Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
School of Communication, Information and Library Studies
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  School of Communication, Information and Library Science 2003-2005 Ph.D. Program in Communication, Information, and Library Studies Faculty  


Members of the Graduate Faculty

James D. Anderson, Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; D.L.S., Columbia Textual database design and evaluation

Jerome Aumente, Professor Emeritus of Journalism and Media Studies, SCILS; M.S., Columbia Communication and information technology

Nicholas J. Belkin, Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; Ph.D., London Information science and technology

Ralph Blasingame, Professor Emeritus of Library and Information Science, SCILS; D.L.S., Columbia Management

Lisa Covi, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS, Ph.D., California Social informatics, computer-supported cooperative work, digital libraries

Gustav W. Friedrich, Professor of Communication and Dean, SCILS; Ph.D., Kansas Communication theory; instructional communication; applied communication

Mark G. Frank, Associate Professor of Communication, SCILS; Ph.D., Cornell Expression of emotion and interpersonal deception

Kathryn Greene, Associate Professor of Communication, SCILS; Ph.D., Georgia Health message design targeting adolescent risk-taking and disclosure of health issues

Paul B. Kantor, Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; Ph.D., Princeton Information and decision systems: information economics; evaluation; interfaces

James E. Katz, Professor of Communication, SCILS; Ph.D., Rutgers Societal and policy implications of telecommunications and new communication technologies

Montague Kern, Associate Professor of Journalism and Media Studies, SCILS; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Mass media and public policy; political communication

Robert W. Kubey, Associate Professor of Journalism and Media Studies, SCILS; Ph.D., Chicago Mass communication theory and effects

Carol C. Kuhlthau,  Associate Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; Ed.D., Rutgers Educational media; information processes

Linda C. Lederrman, Professor of Communication, SCILS; Ph.D.. Rutgers Communication processes; communication education

Jennifer S. Mandelbaum, Associate Professor of Communication, SCILS; Ph.D., Texas (Austin) Interpersonal communication; conversation analysis 

Hartmut B. Mokros, Associate Professor of Communication, SClLS; Ph.D., Chicago Interpersonal communication; cognition and communication; research methods

Susan E. Morgan, Assistant Professor of Communication, SCILS, Ph.D., Arizona Health communication campaigns, interpersonal and intercultural communication

Daniel O'Connor, Associate Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; Ph.D., Syracuse Research methods; library science

John V. Pavlik, Professor of Journalism and Media Studies, SCILS, Ph.D., Minnesota Journalism technology and new media technologies; Spanish-language media; journalism and media ethics

Ronald E. Rice, Professor of Communication, SCILS; Ph.D.,Stanford Social impacts of computer-mediated communication systems; network analysis; public communication campaigns

Brent D. Ruben, Professor of Communication, SCILS; Ph.D., Iowa Communication theory; communication and information systems; health and medical communication

Tefko Saracevic, Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve Information science; information education, management, information seeking and retrieving

William S. Solomon, Associate Professor of Journalism and Media Studies, SCILS; Ph.D., California (Berkeley) Sociology of mass media; historical sociology; labor studies

Linda C. Steiner, Associate Professor of Journalism and Media Studies, SCILS; Ph.D.. Illinois (Urbana) Feminist theorizing; communication ethics; feminist and alternative media

Lea P. Stewart, Professor of Communication, SCILS; Ph.D., Purdue Organizational communication; communication and gender; communication ethics

Maureen Taylor, Assistant Professor of Communication, SCILS; Ph.D., Purdue Public relations; international communication and development communication 

Ross J. Todd, Associate Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS Human information behavior, school librarianship, knowledge management

Betty J. Turock, Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; Ph.D., Rutgers Management, information services

Kay E. Vandergrift, Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; Ed.D., Columbia Library services for children and young adults; educational media services

Jana Varlejs, Associate Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; Ph.D., Wisconsin Continuing professional education; library education

Christopher Vaughan, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Media Studies, SCILS; Ph.D., California (Berkeley) International communication and history; popular culture; alternative media

Silvio Waisbord, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Media Studies, SCILS; Ph.D., California (San Diego) International communication, broadcasting and journalism, Latin American media and culture

Mark Winston, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; Ph.D., Pittsburgh Management, information services

Xiangmin Zhang, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; Ph.D., Toronto Interactive information retrieval; human-computer interaction

Associate Members of the Graduate Faculty

Mark A. Aakhus, Assistant Professor of Communication, SCILS; Ph.D., Arizona Organizational communication; decision-making and disputing processes; new communication technology

Jack Z. Bratich, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Media Studies, SCILS; University of Illinois (Urbana) Popular culture; social and political theory; media and democracy; technology and society

Ulla Bunz, Assistant Professor of Communication, SCILS; Ph.D., Kansas Uses and effects of communication technologies; online interaction; organizational communication

Stacy L. Connaughton, Assistant Professor of Communication, SCILS; Ph.D., Texas (Austin) Organizational communication, leadership, organizational identity, and virtual teams

Nelson L. Chou, Librarian II, Head, East Asian Library; Ph.D., Chicago Library and information science

Marija Dalbello, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; Ph.D., Toronto Print and digital literacy, orality, print culture, textual communities, social memory

Marya L. Doerfel, Assistant Professor of Communication, SCILS; Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo) Organizational communication; organizational culture; network analysis; semantic network analysis

Jane Hannigan, Professor Emerita, D.L.S., Columbia Librarianship, youth literature and youth services, technology distance education

Claire McInerney, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; Ph.D., SUNY (Albany) Knowledge management, information ethics, virtual organizations

Gheorge Muresan, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; Ph.D., Robert Gordon (UK) Information retrieval

Jon Oliver, Assistant Dean for Network and Information Technology, SCILS; M.S., Rutgers Information retrieval and dissemination in distance education

Barbara S. Reed, Associate Professor of Journalism and Media Studies, SCILS; Ph.D., Ohio History and contemporary studies of ethnic press and magazines

Doug Riecken, IBM TJ Watson Laboratories; Ph.D., Rutgers Human-computer interaction, information personalization, intelligent user inter- faces and agents

L.J. Shrum, Associate Professor of Marketing, Rutgers Business School-New Brunswick; Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana) Cognitive processes underlying media effects

Jeffrey K. Smith, Professor of Educational Statistics and Measurement, GSE; Ph.D., Chicago Statistics and measurement

Anselm Spoerri, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; Ph.D., MIT Information visualization; information appliances

Nina Wacholder, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science, SCILS; Ph.D., CUNY Computational linguistics, automatic indexing, information retrieval

Itzhak Yanovitzky, Assistant Professor of Communication, SCILS; Ph.D., Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) Theoretical and research design foundations, health communication, social influence, research methods

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