Center for Communication and Health Issues
The Center for Communication and Health Issues (CHI) was founded on the belief that communication is an
integral part of the relationally based nature of health issues.
The mission is: to explore communication in health decision making as it affects communities, especially college students and youth; and to design, implement, and evaluate campus and community-based education, intervention, and prevention programs and policies. CHI is a consortium of university faculty, health educators,
counselors, residence life staff, enforcement personnel, graduate, and
undergraduate students who are leaders in creating an understanding of
the role of communication and health issues in the college learning
experience through research, education, prevention, program
development, and evaluation.
Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries
The Center for International Scholarship (CISSL) is dedicated to research, scholarship, education, and consultancy for school library professionals. It focuses on how learning in an information age school is enabled and demonstrated by school library programs, and how inquiry-based learning and teaching processes can contribute to educational success and workplace readiness for learners.
Center for Organizational Development and Leadership
The Center for Organizational Development and Leadership (ODL) provides
programs and consulting in organizational development, leadership advancement, and professional education for faculty, staff, and
academic, administrative, and health sciences leaders to enhance
individual and organizational effectiveness.
Collaborative for Knowledge, Innovation, and Design
The Collaborative for Knowledge, Innovation, and Design (C-KInD) is dedicated to creating a culture of innovation for communication, information, and media with scholars and practitioners. Central to the fields of media, information, and communication are the activities of design--creating, inventing, intervening, and transforming the given into something preferred. This happens when people create, for example, a news story, a health campaign, or a database. The artifacts people create and the way they create them are sources of knowledge. C-KinD embraces and experiments with Design as a Way of Knowing via a series of seminars, design events, and competitions. Each year, activities will address a core social issue such as health and wellness, urban growth, or global warming.
Collaboratory for Organizing and Social Media (COSM)
COSM is an interdisciplinary team of researchers investigating the use of
social media and other new communication technologies in a variety of
organizational contexts; exploring
the implementation, adoption, and use of a wide array of technologies
including social network sites, forums, blogs, wikis, enterprise social
media, and more. COSM researchers study how these technologies enable processes of
organizing and relationship formation in teams, communities, networks,
and organizations and seek to provide insight into important social
processes such as knowledge sharing, control, collaboration, innovation,
conflict, social support, and trust.
InfoSeeking Lab
The InfoSeeking Lab includes faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates who focus on information seeking/retrieval behavior; promote research and engage in sharing and discussing research ideas; and explore collaborative research opportunities. Research projects relating to information
seeking/retrieval/behavior and social media have related to collaborative information seeking, social Q&A,
human-computer interaction (HCI), search strategies, and browsing
behaviors. These projects have been supported with more than a million dollars to date from federal agencies such
as National Science Foundation, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the Smithsonian Institution, as well as private
organizations such as OCLC, Amazon, Google, and Yahoo!
NetSCI Lab
The NetSCI lab is dedicated to producing cutting-edge networks research,
advancing theories of social networks, methods for network analysis,
and the practical application of networks research. Researchers in the
lab are focused on the study of organizations and communities across
multiple levels of interaction, connecting theory to practice, and
informing the design of networks in everyday life.
Rutgers University Conversation Analysis Lab (RUCAL)
The Conversation Analysis Lab brings together scholars with an interest in understanding the
workings of social interaction across a wide variety of social settings
and contexts. RUCAL faculty and students examine everyday communicative
activities as they are captured in field recordings of naturally
occurring interactions and study talk-in-interaction (in English,
Russian, Spanish, Mandarin, and other languages) among friends and
family members as well as in institutional settings, such as interactions between medical providers and their patients and family members; calls to emergency service hotlines, telephone counseling helplines, and customer service lines; interactions between social service providers and their clients; and talk at a variety of businesses and organizations.
SALTS Lab - Laboratory for the Study of Applied Language Technology and Society
SALTS, the Laboratory for the Study of Applied Language Technology and Society at the School of Communication and Information brings together researchers interested in developing and/or using next-generation natural language processing technology that supports communication across cultural and social boundaries in areas such as digital libraries, education, public health, humanities, linguistics, and communication.