Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School–Newark
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Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
American Studies 050
Behavioral and Neural Sciences 112
Biology 120
Business and Science 137
Chemistry 160
Creative Writing 200
Criminal Justice 202
Economics 220
English 350 (Includes American Literature 352)
Environmental Science 375
Environmental Geology 380
Global Affairs 478
History 510
Jazz History and Research 561
Liberal Studies 606
Management 620
Mathematical Sciences 645
Nursing 705
Physics, Applied 755
Programs and Facilities
Graduate Courses
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Public Administration 834
Science and Technology Management 885
Spanish and Portuguese Studies 940, 810
Sustainability: Urban Eco-sustainability Track
Urban Environmental Analysis and Management
Urban Systems 977 (Joint Ph.D. Program with NJIT and UMDNJ)
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School–Newark 2010–2012 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Physics, Applied 755 Graduate Courses  

Graduate Courses

26:755:611 (NJIT: Phys 611) Advanced Classical Mechanics (3) Newton's law of motion; mechanics of a system of particles; D'Alembert's principle and Lagrange's equations; derivation of Lagrange's equations from variational principle; conservation theorems and symmetry properties; the Hamilton equations of motion; canonical transformation, Poisson brackets; Hamilton-Jacobi theory; the rigid body equations of motion; small oscillations. Fall semester. Prerequisite: Undergraduate coursework in advanced mechanics or equivalent.
26:755:621 (NJIT: Phys 621) Classical Electrodynamics I (3) Electrostatics, magnetostatics, and boundary value problems; time-varying fields, Maxwell equations, conservation laws; plane and spherical electromagnetic waves; wave propagation in dielectric and conducting media; waveguides and resonant cavities. Fall semester. Prerequisites: Undergraduate coursework in electromagnetism; working knowledge of ordinary and partial differential equations, special functions, complex variable functions, and vector analysis.
26:755:631 (NJIT: Phys 631) Quantum Mechanics I (3) Limits to classical physics; wave mechanics and the Schrödinger equation; uncertainty principle; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of simple systems, including quantum well, potential barrier, harmonic oscillator, and hydrogen atom, matrix mechanics, Hilbert space and operator method; approximation methods; scattering theory; time-dependent perturbation theory; quantization of electromagnetic radiation; quantum theory of angular momentum, spin. Spring semester. Prerequisite: 26:755:611.
26:755:641 (NJIT: Phys 641) Statistical Mechanics (3) Review of thermodynamic laws; ensemble theory; thermodynamic functions; classical ideal gas and imperfect gas; chemical reactions; Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein, and Fermi-Dirac statistics; quantum statistical theory of solids, magnetism, and phase transitions. Spring semester. Prerequisite: 26:755:631.
26:755:651 (NJIT: Phys 651) Atomic and Molecular Physics (3) Fundamentals of quantum mechanics; one-electron atoms; orbital angular momentum, spin, and total angular momentum; transition rates and selection rules; multielectron atoms, LS coupling, and JJ coupling; optical properties of atoms, the lasers; H2 molecules; molecular bonding; molecular spectra; the Raman effect. Prerequisite: NJIT: Phys 441.
26:755:654 (NJIT: Phys 654) Nuclear and Particle Physics (3) Nuclear stability; saturation of nuclear forces; two nucleon potentials for finite nuclei, the deutron; nucleon-nucleon scattering; effective interactions; nuclear matter; models of nuclear structure; nuclear excitations; description of elementary particle phenomenon; applications of scattering theory; conservation laws and symmetrical properties of interactions; structure of nucleons. Prerequisite: NJIT: Phys 441.
26:755:661 (NJIT: Phys 661) Solid-State Physics (3) Review of basic quantum mechanics; free electron theories of metals; lattices in real and momentum space; electron levels in a periodic potential; the tight binding method for calculating band structures; classification of solids; electrical and optical properties of semiconductors; cohesive energy; phonons; dielectric properties of insulators; magnetism; superconductivity. Fall semester.
26:755:667 (NJIT: Phys 667) Modern Experimental Techniques for Materials Processing and Characterization (3) Bonding and material classification, phase transitions and phase diagrams, basic material structures and properties. Various techniques for crystal growth and thin film fabrication. Diffusion, ion implantation, and wet and dry etching. Chemical, structural, electrical, optical, and mechanical techniques. Prerequisite: NJIT: Phys 441 or equivalent.
