*17:610:520Organizing Information (3) Introduction to the options and methods for describing and organizing messages, texts and documents of all types (audio, visual, linguistic, graphic, multimedia) for retrieval. Classification; indexing languages, vocabulary management, and thesauri systems; human and machine techniques; and rationales for decisions about the organization of materials in various contexts. Students apply theory by designing and evaluating an information retrieval (IR) database. |
**17:610:521Knowledge Representation for Information Retrieval (3) Detailed examination of options for knowledge representation in the design of message, text, and document databases and information retrieval (IR) systems; principles of indexing, abstracting, and domain analysis; human and machine methods; syntax and vocabulary management; display and interface options. Prerequisite: 17:610:520. |
**17:610:522Cataloging and Classification (3) Focus on methods used in libraries for describing and organizing information resources of all types. Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, Library of Congress Subject Headings, Dewey Decimal and Library of Congress Classifications are studied and their application practiced. The impact of these nineteenth century systems on today`s online public access catalogs is explored. |
**17:610:523Classification for Information Display and Discovery (3) In-depth exploration of methods of displaying information retrieval (IR) options through classification: naming concepts; selection of optimum facets and their arrangement; vocabulary management and ontologies; navigation issues; use of notation; application to Internet-based information. Some historic classifications such as the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) and the Colon Classification may be studied. Prerequisite: 17:610:520. |