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Physician Assistant Studies and Practice
Physician Assistant, M.S., M.S./M.P.H.
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  School of Health Professions 2023-2025 Physician Assistant Studies and Practice Physician Assistant, M.S., M.S./M.P.H. Program Learning Goals and Outcomes  

Program Learning Goals and Outcomes

Provide broad-based, high-quality education to graduate PAs who are well-prepared to work in a variety of settings.

The intense curriculum includes 114 credits across three years, with a full year of clinically-focused basic science preparation. Clinical rotations are offered in nine disciplines: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine, Psychiatry, Ambulatory/Family Medicine, and a Medical Sub-specialty. In addition, students choose two electives.
Graduates of the Program work in all types of settings, including inpatient units, emergency departments, rural health clinics, federally qualified health centers, community health centers, freestanding surgical centers, solo physician practices, single specialty physician practices, and multi-specialty physician practices.

Goal #1: Graduates of the program will successfully pass the PANCE with a first-time pass rate and ultimate pass rate above the national mean.

Outcome: The Class of 2023 achieved a first-time pass rate of 90% and an ultimate pass rate of 98%. The National Exam rates for 2023 include a first-time pass rate of 92% and an ultimate pass rate of 95%.  

Foster humanistic care with an emphasis on beneficence.
The Program includes a threaded humanities curriculum, including opportunities for self-reflection. Students evaluate clinical sites on their ability to develop skills in providing humanistic care.

Goal #2: Greater than 90% of clinical sites surveyed by students will provide them with the opportunity to develop their skills in delivering humanistic care.

Outcome: 95% percent of clinical sites were evaluated by the Class of 2022 as either Strongly Agree or Agree with the statement: The clerkship provided me with an opportunity to develop my skills in providing humanistic patient care.

Promote a culture of diversity.
The student body includes diverse individuals from across the country representing various ethnic and racial groups. The Program consistently continues to focus recruitment efforts on identifying applicants from underrepresented groups.

Goal #3: The percentage of students of color will exceed the national mean for each cohort as reported by PAEA.1
  1. Physician Assistant Education Association, By the Numbers: Student Report 4: Data from the 2019 Matriculating Student and End of Program Surveys, Washington, DC: PAEA; 2020. doi: 10.17538/SR2020.0004
Outcome: The percentage of students of color for the past five cohorts is listed below and compared to the national mean:
  • Class of 2022: 42%; National Mean: 17.1%
  • Class of 2023: 39%; National Mean: data 23.1%
  • Class of 2024: 44%; National Mean: data not yet available
  • Class of 2025: 56%; National Mean: data not yet available
  • Class of 2026: 52%; National Mean: data not yet available
Foster the value of service to the community and the profession
Students are required to participate in a wide range of community service activities, and many surpass the minimum requirements. Program faculty demonstrate the importance of community service and to the profession in various capacities on the local, state, and national levels.

Goal #4: Students will have completed at least 35 hours of community service by program completion.

Outcome: The Class of 2023 completed over 1600 hours of community service, ranging from 35 to 60 hours and a mean of 40 hours
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