Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School–Newark
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Degree Requirements
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
American Studies 050
Behavioral and Neural Sciences 112
Biology 120
Business and Science 137
Chemistry 160
Creative Writing 200
Criminal Justice 202
Economics 220
English 350 (Includes American Literature 352)
Environmental Science 375
Environmental Geology 380
Global Affairs 478
History 510
Jazz History and Research 561
Liberal Studies 606
Management 620
Related Master’s Degrees
Doctoral Study Courses*
Mathematical Sciences 645
Nursing 705
Physics, Applied 755
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Public Administration 834
Science and Technology Management 885
Spanish and Portuguese Studies 940, 810
Sustainability: Urban Eco-sustainability Track
Urban Environmental Analysis and Management
Urban Systems 977 (Joint Ph.D. Program with NJIT and UMDNJ)
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School–Newark 2010–2012 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Management 620 Doctoral Study Courses*  

Doctoral Study Courses*

Accounting 010

26:010:557 Social Science and Research Methods (3) Surveys methods used in the study of organizations, including experimental design, survey research, case methods, questionnaire and interview construction, and scaling techniques. Students expected to design feasible research projects that are carried out later.
26:010:651 Advanced Topics in Financial Accounting (3) Analysis of selected major concepts and issues in financial accounting theory and practice and their managerial implications. Topics include methodological issues.
26:010:652 Advanced Topics in Managerial Accounting (3) Topics include activity-based costing and management, agency theory, budgetary control systems, behavioral research in management accounting, compensation and incentive systems, efficiency and productivity measurement, decentralized performance evaluation systems, and quality control and measurement issues.
26:010:653 Current Topics in Auditing (3) Advanced review of auditing literature covering both internal and external auditing. Topics include development of modern auditing theory, disclosure problems, principles of managerial control, and operational auditing.
26:010:666 Accountants' Judgment and Decision Making (3) Theoretical and methodological issues in behavioral research in accounting. Attention is devoted both to individual factors, such as memory, knowledge, and expertise, and to contextual features of accounting decision making, such as accountability, the review process, and information characteristics.
26:010:680 Current Topics in Accounting Research (3) Discussion and review of selected topics in accounting research implementation and empirical testing in major fields of accounting.
26:010:685 Special Topics in Accounting (3)
26:010:686 First Early Research Seminar in Accounting (3)
26:010:687 Second Early Research Seminar in Accounting (3)
26:010:688 Independent Study in Accounting (BA)
26:010:689 Accounting Research Forum (E0)
26:010:799 Dissertation Research in Accounting (BA)

