Each graduate program that requires a comprehensive examination
and/or a thesis has developed its own procedures for granting or
denying the degree. These procedures take into consideration the
following points:
1. The composition of examination committees
and procedures for evaluating performance on comprehensive or
qualifying examinations, both written and oral.
2. Policies and procedures governing reexaminations for students who do not pass the first time.
3. For programs that offer degrees at both the master`s and doctoral
levels, policies and procedures for determining admission to the
doctoral program after completion of the master`s program.
Indicators of minimal expectations for progress on degrees and a
well-defined mechanism for communicating to each student his or her
relative progress.
5. For degree programs requiring a thesis
or dissertation, procedures for selection of a thesis director, topic,
and committee; removal or resignation of members from a committee;
substitution of a new director if the original director leaves the
university; submission and approval of a written thesis; and procedures
for oral defense, including the number or percentage of committee
members who must approve the thesis.
6. A statement of the
involvement of the student in the discussion of his or her course work,
performance in examinations, dissertation or thesis activity, or other
work, including whether the student will be allowed to participate in
meetings called for this purpose.
Each graduate program has
developed a written statement of procedures for guaranteeing students
due process. These are available from each graduate program director.
The procedures include:
1. Timely notification of examination results.
2. A requirement that students who fail a comprehensive examination or
thesis defense be provided with an explanation of the reasons for the
negative decision.
3. An appeals mechanism to consider cases
in which the procedures outlined in the written statement of policies
and procedures may not have been followed.