The following abbreviations are used in the faculty listings:
CIMIC Center for Information Management, Integration, and Connectivity
CMBN Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience
CN College of Nursing
FAS-N Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Newark
GSE Graduate School of Education
IAB Institute of Animal Behavior
NCAS Newark College of Arts and Sciences
NJIT New Jersey Institute of Technology
RBS Rutgers Business School
SAS-NB School of Arts and Sciences-New Brunswick
SB-C School of Business-Camden
SCJ School of Criminal Justice
SL-N School of Law-Newark
SMLR School of Management and Labor Relations
SSW School of Social Work
UC-N University College-Newark
UMDNJ University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
UMDNJ-SOM University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-School of Osteopathic Medicine