Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) Curriculum (45 credits) in Environmental Health Sciences
Dr. Howard Kipen, M.D., M.P.H.
For more information on the Concentration of Environmental Health Sciences,
please visit:
At the School of Public Health in New Brunswick.
The M.P.H. in environmental health sciences (starting spring 2018)
students with a clear understanding of the roles
of the core disciplines in public health with sufficient knowledge of
the theory and terminology used by these disciplines to allow effective
participation in interdisciplinary public health efforts, and
specialized skills in at least one public health discipline.
The concentration offers both a broad and a focused
educational experience. From the core survey course to the specialized
courses on air pollution and occupational health, there are extensive
opportunities for both the specialist and the general student to master
the complex body of knowledge that underlies environmental and
occupational health.
The concentration continues to provide
master's-level students with a solid foundation for expanding
professional skills, for career advancement, and for pursuing
doctoral-level training.
The existing courses cover most of the prominent
topical areas of occupational and environmental health. In a number of
cases, there are sequences of related courses to assure that students
develop some depth of knowledge in selected areas, while not sacrificing
a generalist's approach to most of the knowledge in their field.