RESH 0600
MS in Biostatistics Research (0)
Students will prepare a paper to fulfill the research requirement of the M.S. in Biostatistics degree program.
Required for M.S. in Biostatistics degree candidates.
RESH 0621
MS in Epidemiology Research
Students complete a substantial research project to fulfill
the research requirement of the M.S. in epidemiology degree program.
Required for M.S. in Epidemiology degree candidates. Prerequisite: RESH 0620.
RESH 0701
Doctoral Colloquium I (0)
The purpose of this course is to
familiarize students with the major streams of research on pressing topics in public health, to
prepare students to complete the PhD program, and to help students write a high-quality
literature review that may be appropriate for a dissertation or thesis proposal.
Required for Ph.D. in Public Health students (in Year 1).
RESH 0702
Doctoral Colloquium II (0)
The purpose of this course is to help students identify potential funding sources for their program, understand the basic structures
and framework of grant proposals (e.g., NIH, NSF, RWJF, Industry Grants, AHRQ) and learn grant writing tips from successful grantees.
Prerequisites: RESH 0701. Required for Ph.D. in Public Health students (in Year 2).
RESH 0730
Ph.D. Seminar (0)
This is seminar course focuses on topics related to various
elements of the Ph.D. in Public Health program. Specific topics and sessions will focus on
building professional development skills, including self-assessments, peer-reviewed
publications, academic job searches, external funding, diversity and inclusion practices, self-
promotion strategies, and networking.
Required for Ph.D. in Public Health students (every fall and spring term).
RESH 0760
Doctoral Research (1-24)
Students conduct their dissertation, prepare a paper, and defend their dissertation to fulfill the research requirement of the Ph.D. in Public Health degree program.
Prerequisite: Successfully passing the Ph.D. in Public Health qualifying examination.
Twenty to twenty-four (24) credits are required, depending on year of matriculation.
RESH 0761
Doctoral Research: Dissertation Proposal Seminar (3)
This proposal seminar course facilitates the development of doctoral students's dissertation research ideas. This course provides doctoral students with a learning context taught in the form of a workshop to
develop the dissertation proposal, including the delineation of the dissertation format, rationale, significance
and aims, the conceptual framework guiding the work, and the methodological approaches to be utilized in the
dissertation proposal.
Required for Ph.D. in Public Health students (in Year 2).
Ethical Scientific Conduct (1)
This course discusses the definitions and ethical problems caused by fabrication of data, falsification of results, plagiarism, and other behaviors inconsistent with ethical scientific conduct. The course complies with NIH guidelines for RCR training. Ph.D. in Public Health students in their fifth year must take a refresher training course (16:115:558).
Required for Ph.D. in Public Health students (in Year 1). This course is offered through the Rutgers School of Graduate Studies.