M.P.H. Competencies - Department of Dental Public Health
Each department identifies competencies for each degree
offered. These competencies reflect the full range of knowledge, skills, and
other attributes that a student will acquire as a result of completing the
requirements for a particular degree.
Upon graduation, a student completing the M.P.H.
curriculum in dental public health will be able to:
plan the development of program planning for oral health programs;
select the interventions and strategies for primary prevention and oral health promotion;
develop, implement, and manage resource allocations for oral health programs for the target populations;
evaluate process, outcome, and impact theories of
the dental care delivery systems;
- design, implement, and evaluate a surveillance systems;
advocate the implementation and evaluation of health policy, legislation, and regulations to protect and promote the public's
oral health;
critically analyze and synthesize the scientific
describe the epidemiology of oral diseases, syndromes, and target disorders;
design and utilize a surveillance systems to monitor oral health;
apply clinical decision analysis for the
diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and prognosis of oral diseases;
perform program planning and resource allocation for oral health programs; and
design and conduct population-based studies to answer oral and public health questions.