The Department of Journalism and Media Studies is concerned with both the practice of journalism and mass media and the impact of media and new technology on society; public policy and understanding; and the planning and development of public information systems. The department has its own facilities for television, radio, and online production and newswriting. The full-time faculty combine both practical and research experience in journalism and mass media studies. In addition, the department draws upon a number of mass-media practitioners as visiting part-time faculty.
The department offers an undergraduate major leading to the bachelor of arts degree, a specialization within the master of communication and information studies program, and participates in the school's doctoral program with a specialization in media studies.
Faculty research examines a broad range of questions and problems in journalism, media, and society, and draws upon a breadth of research traditions and approaches. Topics of study include: the role of increasingly global media in democracy; the intersection of popular culture and the media; the impact of new and emerging technologies on media and society as well as historical perspectives on media; and ethical and professional issues framing and affecting journalism, media, and society.