Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School–Newark
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Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
American Studies 050
Behavioral and Neural Sciences 112
Biology 120
Business and Science 137
Chemistry 160
Creative Writing 200
Criminal Justice 202
Economics 220
English 350 (Includes American Literature 352)
Environmental Science 375
Environmental Geology 380
Global Affairs 478
History 510
Jazz History and Research 561
Liberal Studies 606
Management 620
Mathematical Sciences 645
Nursing 705
Physics, Applied 755
Political Science 790
Graduate Courses
Psychology 830
Public Administration 834
Science and Technology Management 885
Spanish and Portuguese Studies 940, 810
Sustainability: Urban Eco-sustainability Track
Urban Environmental Analysis and Management
Urban Systems 977 (Joint Ph.D. Program with NJIT and UMDNJ)
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School–Newark 2010–2012 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Political Science 790 Graduate Courses  

Graduate Courses

26:790:501 Policymaking in the American Political System (3) Examines core elements of American political institutions and the system as a whole, and how political actors operate to pursue their goals.  Examines how issues get onto the agenda, what is done about them, and how the resulting policies work. Students generate insights about why the U.S. political system works as it does, and they evaluate it in light of political ideals and values.
26:790:502 Problems of American Government (3) Selected problems of national and state governments in the United States, such as race/ethnicity and U.S. politics; citizenship and identity; American social movements; and many others.
26:790:504 Comparative Public Policy (3) Approaches to the study of policymaking in different political systems. Includes case studies.
26:790:505,506 Contemporary Constitutional Issues (3,3) Introduction to the literature of constitutional law and politics. Exploration of selected problem areas.
26:790:509 Introduction to Public Administration (3) Recurring problems in public administration. Major works.
26:790:510 Public Policy Analysis (3) Focus on approaches to the analysis of the policy-making process and the evaluation of its outputs. Emphasis on the policy agenda-setting processes, the politics of problem definition, policy decision-making strategies, cost-benefit analysis, the problem of legitimation and political feasibility, policy implementation, experimental evaluation research, and the role of values in policy analysis. Special attention given to the integration of empirical and normative research in the analytical process.
26:790:511 Contemporary Political Theory (3) Systematic examination of the writings of major political theorists in terms of a specific problem or a series of related questions.
26:790:512 Ethical Issues in Public Policy and Administration (3) Consideration of selected ethical problems and dilemmas facing policymakers and public administrators. These include such issues as conflict of interest, confidentiality, deception, official disobedience, whistle-blowing, record keeping, and questions of distributive justice in health care and employment opportunities. Special attention given to conflicts between expedience and principle in policymaking and policy implementation. Readings in political theory and political ethics, as well as cases and commentary.
26:790:513 Ethics and Global Politics (3) Consideration of ethical dilemmas in global politics. Topics include just war theory, intervention and the use of force, democracy and development, distributive justice and humanitarian assistance, human rights, and the moral responsibilities of leaders and citizens. Readings in political theory, as well as cases and commentary in international relations and global politics.
26:790:515 Urban Government and Politics (3) Analysis of problems arising from the structure, functions, and politics of urban government in the United States, with particular attention to the current problems of metropolitan areas.
26:790:516 Urban Public Policy (3) Analysis of selected policy problems affecting urban areas.
26:790:518 Topics in Political Theory (3) Analysis of selected topics in political theory.
26:790:520 Liberalism, Religion, and Toleration (3) Examines the complex relation between liberalism, religion, and toleration in selected constitutional democracies. Topics include the definition and justification of toleration, the history of the idea of toleration in the early-modern period, discussion of the relation between liberal democracy and toleration, cultural and ethnic tolerance, pluralism and multiculturalism in European countries, the debate about Islam and democracy, the American experiment in constitutional church-state separation and religious freedom, and contemporary challenges to tolerance and religious liberty.
26:790:521 Theories of Global Politics (3) General theories of global politics and international relations.
26:790:529 Science, Technology, and Public Policy (3) Study of political issues that involve science, such as arms control, nuclear proliferation, energy and natural resources, technology transfer, population growth, and food supplies. Also, the politics of science and the organization and funding of scientific research.
