The real estate preliminary core
requirements are:
21:220:101 Introduction to Economics, Micro (3)
21:220:203 Statistics or 21:640:211 Statistics I (3)
29:390:203 Introduction to Finance or
29:390:329 Finance (3)
21:220:439 Financial Economics (3)
The real estate core requirements are:
29:390:480 Real Estate Finance (3)
29:390:450 Real Estate Law (3)
Plus at least one of the following courses as an elective (3 credits):
29:851:430 Market Analysis and Valuation in Real Estate (3)
29:851:432 Development (3)
29:851:460 Property Management and Real Estate Investment Management
29:390:476 Real Estate Capital Markets (3)
21:220:353 Urban and Regional Economics (3)