Information Systems 198

26:198:621 Electronic Commerce (3) Covers the theoretical foundations, implementation problems, and research issues of the emerging area of electronic commerce. Discusses technological, conceptual, and methodological aspects of electronic commerce. The list of topics to be covered includes: fundamentals of internet technology, pricing of and accounting for internet transport, security problems of the internet, electronic payment systems, online financial reporting and auditing, intelligent agents, web measurements, electronic markets, and value chain over the internet. The coursework will include presentations of research articles, in-class discussions, and a final course project researching one of the problems of electronic commerce. Prerequisites: Basic computer literacy, and introductory courses in computer information systems and economics.  
26:198:622 Machine Learning (3) Basic theory of rule-based systems and Bayes networks. Alternative architectures for managing uncertainty. Use of probabilistic logic to model causality. Related ideas from machine learning, neural networks, and genetic algorithms. Applications to auditing, marketing, and production.
26:198:641 Advanced Database Systems (3) Emphasizes the functions of a database administrator. Includes survey of physical and logical organization of data and their methods of accessing, and the characteristics of different models of generalized database management systems. Prerequisite: A master's-level course in databases such as 22:198:603 or NJIT CIS 631.
26:198:642 Multimedia Information Systems (3) Covers principal topics related to multimedia information systems. These include organizing multimedia content, physical storage and retrieval of multimedia data, content-based search and retrieval, creating and delivering networked and multimedia presentations, and current research directions in this area. Prerequisite: A master's-level course in databases such as 22:198:603 or NJIT CIS 631.
26:198:643 Information Security (3) Recent years have witnessed widespread use of computers and their interconnecting networks. This demands additional computer security measures to protect the information and relevant systems. This course prepares students to meet the new challenges in the world of increasing threats to computer security by providing them with an understanding of the various threats and countermeasures. Specifically, students will learn the theoretical advancements in information security, state-of-the-art techniques, standards, and best practices. In particular, the topics covered in this course include: study of security policies; models and mechanisms for secrecy, integrity, and availability; operating system models and mechanisms for mandatory and discretionary controls; data models, concepts, and mechanisms for database security; basic cryptology and its applications; security in computer networks and distributed systems; identity threat; and control and prevention of viruses and other rogue programs.
26:198:644 Data Mining (3) Recent advances in database technology along with the phenomenal growth of the internet have resulted in an explosion of data collected, stored, and disseminated by various organizations. Because of its massive size, it is difficult for analysts to sift through the data even though it may contain useful information. Data mining holds great promise to address this problem by providing efficient techniques to uncover useful information hidden in the large data repositories.
26:198:645 Privacy and Trust (3) New technology has increasingly enabled corporations and governments to collect and use huge amounts of data related to individuals. At the same time, legitimate uses in health care, crime prevention, and terrorism demand that collected information be shared by more people than most of us ever know. Today, the challenge is enabling the legitimate use of the collected data without violating privacy. From the organizational perspective, enabling safe and secure use of owned data can lead to great value addition and return on investment. In this course, we are going to analyze the legal and social aspects of privacy and explore potential tools, techniques, and technologies that can enhance privacy.
26:198:685 Special Topics in Information Systems (3)
26:198:686 First Early Research Seminar in Information Systems (3)
26:198:687 Second Early Research Seminar in Information Systems (3)
26:198:688 Independent Study in Information Systems (BA)
26:198:689 Information Technology Research Forum (E0)
26:198:799 Dissertation Research in Information Systems (BA)

Applied Economics 223

26:223:552 Microeconomic Theory (3) Surveys and applies elements of marginal analysis, capital theory, utility, and risk analysis to problems in demand analysis, production, cost and distribution, market structure and pricing, and capital budgeting.
26:223:553 Macroeconomic Theory (3) Models, with attention to empirical work, of aggregate demand and supply and their components, i.e., investments and consumption; supply and demand for money and other financial assets; capital and labor markets. Determinants of the price level and of inflation; rates of interest, employment, and income; and international macroeconomic relations. Reviews major issues in the evaluation of monetary policy.
26:223:554 Econometrics (3) Statistical techniques for the analysis of models applicable to economic data and their application to management problems. Prerequisite: 26:960:577.
26:223:655 Advanced Econometrics (3) Simultaneous equation models, seemingly unrelated regressions, autocorrelation, ARIMA models, and nonlinear estimation. Applications of such techniques to theoretical and empirical problems. Prerequisites: 26:223:552 and 554.
26:223:657 Advanced Microeconomics (3) An advanced theoretical treatment of major topics in microeconomics, including alternative models of consumer demand and the demand for the factors of production; the theory of market equilibria, their existence, and stability; and the concepts of perfect competition, monopoly, and other market imperfections. Prerequisites: 26:223:552 and 26:960:577.
26:223:685 Special Topics in Applied Economics (3)
26:223:686 First Early Research Seminar in Applied Economics (3)
26:223:687 Second Early Research Seminar in Applied Economics (3)
26:223:688 Independent Study in Applied Economics (BA)
26:223:799 Dissertation Research in Applied Economics (BA)