26:755:671 (NJIT: Phys 671) Applied Optics (3) Maxwell's theory, linear and elliptical polarized light, Fresnel's equations, electromagnetic waves in crystals, dielectric functions, optical constants. Ellipsometry, interference, amplitude and wavefront dividing interferometry, Fabry-Perot interferometer, modes in layered structures. Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction, spatial coherence, Zernike's theorem. Symmetric and asymmetric Fourier transform spectroscopy. Fourier optics, imaging with quasimonochromatic and monochromatic light, holography. Scattering of light. Geometrical optics of thin and thick lenses, aberration. Radiometry, blackbody, synchrotron, and laser radiation. Radiometric quantities. Introduction to nonlinear optics. Prerequisite: Undergraduate coursework in electromagnetism.
26:755:675 (NJIT: Phys 675) Cellular Biophysics (3) Basis for cell membrane voltages, both static and dynamic. Basic biochemistry pertinent to biological systems, bioelectricity of the cell membrane, electrophysiology, and relevant microscopy. Laboratory includes electronics; bioelectric measurements, both in artificial and biological cells; and microscopy. Lec., lab. Prerequisites: Differential and integral calculus and introductory physics.
26:755:687 (NJIT: Phys 687) Physics of Materials (3) Fundamentals of quantum mechanics; energy bands in crystals; electrical conduction in metals and alloys; semiconductors; optical properties of materials; quantum mechanical treatment of optical properties; magnetic properties of materials; thermal properties, heat capacity, and thermal expansion in solids. Fall semester. Prerequisite: NJIT: Phys 441 or equivalent.   
26:755:689 (NJIT: Phys 689) Simulations of Electronic Device Structures (3) Extensive introduction to the modeling programs used to stimulate devices and the processes used to build them. SIMION, SUPREM, PISCES, ANSYSM, and ANSYST. Prerequisite: NJIT: EE 657 or equivalent.
26:755:690 (NJIT: Phys 690) Directed Study of Applied Physics (3) Directed study under the guidance of a physics faculty member on a topic of microelectronics or on other areas of applied physics.
26:755:700 (NJIT: Phys 700) Master's Project (3) Extensive paper involving experimental or theoretical investigation of a topic in microelectronics or other applied physics area required. Cooperative projects with industry or government agencies may be acceptable. Project carried out under the supervision of a designated physics graduate faculty member. Prerequisite: Written approval of graduate adviser. For students admitted to the master of science program in applied physics who do not enroll in 26:755:701.
26:755:701 (NJIT: Phys 701) Master's Thesis (3) Experimental or theoretical investigation of a topic in microelectronics or other applied physics area. Cooperative projects with industry or government agencies may be acceptable. The thesis is written under the supervision of a designated physics graduate faculty member. The completed written thesis must be of sufficient merit to warrant publication in a scientific or technical journal. The student must register for a minimum of 3 credits per semester. Degree credit is limited to 6 credits indicated for the thesis. Prerequisite: Written approval of graduate adviser. For students admitted to the master of science program in applied physics.
26:755:721 (NJIT: Phys 721) Classical Electrodynamics II (3) Simple radiating systems, scattering and diffraction; special theory of relativity; dynamics of relativistic particles and electromagnetic fields; collisions between charged particles, energy loss, and scattering; radiation from an accelerated charge, synchrotron radiation, and bremsstrahlung. Spring semester. Prerequisites: 26:755:621 or equivalent; basic knowledge of tensor analysis.
26:755:731 (NJIT: Phys 731) Quantum Mechanics (3) Review of quantum mechanics and theory of special relativity; second quantization; relativistic one-particle problem; Klein-Gordon equation and Dirac equation; canonical field theory; relativistic scattering theory; introduction to quantum electrodynamics and quantum field theory; Feynman diagrams and applications. Fall semester.  Prerequisite: 26:755:631 or equivalent.
26:755:732 (NJIT: Phys 732) General Relativity and Gravitation (3) Review of special relativity; principles of equivalence and the metric tensor; tensor analysis; effects of gravitation; Einstein's field equations; the Schwarzschild singularity; gravitational radiation and cosmology. Prerequisites: 26:755:611, 621, 631; or equivalent.
26:755:761 (NJIT: Phys 761) Solid-State Theory (3) Fundamentals of group theory; symmetry of solids; application of group theory in solid-state physics; density functional theory; the one-electron approximation and energy bands; thermodynamic and transport properties; pseudopotentials and other methods of band structure calculation; Fermi liquid theory, collective excitation and mean field theory of superconductivity and magnetism; lattice vibrations, the electronphonon interaction, and the BCS theory of superconductivity. Prerequisite: 26:755:661 or equivalent.
26:755:762 (NJIT: Phys 762) Electronic Structure of Solids (3) Tight binding theory; bond orbitals and the electronic structure of covalent solids; universal tight-binding parameters and the prediction of the bonding and dielectric properties of semiconductors; ionic solids and the bonding and dielectric properties of insulators. Theory of silicon dioxide and related compounds and their properties; transition metals and their compounds. Prerequisite: 26:755:631 or equivalent.
