The Business of Sustainability minor requirements are:
29:010:203 Financial Accounting (3)
29:620:301 Introduction to Management (3)
29:630:301 Introduction to Marketing (3)
29:390:203 Introduction to Finance (3) or 29:390:329 Finance (3)*
29:799:440 Supply Chain Environmental Management/Green Purchasing (3)**
Plus at least one of the following courses:
29:522:334 Ethics in Business (3)
29:382:302 Introduction to Entrepreneurship (3)
29:382:310 Social Entrepreneurship (3)
29:382:342 Urban Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (3)
Not required, but suggested courses to round out the experience:
29:220:101 Introduction to Microeconomics (3)
21:220:102 Introduction to Macroeconomics (3)
*The prerequisites for Finance are Financial Accounting
(29:010:203), Managerial Accounting (29:010:204), Statistics (21:220:203
OR 21:640:211), and Applied Calculus (21:640:119).
**Financial Accounting, Introduction to Management, Introduction
to Marketing, and Introduction to Finance/Finance ALL must be taken
before Supply Chain Environmental Management/Green Purchasing.