Physiologic and Pathologic Response to Health and Illness (3)
This course focuses on the physiologic and pathologic responses to common physical
and behavioral health issues and disease processes affecting individuals across
the life span. Clinical manifestations and health alterations are discussed.
Content builds on basic anatomy and physiology, microbiology, and chemistry.
Corequisites: 25:705:306, 325, 335, 395.
Pharmacotherapeutics (3)
This course provides students with an
understanding of pharmacological principles for managing physiologic stressors
and pathological processes. Major drug classifications are discussed in
relation to safe and effective administration methods, pharmacologic effects,
toxicity, nursing precautions, and implications. Cultural, ethical, legal, and
political issues are explored. Content builds upon basic anatomy and
physiology, microbiology, and chemistry.
Corequisites: 25:705:306, 325, 335, 330.
Health Assessment across the Life Span (3)
This course focuses on the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed by professional
nurses to conduct a comprehensive physical and behavioral health assessment
using a life span approach, and incorporating ethical, social, and cultural
dimensions. Students will incorporate
health promotion strategies for teaching and learning needs of individuals.
Health assessment skills are practiced in the simulation learning environment.
Corequisites: 25:705:395, 325, 335, 330.
Nursing Care of Healthy Populations (6)
This course focuses on the knowledge,
attitudes, and skills needed by professional nurses to provide evidence-based
primary and secondary prevention to healthy individuals, families, and
communities. Nursing process and clinical reasoning concepts will be introduced
to optimize physical and behavioral health outcomes across the life span.
Nursing skills are practiced in the simulated learning environment and in
various health care and community settings.
Corequisites: 25:705:395, 325, 306, 330.
Professional Nursing I (2)
This course introduces students to the
rich heritage of nursing and the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed by
professional nurses to be effective members of the health care team. Emphasis is placed on the development of
therapeutic and written communication skills necessary to advocate in the
nurse/client relationship and with members of the health care team. This course
also introduces students to the concept of evidence-based practice and its
relevance to their practice as professional nurses. It is designed to facilitate an understanding
of the meaning and significance of evidence-based nursing practice and an
appreciation of how theory and research shape that practice and enhance the
quality of care provided.
Corequisites: 25:705:395, 335, 306, 330.
Nursing Care of Adults and Older Adults with Common Health Conditions (6)
This course focuses on the knowledge,
attitudes, and skills needed by professional nurses to provide care to
culturally diverse adults and older adults. Emphasis is placed on clinical reasoning/judgments
pertinent to health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention and
symptom management, incorporating evidence-based practice to common physical
and behavioral health conditions. Factors influencing the health of adult and
older adult populations will be identified and disparities in outcomes will be
discussed. The nurse's role as a leader, patient advocate, change agent,
educator, and member of the interprofessional health care team will be discussed. This course will include clinical experiences
in simulation and a variety of health care settings.
Prerequisites: 25:705:205, 395, 335, 306, 330 306, 330.
Corequisites: 25:705:326, 340.
Nursing Care of Childbearing Families (6)
This course focuses on the knowledge,
attitudes, and skills needed by professional nurses to provide care to diverse
childbearing families. Physical and behavioral factors influencing the
reproductive health of families, communities, and populations will be
identified and disparities in outcomes will be discussed. Evidence-based
practice, professional standards of care, the nursing process, and knowledge
from nursing and related disciplines will be presented as the foundation for
providing comprehensive, safe, quality nursing care to childbearing families.
The perinatal nurse's role as a leader, patient advocate, change agent,
educator, and member of the interprofessional health care team will be discussed.
This course will include clinical experiences in simulation and a variety of
health care settings.
Prerequisites: 25:705:205, 395, 335, 306, 330.
Corequisites: 25:705:326, 336.
25:705: 326
Professional Nursing II (3)
This course focuses on applying the
knowledge, attitudes and skills needed by professional nurses to assume the
role of leader in ways that continually improve nursing care and advance the
profession. This course will explore contemporary issues in healthcare and the
impact on practice, policy, education, and research. Emphasis is placed on the
use of nursing informatics, health literacy and the competencies needed by
nurses to guide scholarly inquiry. Students will acquire the knowledge and
skills essential to identify research questions, conduct structured literature
and database searches, begin to critically appraise research findings and
practice guidelines, and utilize electronic clinical decision support resources
(up-to-date) associated with improved outcomes.
