must complete at least 30 credits to earn a master of arts degree
(M.A.) from the School of Criminal Justice. Students must complete at
least 15 required credits. Students will have 15 credits of electives to
create a concentration. Master's
students have the option to take a 3-credit fieldwork course
(internship) after completing 9 credits of required courses. All
students must enroll in the Master's Project Seminar class in the last
semester of the program. This course is the capstone class for the M.A.
program. Students will complete a comprehensive research paper as a
requirement for the seminar.
Required Courses (Credits)
27:202:525 Justice, Law, and Policy (3)
27:202:528 Problem Analysis (3)
27:202:529 Planning and Evaluation (3)
27:202:541 Foundations of Scholarship (3)
27:202:553* Master's Project Seminar (3)
Elective Courses (15)
Total Credits = 30
Students entering the program without a criminal justice or related
undergraduate degree should enroll in Theories of Crime and Criminality
27:202:511 within the first two semesters of the program.