Nursing courses offered on the Newark campus are coded with a "25", whereas courses offered on the New Brunswick and Blackwood campuses are preceded by a "77".
For example, Culture, Lifestyle, and Health offered in Newark is coded as 25:705:202, but in New Brunswick or Blackwood the same course has the following code: 77:705:202.
77:705:101 or 25:705:101
Academic and Professional Development Seminar (1)
Provides opportunity
for students to learn and adopt methods to promote their success in college,
both academically and personally. Focus on development of practical knowledge
and skills to assist students in meeting this goal.
Required of first-year students.
77:705:202 or 25:705:202
Culture, Lifestyle, and Health (3)
Introduces the richness and uniqueness of the patterns of diverse cultural groups; emphasis is
placed on the commonalities and differences among persons of various cultural backgrounds.
25:705:223 or 77:705:223
History, Trends, and Issues in Health Care Delivery (3)
Current methods of health care, how they evolve, and directions for the future. Health, social,
and legislative issues influencing the providers and consumers of services are examined.
25:705:229 or 77:705:229
Life Span: A Holistic Approach (3)
Provides a unified approach to the study of humankind. Patterns of growth and development of
individuals, starting with conception, are explored. The aging process as a continuous biopsychosocial phenomenon throughout the life span is examined.
25:705:233 or 77:705:233
Human Interactive Processes (3)
Overview of general communications theory, including components of communication, specific blocks, and selective aspects such as frustration, anxiety, and conflict. Theory applied in a small group situation. Emphasis on development of therapeutic communication.
Pre- or corequisite: 21:920:201 or 01:920:101.
25:705:245 or 77:705:245
Pathophysiology (3)
Focuses on the pathophysiology of common conditions affecting humans across the life span.
Prerequisites: 21:120:141-142 or 01:119:127-128.
25:705:255 or 77:705:255
Nutrition (3)
Study of essential nutrients and
their functions. Application of nutrition principles to food selection for
individuals and families, for modified diets, and for public health problems.
Recommended: Knowledge of chemistry.
25:705:390 or 77:705:390
Research Process Applied to Evidence-Based Nursing Practice (3)
Introduction to research and its application to the field of nursing; includes the research
process, theory development, philosophies related to the inquiry process, and research methodologies as they relate to the clinical setting. Analysis of
current research in light of its relevance to clinical practice or the development of nursing theory.
Prerequisites: Required course in descriptive/inferential statistics; 21:355:101-102 or 01:355:101-102.
25:705:395 or 77:705:395
Pharmacotherapeutics (3)
Emphasis on the nurse's role in the administration of safe and therapeutically effective drug
therapy. Major drug classifications are discussed in relation to administration methods, pharmacological effects, toxicity, and nursing precautions and implications. Drug therapy is discussed in relation to life span development changes, religious preferences, and cultural mores.
Prerequisites: 21:120:141-142, 25:705:245 or 77:705:245, or 01:119:127-128; 21:160:108, 110, or 01:160:128.
25:705:306 or 77:705:306
Health Assessment (3)
Focuses on health assessment of well individuals and families. Clinical reasoning process used in
simulated settings to assess health patterns and develop diagnoses of health assets and actual and potential health problems.
Prerequisites: 01:119:127-128 or 21:120:241-242; 01:119:131-132 or 21:120:235; 01:160:128 or 21:160:108, 110; 25:705:202, 223, 229, 233, 245, 255 or 77:705:202, 223, 229, 233, 245, 255; required course in descriptive/inferential statistics.
Corequisites: 25:705:307, 310, 390, 395 or 77:705:307, 310, 390, 395.
25:705:307 or 77:705:307
Nursing Care Provider I (2)
Focuses on developing clinical reasoning/judgments to provide nursing care to individuals across the
life span. The care provider role and professional role are introduced with basic nursing knowledge and skills applied in various health care settings.
Prerequisites: 01:119:127-128 or 21:120:241-242; 01:119:131-132 or 21:120:235; 01:160:128 or 21:160:108, 110; 25:705:202, 223, 229, 233, 245, 255 or 77:705:202, 223, 229, 233, 245, 255; required course in descriptive/inferential statistics.
Corequisites: 25:705:306, 310, 390, 395 or 77:705:306, 310, 390, 395.
25:705:310 or 77:705:310
The Childbearing Family (6)
The focus of this course is on nursing care needs of diverse childbearing families. Theories of
health during the reproductive period will be discussed. Perinatal nursing will be examined and the nurse's role in providing care to childbearing families will be delineated. Environmental and cultural dimensions influencing health promotion, risk reduction, and health restoration of the childbearing family will also be explored. Standards of practice will form the basis of content. The student will use clinical reasoning/judgment to provide nursing care to diverse childbearing families based on standards of practice. Opportunities to interact and collaborate with multidisciplinary providers in a variety of settings will be provided. The student will be expected to provide comprehensive nursing care
to the childbearing family as a unit and individually: mother, father, and
infant, building on knowledge previously learned.
