The curriculum information below is for the full-time M.B.A. program.
and credit requirements have changed under the current 49-credit part-time M.B.A.
program for students enrolled fall 2018 and thereafter. Please visit for a full breakdown of adjusted curriculum and concentration requirements for the 49-credit part-time M.B.A. program.
concentration is comprised of four courses (12-14 credits).
Required Course
22:620:654 Managing Growing Ventures (3)
Specialized Courses
22:620:624 Opportunity Identification and Evaluation (3)
22:620:685/686 Collaborative for Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization (4)
Business Models to Launch (4)
Elective courses inside Management and Global Business
22:620:612 Creativity in Business Decision-Making (3)
22:620:601 Management of Innovation and Technology (3)
22:620:617 Negotiations (3)
Social Entrepreneurship (3)
22:620:680 Mergers, Acquisitions, and Alliances
22:620:672 Urban Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (3)*
22:553:671,674,679 Doing Business in ____ (global experience courses) (China, Russia, India, South Africa)
*Note: Urban
Entrepreneurship and Economic Development can fulfill the integrative course requirement within the M.B.A. curriculum. If a student uses it to
fulfill the integrative course requirement, it cannot be used toward the entrepreneurship concentration. Double-counting is not permitted.
Courses outside
Management and Global Business
that can count as electives
22:390:674 Evaluating Business Ventures (3)
22:390:689 Venture Capital (3)
22:390:612 Entrepreneurial Finance (3)
22:630:602 New Product Innovation (3)
Suggested Sequence
Option 1: For students interested in New Venture Creation and Evaluation
Managing Growing Ventures
Opportunity Identification
Business Model to Launch
Plus one elective
Option 2: For students interested in Technology Commercialization (in
collaboration with the SOE and Sciences)
Managing Growing Ventures
Business Model to Launch
Plus one elective
Option 3: For students interested more generally in Innovation and
Managing Growing Ventures
Plus three electives
See the Course Lists and Descriptions section of this catalog.