Finance 390

26:390:571 Survey of Financial Theory I - Investments (3) Surveys the fundamental assumptions and the analytical techniques of the modern theory of finance. Topics include choices involving risk using utility theory and state preference, portfolio selection, capital market equilibrium and its implications for corporate finance and portfolio selections, and option theory. Prerequisites: 26:223:552 and 26:960:577.
26:390:572 Survey of Financial Theory II - Corporate Finance (3) Basic knowledge of theoretical and empirical model building in the area of corporate finance. Prerequisite: 26:390:571.
26:390:685 Special Topics in Finance/Floating Finance Seminar (3)
26:390:686 First Early Research Seminar in Finance (3)
26:390:687 Second Early Research Seminar in Finance (3)
26:390:688 Independent Study in Finance (BA)
26:390:799 Dissertation Research in Finance (BA)  

International Business 553

26:553:501 Cross-border Management: Institutions, Firms, and Industry Value Chains (3) Explores challenges facing modern corporations in organizing cross-border activity that spans multiple stages of the value chain. The course contains several modules, including (but not limited to): institutional theory and comparative management; theories of firm boundaries; management of interfirm supply networks across national borders; markets for technology and the changing division of innovative labor in industry value chains. The course draws heavily on current literature in management, economics, and organization theory. Emphasis is placed on empirical research. Students are expected to critique papers, synthesize and present material to the class, and write a semester paper.
26:553:601 Theory of International Business (3) Critically appraises the main economic and behavioral theories of the determinants of international business activity over the past 30 years.
26:553:602 History of International Business (3) This course examines the history of international business, with a particular focus upon the context and determinants of the growth over the last 150 years of the largest multinational corporations (MNCs).
26:553:604 Corporate Innovation and International Business (3) This course shows how the multinational firm depends critically on its technological and related skills to achieve its central strategic objectives. Introductory classes consider the determinants and characteristics of corporate technological change, the linkages between science and technology, and the consequences of their geographical localization for international business. Then we assess the contention that corporate strategy should include a strategy for managing innovation, the purpose of which is deliberately to accumulate and exploit firm-specific knowledge. The course examines the implications of technological change as a learning process, for intercompany technology-based alliances, for international technology transfer, and for capturing the returns to innovation in the multinational firm. The innovative records of large and small firms are compared. The use of corporate patent statistics is appraised as a means of measuring patterns of innovation at the firm level. The course concludes with a discussion of systems of innovation and technology policies.
26:553:605 National Innovation Policies and International Business (3) Examines the role of technology in economic development and national innovation systems as they evolve in the globalizing economy.
26:553:607 Global Political Economy (3) Offers a global perspective on long-term change in the world economy and the interaction between countries, regulatory systems, and business firms. Attention is especially focused on the dynamics of international trade and investment, including the relationship between trade and economic growth, trade imbalances and protectionism, and the impact of technological innovation on international competitiveness. The role of economic and political institutions is also a central feature of our discussion, including the international trading and financial systems, national systems of innovation and political economy, and the interaction between multinational companies and both the state and multilateral institutions. The course also looks at the possibility of long waves in the world economy, and examines a variety of alternative perspectives on the origins and processes of globalization.
26:553:685 Special Topics in International Business (3)
26:553:686 First Early Research Seminar in International Business (3)
26:553:687 Second Early Research Seminar in International Business (3)
26:553:688 Independent Study in International Business (BA)
26:553:689 International Business Research Forum (E0)
26:553:799 Dissertation Research in International Business (BA)