Prerequisites: 01:119:127-128 or 21:120:241-242; 01:119:131-132 or 21:120:235; 01:160:128 or 21:160:108, 110; 25:705:202, 223, 229, 233, 245, 255 or 77:705:202, 223, 229, 233, 245, 255; required course in descriptive/inferential statistics.
Corequisites: 25:705:306, 307, 390, 395 or 77:705:306, 307, 390, 395.
25:705:314 or 77:705:314
Health and Illness of Infants, Children, and Adolescents (6)
course focuses on the theoretical and scientific knowledge relevant to
the nursing care of culturally diverse children and adolescents and on
the clinical application of knowledge in the nursing care of children
and adolescents. Emphasis is placed on knowledge and clinical reasoning
pertinent to health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention.
Nursing strategies pertaining to the primary health care of children and
adolescents will be discussed. Nursing strategies pertaining to the
management of acute and chronic illnesses and symptom management in
children and adolescents are applied and evaluated.
Prerequisites: 25:705:306, 307, 310, 390, 395 or 77:705:306, 307, 310, 390, 395.
Corequisites: 25:705:320, 322 or 77:705:320, 322.
25:705:320 or 77:705:320
Health and Illness of Adults and Older Adults (6)
This course focuses on the theoretical, clinical, and scientific knowledge relevant to the nursing
care of culturally diverse adults. Emphasis is placed on knowledge and clinical
reasoning/judgments pertinent to health promotion, risk reduction, disease prevention, and the management of symptoms and illness in adult clients.
Prerequisites: 25:705:306, 307, 310, 390, 395 or 77:705:306, 307, 310, 390, 395.
Corequisites: 25:705:314, 322 or 77:705:314, 322.
25:705:322 or 77:705:322
Nursing Care Provider II (2)
Focuses on the application of clinical judgments and skills in the care of acutely ill
clients. Emphasis on the use of clinical judgment to promote, restore, and maintain health in culturally diverse individuals with acute health problems across the life span. Relevant care provider skills are practiced.
Prerequisites: 25:705:306, 307, 310, 390, 395 or 77:705:306, 307, 310, 390, 395.
Corequisites: 25:705:314, 320 or 77:705:314, 320.
25:705:409 or 77:705:409
Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing (6)
This course focuses on the theoretical, clinical, and scientific knowledge relevant to the nursing
care of culturally diverse psychiatric clients. Clinical applications of knowledge in the nursing care of individuals, families, and groups with acute and chronic alterations in psychological functioning are applied and evaluated. Emphasis is placed on knowledge and clinical reasoning/judgments pertinent to health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention in psychiatric clients. Nursing strategies pertaining to the management of illness and symptom
management of the psychiatric client are discussed.
Prerequisites: 25:705:314, 320, 322 or 77:705:314, 320, 322.
Corequisite: 25:705:415 or 77:705:415.
25:705:415 or 77:705:415
Health and Illness of Adults and Older Adults II (6)
Focuses on theoretical and scientific knowledge relevant to the nursing care of
culturally diverse older adults. Emphasis is placed on knowledge pertinent to health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention. Nursing strategies pertaining to the recognition and management of illness and symptoms in older adults will also be discussed. In addition, the course also contains a Pass/Fail clinical portion. The clinical will focus on the application of
knowledge in the nursing care of culturally diverse older adults. Emphasis will be placed on providing competent clinical reasoning/judgment in promoting
health, reducing risk, and preventing disease. Nursing strategies pertaining to the management of acute and chronic illness and symptom management in older adults are applied and evaluated.
Prerequisites: 25:705:314, 320, 322 or 77:705:314, 320, 322.
Corequisite: 25:705:409 or 77:705:409.
25:705:444 or 77:705:444
Community Health Nursing (6)
Provides students with an introduction to community health nursing practice, including
the standards of practice for community health nursing, with an emphasis on community assessment, program planning and evaluation, community empowerment, and caring for high-risk aggregates and vulnerable populations in the community. Students will learn the theoretical basis for underlying analysis of health patterns of communities, apply these theories in the clinical practicum, and develop an understanding of the role of the professional nurse in promoting
the health of communities.
Prerequisites:25:705:409, 415 or 77:705:409, 415.
Corequisite: 25:705:498 or 77:705:498.
25:705:498 or 77:705:498
Leadership and Management in Nursing (6)
Focuses on the theoretical foundations for implementing nursing's provider, management,
and professional roles to promote, maintain, and restore the health of humans. Emphasis is placed on conceptualizing health care organizations as client and nursing's role in delivering and managing care in such organizations.
Prerequisites: 25:705:409, 415 or 77:705:409, 415.
Corequisite: 25:705:444 or 77:705:444.
Note: If you withdraw from a course
that has one or more corequisite(s), you must withdraw from both the course and the corequisite