Scholarships specifically for new first-year and transfer students
are awarded by the Office of University Undergraduate Admissions and
the Office of Financial Aid in consultation with the dean of the
college and specific committees, as appropriate. Application for
admission also serves as an application for these scholarships. For
more information, contact the Rutgers-Newark Office of Undergraduate Admissions (973-353-5205).
The following list constitutes scholarships limited to students enrolled in University College-Newark (UC-N) and provides very brief eligibility criteria for these scholarships. Unlike those mentioned in the previous paragraph, consideration for these scholarships is not limited to students recently admitted; currently matriculating students are also eligible. Selection for these scholarships is typically made directly by academic departments based solely upon student achievement within relevant programs. Contact information is listed below for the cases in which scholarships are awarded on the basis of a formal application process.
Una and Ray Brienza Scholarship. Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student based on academic merit
and financial need. Preference given to students from Essex
John De Pol Scholarship. Established in memory of John De Pol, a highly regarded artist who
worked with illustrations and engravings, to provide financial
assistance to students enrolled in the Newark College of Arts and
Sciences (NCAS) or University College-Newark, who are either majoring in or
show strong promise in the fine arts.
Stuart and Pamela Faber Memorial Scholarship. Renewable award to a full-time student who demonstrates academic
promise and financial need, preferably from Newark or the surrounding
Todd M. Galante, Esq. Scholarship.
Awarded to a full-time NCAS or UC-N
student with a GPA of 3.0 or better, majoring in political science, history, or English with an interest in law.
Albert R. Gamper Jr. Scholarship.
Awarded to either a part-time or full-time student of senior standing.
Joyce Wilson Harley Scholarship.
Awarded to full-time undergraduate NCAS and UC-N students who have
graduated from Teaneck High School, demonstrated academic merit, and
have submitted an essay no longer than two pages typed based on
promoting and preserving literature of the African diaspora.
Scholarship Fund. Awarded to full-time students enrolled in the Rutgers-Newark Honors College, based on financial need.
Community Foundation Portuguese Studies Scholarship.
Awarded to students who are enrolled in NCAS or UC-N and are majoring
or minoring in Portuguese studies, based on academic merit and
financial need.
James and Elizabeth Millard Scholarship. Awarded
to full-time students based on academic merit and financial need,
preference given to students majoring in African American studies, and
students from the West Indies.
Professor Clement Price Award.
book award granted to a full-time undergraduate upper-class student
(not a first-year student) enrolled in NCAS or UC-N who is majoring in
African American and African studies or history who has a 3.0 GPA or
higher. Based on proven record of excellence in the study of
African American and African studies or history, excellent writing
ability, and intellectual curiosity.
Rueberta E. Rodgers Scholarship.
Awarded to a young woman who is working during the day and trying to obtain an education at night.
Schering-Plough Scholars.
to a full-time undergraduate student based on academic merit, financial
need, character, community service, and leadership.
Ingrida Soldatova Award for Women in Mathematics.
to full-time undergraduate female students enrolled at NCAS or UC-N who
are majoring in mathematics, based on academic merit.
Schaefer Family Scholarship.
to a full-time undergraduate student who has at minimum completed the
first year, based on the student's commitment to achieving an
undergraduate education and financial need.
George Schultze (UC-N 1973) Memorial Scholarship.
to part-time or full-time upper-class undergraduate students enrolled
in UC-N, based on academic merit and financial need. Preference
given to students who transferred into UC-N, are nontraditional
students, and/or are employed outside Rutgers University.
Benjamin M. Weissman Memorial Scholarship.
to a senior majoring in political science, based on academic merit in
political and social sciences and overall academic performance;
extracurricular activities taken into consideration.
University College-Newark Alumni Scholarship.
Awarded by the UC-N Alumni Association on the basis of academic merit
and financial need. Contact the University College-Newark Alumni Association
Office for details about application materials and deadlines.