Prerequisites: 25:705:205, 395, 335, 306, 330.
Corequesites: 25:705:340, 336.
Nursing Care of Adults and Older Adults with Complex Health Conditions (6)
This course focuses on the knowledge,
attitudes, and skills needed by professional nurses to provide care to
culturally diverse adults and older adults. Emphasis is placed on clinical
reasoning/judgments pertinent to health promotion, risk reduction, and disease
prevention and symptom management, incorporating evidence-based practice to
complex health conditions. Factors influencing the physical and behavioral
health of adult and older adult populations will be identified and disparities
in outcomes will be discussed. The nurse's role as a leader, patient advocate,
change agent, educator, and member of the interprofessional health care team will
be discussed. This course will include clinical experiences in simulation and a
variety of health care and community settings.
Prerequisites: 25:705:340, 336, 326.
Corequisites: 25:705:427, 412.
Nursing Care of the Infant, Child, and Adolescent (6)
This course focuses on the knowledge,
attitudes, and skills needed by professional nurses to provide evidence-based
care to culturally diverse infant, child, and adolescent populations and their
families. Emphasis is placed on clinical
reasoning/judgments pertinent to health promotion, risk reduction, and disease
prevention, and symptom management of acute and chronic physical and behavioral
health conditions. Factors influencing the health of infants, children, and
adolescents will be identified and disparities in outcomes will be discussed.
The nurse's role as a leader, patient advocate, change agent, educator, and
member of the interprofessional health care team will be discussed. The course
will include clinical experiences in simulation and a variety of health care
Prerequisites: 25:705:340, 336, 326.
Corequisites: 25:705:427, 428.
Professional Nursing III (3)
This course challenges students to explore the role of nurse
leader in ways that continually improves nursing care and advance the
profession across practice, academic, and policy arenas. Approaches to develop
health policy that is grounded in sound evidence will be discussed and serve as
tools for future nurse leaders and nurse scientists. A strong emphasis is the
responsibility of the nurse to ensure high quality, safe, and cost-effective,
value-based care across all settings and for individuals and populations across
the life span.
Prerequisites: 25:705:340, 336, 326.
Corequisites: 25:705:428, 412.
Nursing Care of Individuals/Populations with Acute and Chronic Mental Health Conditions (6)
This course
focuses on the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed by professional nurses
to provide care to culturally diverse individuals, families, and communities
dealing with acute and chronic mental health and psychiatric conditions. Emphasis on clinical reasoning/judgments pertinent to health promotion, risk
reduction, and disease prevention and management of acute and chronic mental
health and psychiatric conditions. Factors influencing mental health will be
identified and disparities in outcomes will be discussed. The nurse's role as a
leader, patient advocate, change agent, educator, and member of the
interprofessional health care team will be discussed. The course will include
clinical experiences in simulation and a variety of health care and community
Prerequisites: 25:705:428, 412, 414.
Corequisites: 25:705:418, 455.
Transition to Professional Practice (4)
This course focuses on the
knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed by the student nurse to effectively
transition to professional practice, providing and managing safe and effective
care within health care systems. Emphasis
is placed on the synthesis of various leadership roles and responsibilities
expected of the novice professional nurse, such as care provider, care
coordinator, manager, change agent, and member of interprofessional teams
working collaboratively to ensure continuity of care to support culturally
competent, safe, and effective care to individuals, families, groups, and
communities. Theoretical perspectives will help guide students to cope with
change, conflict, prioritization, delegation, and time management. This course will include a clinical component along with a seminar.
Prerequisites: 25:705:428, 412, 414.
Corequisites: 25:705:418, 414.
Population Health (3)
This course synthesizes
previous knowledge and skills to address population health of diverse
individuals and communities across the life span and settings. The goal is to
shift the focus from acute, individual care to a broader health promotion,
disease prevention framework focused on populations. Emphasis is on the
identification of social determinants that impact the health of individuals,
families, and communities. Students are challenged to explore how engagement of
nursing professionals can impact the health of populations through analysis of
culturally competent care, to address social determinants and health
disparities. The utility of the collection and interpretation of meaningful use
data to identify care gaps to promote quality and safe care are discussed.
Prerequisites: 25:705:428, 427, 412.
Corequisites: 25:705:414, 455.
Please contact undergraduate dean for additional information.
Note: If you withdraw from a course
that has one or more corequisite(s), you must withdraw from both the course and the corequisite