Organization Management 620

26:620:555 Seminar in Organizational Behavior (3) Survey of theory and empirical research about the behavior of individuals and groups in organizations. Typical topics include motivation, socialization, job design, satisfaction, performance, leadership, group norms, and decision-making processes.
26:620:556 Seminar in Organization Theory (3) Survey of theory and empirical research about the behavior of individuals and groups in organizations. Typical topics include models or organizations (e.g., theories of bureaucracy and closed, open, and natural systems); effects of technology, environment, power, and decision making; and organizational culture.
26:620:557 Social Science Research Methods (3) Surveys methods used in the study of organizations, including experimental design, survey research, case methods, questionnaire and interview construction, and scaling techniques. Students expected to design feasible research projects that are later carried out. Prerequisite: 26:960:577.
26:620:558 Seminar in Strategic Management (3) This seminar introduces the field of strategy at the Ph.D. level. It critically reviews a wide variety of approaches to strategy research, including both behavioral and economic approaches, and the relation of other areas of research to strategy formulation and implementation.
26:620:604 Seminar in Leadership and Group Processes (3) Important theories and empirical studies of leadership and group process. Key theoretical and methodological issues in transformational leadership, empowerment, and self-managing teams.
26:620:660 Qualitative Research Methods (3) Emphasizes issues of eliciting, analyzing, and representing verbal data in qualitative research. The topics considered are definition and evaluation of qualitative research; methods of eliciting data from individuals and groups; methods of analyzing verbal data; issues of representing narratives; and new research directions using feminist, historical, and aesthetic methods.
26:620:662 Event Data in Social Science (3) How categorical and event data, event count data, and continuous time series data can be analyzed to answer research questions in organization management and international business. Problems in economics, marketing, political science, sociology, and other areas will also be considered. The goal of the course is for students to leave with a toolbox of methods that they can apply to their own research. Students will be trained to use a variety of statistical programs for particular types of data.
26:620:664 Econometrics for Social Science (3) This course focuses on the fundamental research design issues that arise in many social science contexts. Particular emphasis is given to applications in management and public policy. For example, topics covered in detail are self-selected samples, endogeneity problems, and state dependence and heterogeneity. The first half of the course focuses on research design. The second half of the course illustrates the research design topics in the context of basic panel data econometrics. Using a micropanel dataset on Canadian multinational firms, students are introduced to STATA and learn panel data econometric techniques.
26:620:671 Management of Innovation and Technology (3) Examines individual, structural, and contextual factors that facilitate and inhibit the generation and implementation of new technology. Emphasizes the management of innovation in organizations.
26:620:675 Advanced Topics in Strategic Management (3) This seminar is designed for doctoral students who expect to conduct research in the strategy area. It surveys and critically evaluates contemporary research in the strategy field, reanalyzing, reframing, and extending traditional approaches and theories.
26:620:677 Culture and Organizations (3) This course draws from the cross-cultural psychology literature on national and ethnic cultures and from the management literature on culture in organizations. Major topics include the content and manifestations of culture, cultural similarities and differences, the transmission of culture, culture and subculture, culture change, leadership and culture, and managing organizational culture.
26:620:685 Special Topics in Organization Management (3)
26:620:686 First Early Research Seminar in Organization Management (3)
26:620:687 Second Early Research Seminar in Organization Management (3)
26:620:688 Independent Study in Organization Management (BA)
26:620:689 Organization Management Research Forum (E0)
26:620:799 Dissertation Research in Organization Management (BA)

Marketing 630

26:630:660 Qualitative Research Methods (3) Emphasizes issues of eliciting, analyzing, and representing verbal data in qualitative research. Topics considered are definition and evaluation of qualitative research; methods of eliciting data from individuals and groups; methods of analyzing verbal data; issues of representing narratives; and new research directions using feminist, historical, and aesthetic methods.
26:630:670 Multivariate Analysis (3) Multivariate normal distributions, principal components, factor analysis, canonical correlation, and discrimination and classification. Prerequisite: 26:960:577.
26:630:672 Advanced Multivariate Analysis (3)
26:630:686 First Early Research Seminar in Marketing (3)
26:630:687 Second Early Research Seminar in Marketing (3)
26:630:688 Independent Study in Marketing (BA)
26:630:799 Dissertation Research in Marketing (BA)

