediatrics; Adolescents; Health Services Research
Ellen Francis, Assistant Professor Epidemiology; PhD, Clemson
Perinatal Epidemiology; Lifecourse Frameworks; Pregnancy Risk-Stratification; Gestational Diabetes; Metabolomics; Precision Medicine
Judith Graber, Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Concentration Director of Epidemiology; Ph.D., Illinois
Environmental and occupational epidemiology
Perry Halkitis, Dean, Hunterdon Professor of Public Health & Health Equity; Distinguished Professor of Biostatistics; Ph.D., M.P.H., CUNY
Infectious Diseases Epidemiology; HIV; Applied Statistics; Public Health Psychology; Substance Use and Dependence; Mental Health; Health Behavior; Behavioral Medicine; LGBTQ
Elizabeth Handorf, Associate Professor of Biostatistics; PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Observational Studies; Cost-Effectiveness Analysis; Biostatistics for Cancer Research
Ubydul Haque, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology; PhD, Nagasaki University (Japan);
Infectious Diseases; Climate Change; Global Public Health
Liangyuan Hu, Associate Professor of Biostatistics; PhD, Brown
Causal Inference; Missing Data; Machine Learning
Farzin Khosrow-Khavar; RBHS Instructor of Epidemiology; PhD, McGill University (Canada)
Pharmacoepidemiollogy; Health Disparities; Health Services Research
Kinney, Professor of Epidemiology; Director, Center of Cancer Health
Disparities and Associate Director, Cancer Health Equity and Engagement
at Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey; Ph.D., Texas; M.S.N.,
Cancer prevention and public health; cancer epidemiology
Gwenyth Lee, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology; PhD, MHS, Johns Hopkins
Global Health; Enteric Health; Global Nutrition; Child Health
Yong Lin, Professor of Biostatistics; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
Mixture hypotheses and models; cancer phase-I/II clinical trial designs; bootstrap and statistical computing
Hao Liu, Professor of Biostatistics; PhD, Washington (Seattle)
Clinical Trial Design and Analysis; Precision Oncology; Statistical Deep Learning of Real-Word Patient Data; Survival Analysis; Statistical Methods for Cancer Research
Shou-En Lu, Associate Professor of Biostatistics; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins
Cohort case-control design and analysis; clustered failure time data; multivariate failure time data
Lan Luo, Assistant Professor of Biostatistics; PhD, Michigan
Streaming Data; Online Statistical Inference; Mobile Health; Epigenetic Clocks
Michelle Bover Manderski, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology; PhD, M.P.H., Rutgers School of Public Health
Survey Methodology; Measurement of Risk Behaviors; Tobacco Control; Epidemiology Methods; Cancer Epidemiology
Dirk Moore, Associate Professor of Biostatistics; Ph.D., Washington (Seattle)
Correlated binary and count data; statistical methods in genetics and epidemiology
Passannante, Professor of
Epidemiology and
Senior Associate Dean for Program Development and Global Programs
; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins
Survey Research Methods; Epidemiology Education; Online Course Development; Global Educational Programs
Henry F. Raymond, Associate Professor of Epidemiology; Dr.P.H., California (Berkeley); M.P.H., San Jose State
Sampling Hard to Reach Populations; LGBTQ; HIV; STD's
Zorimar Rivera-Nunez, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology; PhD, Michigan
Environmental Epidemiology; Biomarkers; Measurement Error; Endocrine Disruptors; Pregnancy, Placenta, Drinking Water Contaminants; Big Data
Jason Roy, Chair, Professor, and Director of Rutgers University Biostatistics and Epidemiology Services (RUBIES); Ph.D., Michigan
Causal inference; Bayesian nonparametrics; digital health
Jaya Satagopan, Ph.D., Professor of Biostatistics and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Gene-environment interactions; case-control design; selective sampling designs; bayesian methods; ensemble learning methods
Stephanie Shiau, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology; Ph.D., M.P.H., Columbia Mailman School of Public Health
infectious disease; epigenetics; lifecourse epidemiology; perinatal
epidemiology; pediatric epidemiology; maternal and child health
Pamela Ohman Strickland, Associate Professor of Biostatistics; Ph.D., M.S., Cornell
Analysis with small samples; categorical data; random effect models; clustered failure time data
Stroup, Professor of Epidemiology, Director of Cancer
Epidemiology Services, and New Jersey State Cancer Registry at Rutgers
Cancer Institute of New Jersey; Ph.D., Utah (Salt Lake City)
Cancer Surveillance Research, Disparities in Cancer Risk and Survival; Long-Term Survival; Quality of Life and Late Effects Life Course Approach and Geographic Disparities in Cancer Risk and Outcomes
Elizabeth Suarez, RBHS Instructor of Epidemiology; PhD, UNC (Chapel Hill); MPH, Boston
Pharmacoepidemology; Perinatal Epidemiology; Birth defects; Pregnancy, Mental Health; Substance Use Disorders