Starting and closing dates for each semester, scheduled holidays, and other important scheduling information may be found in the academic calendar.
Attendance at all regularly scheduled meetings of a course is expected. A student is permitted to make up any regular part of a course, including required exercises and final examinations, when the reasons for absences are authenticated by the associate dean of student affairs. The recognized grounds for absences are illness requiring medical attention, curricular or extracurricular activities approved by the faculty, personal obligations claimed by the student and recognized as valid, recognized religious holidays, and severe inclement weather causing dangerous traveling conditions.
The president of the university or an official appointed by the president is authorized to cancel classes at the university, or any part thereof, in the event that weather conditions so dictate.
Regularly scheduled examinations generally are announced at the beginning of the semester. Unannounced examinations may be given at irregular intervals at the discretion of the instructor.
Final examinations are held at the close of each semester. A student who misses a final examination for a valid reason may ask the instructor for a deferred examination. If the student is denied permission to take a deferred examination, this decision may be appealed to the course leader, and finally, to the associate dean of student affairs.
Deferred examinations from the fall semester must be taken within two weeks before the beginning of the spring semester. Deferred examinations from the spring semester must be taken within two weeks after the close of the spring semester. In case of extreme hardship, the time may be extended for a strictly limited period with written permission of the associate dean of student affairs.