Operations Research 711

26:711:561 Introduction to Mathematical Economics (3) Explores the quantitative tools and principles used to model operational procedures in economic and business systems: types of variables, mathematical sets, and functional forms in constrained and unconstrained optimization. Other topics include tractability, duality, Kuhn-Tucker theory, algorithms, and computation.
Prerequisite: Differential calculus.
26:711:651 Linear Programming (3) A survey of linear programming and its applications. Topics include linear programming models, basic simplex method, duality theory and complementary slackness, sensitivity analysis, degeneracy, matrix notation and revised simplex method, special linear programs such as transportation and network flow theory, applications in statistics, economics and finance models of linear programming, game theory, and introduction to interior point methods. Prerequisite: Undergraduate linear algebra.
26:711:652 Nonlinear Programming (3) Fundamentals of nonlinear optimization, with an emphasis on convex problems. Gradient, Newton, and other methods for unconstrained problems. Projection, linearization, penalty, barrier, and augmented Lagrangian methods for constrained problems. Lagrangian functions and duality theory. Assignments include computer programming and mathematical proofs. Prerequisite: 26:711:651.
26:711:685 Special Topics in Management Science (3)
26:711:686 First Early Research Seminar in Management Science (3)
26:711:687 Second Early Research Seminar in Management Science (3)
26:711:688 Independent Study in Management Science (BA)
26:711:689 Management Science Research Forum (E0)
26:711:799 Dissertation Research in Management Science (BA)

Statistics 960

26:960:575 Introduction to Probability (3) Foundations of probability. Discrete and continuous simple and multivariate probability distributions; random walks; generating functions; linear functions of random variable; approximate means and variances; exact methods of finding moments; limit theorems; stochastic processes including immigration-emigration, simple queuing, renewal theory, and Markov chains. Prerequisite: Undergraduate or master's-level course in statistics.
26:960:577 Introduction to Statistical Linear Models (3) Linear models and their application to empirical data. The general linear model; ordinary-least-squares estimation; diagnostics, including departures from underlying assumptions, detection of outliners, effects of influential observations, and leverage; analysis of variance, including one-way layouts, two-way, higher dimensional layouts, partitioning sums of squares, and incomplete layouts (Latin squares, incomplete blocks, and nested or repeated measures). Emphasizes computational aspects and use of standard computer packages such as SAS. Prerequisite: Undergraduate or master's-level course in statistics.
26:960:580 Stochastic Processes (3) Review of probability theory with emphasis on conditional expectations; Markov chains; the Poisson process; continuous-time Markov chains; renewal theory; queuing theory; and introduction to stochastic calculus (e.g., Ito's Lemma). Prerequisite: 26:960:575.

Supply Chain Management 799

26:799:660 Supply Chain Modeling and Algorithms (3) Focuses on the application of management science techniques to model the newest emerging supply chain planning problems (such as reverse logistics, integrated production, inventory and distribution problems, multipartner pricing analysis, supply chain distribution network design, location analysis, and transportation capacity planning, etc.) to meet the changing needs of new generations of our Ph.D. students. The course also focuses on the processes of developing new search algorithms and error bound analysis to effectively solve such practical business decision and optimization problems. Academic researchers and selected industry executives will be invited to the classroom to present the pipeline research results and new challenges encountered in supply chain management practices.
26:799:661 Stochastic Methods in Supply Chain Management (3) This course covers economic models in supply chain management under uncertainty. We study key management concepts such as contract design, competition, and information asymmetry.
26:799:675 Marketing Models (3) The course will introduce various quantitative models in marketing in a seminar format. Students will read and criticize published research articles. Key journal articles in various marketing subject areas will be reviewed and discussed. The seminar will focus mainly on analytical and empirical models for the process of consumer decision and the formulation of strategies for firms. Topics will include: modeling and estimating market response functions; modeling product design, positioning, and diffusion; modeling competition in pricing; modeling advertising decisions; and modeling distribution channel designs.
26:799:685 Special Topics in Supply Chain and Marketing Science (3)
26:799:686 First Early Research Seminar in Supply Chain and Marketing Science (3)
26:799:687 Second Early Research Seminar in Supply Chain and Marketing Science (3)
26:799:688 Independent Study in Supply Chain and Marketing Science (BA)
26:799:689 Supply Chain and Marketing Science Research Forum (E0)
26:799:799 Dissertation Research in Supply Chain and Marketing Science (BA)

* Doctoral 3-credit courses meet once a week, usually during the day, for the 14 weeks of the fall and spring semesters.
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