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  Newark Undergraduate Catalog 2008-2010 Liberal Arts Colleges Newark College of Arts and Sciences Honors and Awards Awards and Prizes  

Awards and Prizes

In addition to being eligible for the scholarships described in this chapter, students in the Newark College of Arts and Sciences (NCAS) may compete for the following awards:

John Faulstich Alumni Association Award.  The Alumni Association of the Newark College of Arts and Sciences annually awards an outstanding senior a plaque for scholastic and extracurricular achievement. A plaque bearing the student's name is presented to the student's high school.

Kenneth Alvord Award.  Awarded to an outstanding graduating senior whose major or minor is in broadcast journalism.

American Institute of Chemists Award.  Upon recommendation of the chemistry faculty of the college, an outstanding senior chemistry major is awarded a special scroll by the American Institute of Chemists at a formal banquet.

Madison C. Bates Award.  Colleagues, former students, and members of the family of the late Madison C. Bates, professor of English at the college, established a fund that provides an annual award to the senior student majoring in English who, at the middle of senior year, has attained the highest scholastic average in the department.

Charles I. Biederman Award.  Awarded annually to a student demonstrating scholastic excellence in the field of philosophy. The recipient is selected by the faculty of the Department of Philosophy.

Biological Society Award.  Awarded annually to a senior demonstrating scholastic excellence in the biological sciences and service to society.

Lourdes Casal Memorial Award.  In honor of the memory of the late Dr. Lourdes Casal, the Department of Psychology awards a prize each year to the graduating senior selected by the faculty who best combines intellectual excellence with social commitment.

Peter Christian Award.  Awarded to a graduating senior in journalism who has a high cumulative grade-point average but who did not necessarily start out with a distinguished record.

Class of 1954 Scholarship Award.  Presented annually to the graduating student with the highest cumulative grade-point average who is not otherwise an award recipient.

Dean of Students Award.  Awarded annually by the dean of students to a senior for outstanding leadership and service.

Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key.  Awarded annually by the faculty to that student pursuing the economics-business curriculum who ranks highest in scholarship among the seniors.

David Diorio Award.  Established in memory of David Diorio, a student in NCAS, by his family, this award is given annually to a nontraditional student majoring in English.

Bessie Dolgan Memorial Award.  This award, honoring the late Bessie Dolgan, a medical technologist, is presented annually to a premedical student who has been accepted for admission to a medical school. The grant is to be devoted to the purchase of books needed for medical studies. The biology faculty names the student on the basis of scholarship and financial need.

Nancy Higginson Dorr Awards.  The awards, supported by the income from a fund given by the John Van Nostrand Dorr Trust, amount to not less than $100 each. They are given annually to the outstanding senior(s) showing the greatest promise of teaching in secondary schools. The Teacher Education Committee of the Newark College of Arts and Sciences is responsible for selecting the winner(s) in accordance with criteria developed by that committee.

Economics Department Prize.  Awarded each year to a senior majoring in economics who is selected by the members of the department for outstanding scholarship.

May Edel Memorial Award.  A fund has been established by the friends and colleagues of the late Dr. May Edel, assistant professor of anthropology in the Newark College of Arts and Sciences until her death in 1964. The interest from this fund, in the form of an annual cash prize, is awarded to the anthropology student who, in the opinion of the senior members of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, shows the most promise of distinction in anthropology.

Harold A. Fales Memorial Award.  Established by Mrs. Fales and the many friends of the late Professor Fales, who was visiting professor of chemistry at the Newark College of Arts and Sciences from 1948 through 1953; the cash award of interest from the fund is presented to a senior chemistry major at the Newark College of Arts and Sciences selected by the chemistry faculty of the college.

FAS-N Dean's Award.  Awarded annually by the dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Newark to an outstanding senior for academic excellence.

Herbert and Edith Feldman AwardPlaque and cash awarded annually to a graduating senior from either NCAS or University College-Newark who has shown, through work in the community or on campus, a commitment to fostering sensitivity to ethnic differences and leadership in the encouragement of diversity, tolerance, and cooperation.

David Robert Friedlander Memorial Award.  Interest from a fund established in memory of David Friedlander, a graduate of the Newark College of Arts and Sciences, is awarded annually to an outstanding senior graduating from the college and majoring in history or prelaw.

Inge Gambe Award.  A plaque is presented annually to the most outstanding international student in the graduating class. The award honors the late associate dean of students, who served as adviser to international students.

Sydney S. Greenfield Award.  The Department of Biological Sciences presents the award annually to its outstanding graduating senior. The selection is made by the botany faculty.

Samuel Greitzer Award.  Established by the mathematics department faculty in honor of their colleague, Samuel Greitzer, this prize is awarded to an outstanding graduating mathematics major in the Newark College of Arts and Sciences or University College-Newark.

Paul Mahlon Hamlin Award.  Established in 1958 by Madge Sills Hamlin to perpetuate the lifelong interest in scholarship of her husband, Paul Mahlon Hamlin, professor emeritus of political science. The award consists of a certificate and cash and is made in May to the graduating senior of Newark College of Arts and Sciences who has attained the highest scholastic rank as shown by Phi Beta Kappa standing.

