For library and information professionals wishing to earn a
certificate acknowledging a planned sequence of study beyond the
master's degree, a sixth-year specialist program is available.
Individual programs of study are tailored to the career objective of
the student and can be interdisciplinary in nature.
program requires the completion of a minimum of 24 graduate credits
beyond the master of library and information science (M.L.I.S.) degree within a period of three years. Some
courses may be taken in related disciplines while others will be
advanced courses in the library and information science curriculum that
include one or more doctoral seminars and a major independent study
project culminating in an essay, thesis, survey, film, public lecture,
or other appropriate evidence of achievement.
Criteria for admission are:
1. The applicant's academic record should show at least a
B average and distinction in the proposed area for advanced study
2. An M.L.I.S. degree or comparable degree from an accredited library education program
3. A minimum of two years of successful experience in a library or
media center following award of the first professional degree
4. A description of the applicant's area of interest, career plan, and proposed independent study project
5. Two letters of recommendation
Upon satisfactory completion of the program, a certificate noting the area of specialization is issued.