26:755:763 (NJIT: Phys 763) Surface and Interface Physics (3) Introduction to UHV (Ultra High Vacuum) technique; clean surface preparation; surface symmetry and LEED (Low Energy Electron Diffraction); surface and interface electronic structure and electron spectroscopy; XPS, UPS, AES, and ESCA; surface compositional and geometric structure and EXAFS; STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscopy) and STS (Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy). Prerequisite: 26:755:661 or equivalent.
26:755:771 (NJIT: Phys 771) Quantum Electronics (3) Physics of lasers and the interaction of radiation with matter. Semiclassical and quantum theory of the interaction of the laser with single and multiple electromagnetic fields, and with homogeneously and Doppler-broadened media. Prerequisites: 26:755:631, 651; or equivalent.
26:755:772 (NJIT: Phys 772) Applied Plasma Physics (3) Properties of ionized systems, electromagnetic interactions, experimental techniques, and selected topics on discharges and thermonuclear plasmas. Prerequisites: 26:755:621, 631; or equivalent.
26:755:773 (NJIT: Phys 773) Particle-Solid Interactions (3) The particle-solid interactions that form the basis for ion implantation, sputter deposition, reactive ion etching, and other microelectronic processing technology. Ion beam interactions with solids and solid-state materials and structures. Rutherford backscattering experiments and ion channeling. Methods for observing defect distributions in materials, surfaces, and surface layer interfaces using ion scattering techniques. Prerequisites: 26:755:631, 661; or equivalent.
26:755:774 (NJIT: Phys 774) Principles of Spectroscopy (3) Theoretical and experimental principles of spectroscopy. Atomic absorption, emission, IR (infrared), Raman, fluorescence, NMR, X-ray spectroscopies. Fourier transformation techniques. Coherent and incoherent sources. Prerequisites: 26:755:651, 761; or equivalent.
26:755:781 (NJIT: Phys 781) Physics of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (3) Physical principles and operational characteristics of the most important semiconductor devices for advanced electronics systems that process data at rates higher than 1 Gb/s, or handle analog signals at frequencies above 1 Ghz. Devices addressed include submicron MOSFET, MESFET, heterostructure MESFET, heterostructure bipolar transistors, quantum-effect devices, microwave devices, and photonic devices. Prerequisites: 26:755:687, NJIT: EE 657; or equivalent.
26:755:787 (NJIT: Phys 787) Physics of Sensors and Actuators (3) Fundamentals of sensors: optical, thermal, chemical, mechanical, and electrical. Study of noise, phase-sensitive detection, and other low-level measurement techniques. Semiconductor surface microstructures, including temperature, pressure, strain, acceleration, humidity, mass flow, and gas sensors. Actuators, including micromotors, microrobots, and other micromechanisms. Semiconductor vacuum microelectronic devices. Prerequisites: NJIT: EE 657, 26:755:687; or equivalent.
26:755:789 (NJIT: Phys 789) Physics of Advanced Semiconductor Device Processing (3) Silicon and GaAs technologies: crystal growth methods, epitaxy, oxidation, lithography, dry and wet etching techniques, polysilicon, diffusion, ion implantation, metallization (including silicidation), process integration, analytical characterization techniques, assembly and packaging, and yield and reliability. Spring semester. Prerequisites: NJIT: EE 657, 26:755:687; or equivalent. Intended for doctoral students in applied physics, electrical engineering, and materials science.
26:755:790 (NJIT: Phys 790) Doctoral Dissertation and Research (BA) Experimental or theoretical investigation of a topic in applied physics, including microelectronics, materials science, and laser physics is expected. Cooperative projects with industry or government agencies may be acceptable. Research and writing are carried out under the supervision of a designated graduate faculty member. The completed written dissertation should be a substantial contribution to the knowledge of the topic under research and should be of sufficient merit to warrant publication in a leading scientific or technical journal. Prerequisite: Doctoral candidacy. Corequisite: 26:755:791. A minimum of 36 credits is required. The student must register for at least 6 credits of dissertation research per semester. Registration for additional credits, up to 12 per semester, is permitted with the approval of the department graduate adviser.
26:755:791 (NJIT: Phys 791) Doctoral Seminar (0) Departments of physics at NJIT and Rutgers-Newark joint seminar or research and current topics in microelectronics, materials science, laser physics, and other applied physics areas.
26:755:800 Matriculation Continued (E1)
26:755:866 Graduate Assistantship (E,BA)
26:755:877 Teaching Assistantship (E,BA)
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