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  The School of Law - Newark 2007-2009 Academic Policies and Procedures Policy on Academic Integrity Summary Violations of Academic Integrity  

Violations of Academic Integrity

Any involvement with cheating, the fabrication or invention of information used in an academic exercise, plagiarism, facilitating academic dishonesty, or denying others access to information or material may result in disciplinary action. Breaches of academic integrity can result in serious consequences ranging from reprimand to expulsion.

Violations of academic integrity are classified into four categories based on the level of seriousness of the behaviors. Brief descriptions are provided below. This is a general description and is not to be considered as all-inclusive.

Level One Violations

These violations may occur because of ignorance or inexperience on the part of the person(s) committing the violation and ordinarily involve a very minor portion of the coursework.

Examples: Improper footnoting or unauthorized assistance on academic work.

Recommended Sanctions: Makeup assignment.

Level Two Violations

Level two violations involve incidents of a more serious nature and affect a more significant aspect or portion of the course.

Examples: Quoting directly or paraphrasing without proper acknowledgment on a moderate portion of the assignment; failure to acknowledge all sources of information and contributors who helped with an assignment.

Recommended Sanctions: Probation, a failing grade on the assignment, or a failing grade in the course.

Level Three Violations

Level three offenses involve dishonesty on a significant portion of coursework, such as a major paper, an hourly, or a final examination. Violations that are premeditated or involve repeat offenses of level one or level two are considered level three violations.

Examples: Copying from or giving others assistance on an hourly or final examination, plagiarizing major portions of an assignment, using forbidden material on an hourly or final examination, using a purchased term paper, presenting the work of another as one's own, altering a graded examination for the purposes of regrading.

Recommended Sanctions: Suspension from the university for one or more semesters, with a notation of "academic disciplinary suspension" placed on a student's transcript for the period of suspension, and a failing grade in the course.

Level Four Violations

Level four violations are the most serious breaches of academic integrity, and also include repeat offenses of level three violations.

Examples: Forgery of grade change forms; theft of examinations; having a substitute take an examination; dishonesty relating to senior thesis, master's thesis, or doctoral dissertation; sabotaging another's work; the violation of the ethical code of a profession; or all infractions committed after return from suspension for a previous violation.

Recommended Sanctions: Expulsion from the university and a permanent notation on the student's transcript.

Faculty members who believe that violations have occurred should immediately contact the Office of Student Judicial Affairs. Students who suspect that other students are involved in actions of academic dishonesty should speak to the instructor of the course.

For additional information, contact RU-info at 732/932-info (4636) or
Comments and corrections to: Campus Information Services.

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