Joannie L. Huberman Award.  Given annually in memory of Joannie Huberman, a 1979 graduate of the Newark College of Arts and Sciences, to a junior or senior anthropology major who demonstrates the particular qualities she exemplified: commitment to anthropology, academic excellence, original insight, and concern for humanistic values.

John Keosian Award.  Annual book award to a senior undergraduate of the Department of Biological Sciences who demonstrates continuing interest in basic biological problems, such as the origin and evolution of biological systems.

Joshua K. Kohn Award.  The trustees of the Joshua K. Kohn Memorial Fund have endowed a prize for essays concerning some phase of Jewish culture. The contest is open to any student.

Beth Niemi Award.  Awarded to a student for outstanding work in women's studies.

Samual Pesin Memorial Award.  This is a $100 supplementary award made to a New Jersey State Scholarship recipient at the Newark College of Arts and Sciences; the individual is designated a Samual Pesin Scholar. It is made annually to a first-year student who is a resident of Hudson County and who best exemplifies the ideals of the man whose name the award bears.

Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Association of Essex County Award.  Awarded each spring to an outstanding junior at the Newark College of Arts and Sciences. The winner is selected by the Newark section of the Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa of New Jersey.

Charles Pine Award.  Awarded to an NCAS graduating senior who is going on to graduate studies and has demonstrated outstanding scholastic excellence in the areas of physical science and mathematics.

Political Science Department Prize.  A book prize awarded each year to the senior majoring in political science at the Newark College of Arts and Sciences who, in the opinion of the members of the department, has made the most meritorious record in that subject.

Richard C. Robey Memorial Award.  Awarded to a graduating senior for excellence in an area of study that reflects the scholarly interests of the late Richard C. Robey, dean of the college and professor of American studies.

Yolande Rubianes Award.  A plaque is awarded annually to the graduating senior who, in overcoming adversity, has achieved distinction as a student.

Jay Rumney Memorial Award.  A fund has been established by Rebecca Rumney as a memorial to her husband, Jay Rumney, formerly professor of sociology in the University of Newark and Newark College of Arts and Sciences until his death in 1957. The interest from this fund is used for an annual book prize to the sociology student who, in the opinion of the senior members of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, has made the best record in the field of sociology.

Charles Sabat Awards in Chemistry.  Two cash prizes of $250 each are awarded to two senior chemistry majors who are judged by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Newark chemistry faculty to show great promise in the fields of organic chemistry and/or biochemistry, and in the field of physical chemistry.

Scholar-Athlete Award .   Awarded annually to the graduating varsity athlete (male or female) with the most outstanding record of academic achievement.

Heinz Seelbach Award.  Awarded to a graduating senior with the highest grade-point average in political science.

Keschav C. Sondhi Memorial Award.  An annual book prize in memory of Professor Sondhi, awarded by his colleagues in the Department of Biological Sciences to an advanced graduating student of the department selected for promise as an investigator in a branch of the biological sciences.

Israel S. Stamm Memorial Prize Fund.  Two prizes awarded each spring to outstanding senior students who have majored in one or more modern or classical languages at Rutgers-Newark.

Betty Skuze Thompson Prize.  Awarded to students who have shown an outstanding record of achievement in the study of undergraduate physics at Rutgers-Newark; made in memory of Betty Thompson, a graduate of the FAS-N Department of Physics and a dedicated teacher of physics, by her husband, George Thompson.

Rebecca S. Villers Award.  Established in memory of Rebecca S. Villers, this award is based on academic merit and is given to an Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) student with a major in psychology, who is completing his or her junior year. The award is to be used to purchase all required and recommended books directly related to courses during the first semester of the recipient's senior year.

Wall Street Journal Award.  A silver medal and a year's subscription to the Wall Street Journal are awarded to a senior majoring in economics or a field of business who, in the opinion of the members of the respective departments, shows promise of distinction in economics or business.

Benjamin M. Weissman Award for Excellence in Writing on Politics. Awarded to the graduating political science major who is judged to have written the best essay on politics. Essays written for class assignments, individual study, or the Honors College program are eligible for consideration.

William W. Wiles Memorial Fund.  Awarded annually in memory of Dr. William W. Wiles to assist undergraduate students at the Newark College of Arts and Sciences in the earth and life sciences to carry out fieldwork or attend conferences related to field studies.

Herbert P. Woodward Memorial Fund.  This fund was established in 1969 through contributions from friends and associates of the late Dr. Woodward, who served as professor of geology for 37 years and as dean of the college for 20 years. Interest from this fund is used to present a book prize to the outstanding senior majoring in geology.

Edward H. Zabriskie Memorial Award.  Interest from a fund established in memory of the late Professor Zabriskie is awarded annually to a student majoring in history at the Newark College of Arts and Sciences. The recipient is chosen by the faculty in history.

Sydney Zebel Award.  Awarded to an NCAS graduate majoring in history.

Louis R. Zocca Award.  Established in 1976 by friends and associates of Dr. Louis R. Zocca, professor emeritus of English who served for 30 years; the interest from the fund is used to present an award to the outstanding senior for excellence in the study of literature.

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