26:790:530 Environmental Politics and Policy (3) Analysis of selected topics in the politics and policy of environmental issues in both global and domestic contexts.
26:790:533 Research Methods in Political Science (3) In-depth examination of concepts and theories--what they are, what they consist of, how they work, and how they are tested. Overview of research design and methods of data collection and data analysis.
26:790:536 Advanced Research Methods in Political Science (3) Focus on selected philosophies and methods of research design, data collection, and analysis. 
26:790:537 Global Governance (3) Organization of world politics and international cooperation beyond formal international organizations; emphasis on international regimes, institutions, and norms; examination of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs); epistemic communities and multilateral cooperation.
26:790:538 Global Environmental Issues (3) Focuses on the global environmental problematique in a variety of political and policy arenas.  Includes attention to environmental governance, civil society and transnational actors, critical debates on justice, development and economic issues, and environmental security.
26:790:539 Gender, Politics, and Policy in the United States (3) Analysis of the roles women play in the political system as citizens, activists, and officeholders. Examines how basic public values (privacy, justice, equality, welfare) are interpreted through law and public policy to shape women's lives. Focus on American politics, with some attention to other societies.
26:790:540 Gender and Global Politics (3) Political status of women in global perspective. Topics include women's leadership and political participation (both countrywide and in global organizations, such as the UN, the World Bank, and nongovernmental organizations); gender and development planning; and women's rights as human rights.
26:790:541 International Political Economy (3) How politics and economics interact and cut across "domestic" and "international" levels. Examines the historical development of the international political economy; economic variables such as trade, finance, multinational corporations, industrial change and technology; culture, capitalism and modernity; the changing role of the state and multilevel governance; and development and inequality, through alternative theoretical interpretations and analytical frameworks.
26:790:542 Topics in Recent International Relations (3)
26:790:543,544 Problems of Comparative Politics (3,3) Examination of different conceptual and theoretical approaches to comparative politics, with particular emphasis on political systems, states, regimes, institutions, social movements, nationalism, class, race and ethnicity, globalization, development, transitions, and revolutions.
26:790:545 Race, Ethnicity, and U.S. Politics (3) Examines the various intersections of race, ethnicity, and U.S. politics. Topics include major theoretical approaches; political consequences of demographic change and immigration; the social construction of race and ethnicity, and racial hierarchies; government responses to racial and ethnic groups over time; political participation of African American, Latino, Asian, and white people; the consequences of public policies for different racial and ethnic groups.
26:790:546 Human Resources Policy (3) Examination of the economic, political, and administrative interrelationships in the delivery of human resource policies and employment training programs.
26:790:569 American Foreign Policy (3) Formation of American foreign policy, including the roles of individuals and agencies in the executive branch, Congress, interest groups, public opinion, and the influence of the international environment. Special emphasis on techniques of analysis of the policy-making process and international economic issues.
26:790:570 Problems of Public Policy (3) Major issues of policy in the United States and other political systems. Problems treated vary from semester to semester.
26:790:571 American Politics and Public Policy (3) Impact of American politics upon public policy issues of contemporary relevance.
26:790:572 Problems of Political Parties (3) Literature, methodology, and data on political party organization and nominating procedures, with particular attention to the United States.
26:790:573 Administrative Law and Policy (3) Basic legal concepts affecting the administrative process; a historical overview; examination of discretionary powers, rule making, and legislative delegation of powers.
26:790:574 Internship in Political Science (3)
26:790:597,598 Advanced Studies in Political Science (3,3) Reading and individual study by arrangement. Regular conferences, both written and oral reports.
26:790:608 American Political Thought (3) Major themes in American political thought from the 17th century to the present. Emphasis on contemporary movements and ideas.
26:790:631 Seminar in Political Development (3) The modernization process; selected problems involving democratic, totalitarian, and non-Western nations and the relationship of social and economic change to political matters.
26:790:697,698 Research in Political Science (3,3) M.A. thesis research.
26:790:800 Matriculation Continued (E1)
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