Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
School of Communication, Information and Library Studies
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Master of Communication and Media Program
Master of Health Communication and Information
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Master of Information Program
Ph.D. Program in Communication, Information, and Media
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  School of Communication and Information 2021-2023 Master of Health Communication and Information Courses  

Master of Health Communication and Information Courses
17:503:504 Health Communication Campaigns (3)
This course considers the design, implementation, and evaluation of public health communication programs that aim to influence the health-related behaviors of individuals, groups, and communities. The first part of the course reviews the theoretical foundations of public health communication campaigns, including key theories of health behavior change and communication theories that augment them. The second part introduces students to key planning and design considerations of successful public health communication campaigns. The third and final part of the course engages students with the versatile communication strategies and skills that health communication professionals employ routinely to influence people's health-related decisions and behaviors.

By blending theory and practice, this course (a) provides a starting point for developing knowledge of health campaigns, (b) encourages thoughtful criticism of past campaigns based on solid theoretical ideas, and (c) equips students with creative problem-solving skills that can be applied to the design of actual campaigns. Through a series of individual and group assignments, students have an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they acquire in this class to the formulation, design, and evaluation of a communication campaign addressing a health problem of their choice.
17:503:558 Topics: Heath Communication I: Mediated Health Communication (3) Focuses on how mediated communication is transforming health/medical practice and affecting health policy processes. Topics range from the way mediated communication sources affect the search for the acquisition of health information to the way these technologies are used to affect the behavior of individuals, groups, and entire populations.
17:503:559 Topics: Heath Communication II: Interpersonal & Relational Facets of Health Communication (3) This course overviews major themes of interpersonal health communication including issues such as physician-patient communication, relationships for individuals with health issues, and the relationship of communication to physical and mental health outcomes.
17:503:560 Topics: Heath Communication III: Health Communication (3) This class is designed to give an overview of the major fields of study in the area of health communication. This includes the areas of health communication campaigns, multicultural health communication, physician-patient communication, and communication among health professionals. The ultimate goal of health communication is to increase health and satisfaction by encouraging healthier behaviors, medical compliance, and more efficient communication of medical information.
17:503:561 Topics: Participatory Community Engaged Research Methods and Ethics (3) This course teaches a new paradigm for research and science according to which equal partnerships between academic researchers and community members are encouraged. Contemporary communities are diverse and interconnected and to impact positive social change and improve individual and community well-being, scholars, researchers and advocates must understand critical theories of community engagement along with the various models of engagement that have been adopted, from citizen science to community-based participatory research (CBPR). Additionally, community-engaged research comes with practical and ethical challenges.
17:503:562 Topics: Health Communication Research (3) This course introduces students to a set of social science research methods that are used in the healthcare discipline and in workplace and organizational contexts. At the end of this course, students should have a basic understanding of several general research methods used by scholars and have gained an appreciation for the ethical considerations in conducting human subjects research. Students will gain knowledge and practice of collection methods such as questionnaires, experiments, structured interviews, focus groups, structured observations, and content analysis.
17:610:545 Health Sciences Information (3) Bibliographic structures and resources used to provide collections and services in medical, dental, pharmaceutical, nursing, and other health fields. Emphasis on audiovisual materials, electronic searching, and networks in medical and dental schools, hospitals, and special libraries.
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