The Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance (VPVA) is an office at Rutgers University-New Brunswick that works to address issues of interpersonal violence and other crimes in our community. We specialize in addressing issues of sexual violence, relationship abuse, and stalking. In addition to consultation, policy development, and overall leadership on these issues, we provide three services to our students:
Counseling: VPVA offers trauma-informed counseling to survivors of interpersonal violence and other crimes. Counseling can be requested by calling our office Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm and can be offered in-person or virtually.
Advocacy: If you or a friend have experienced interpersonal violence, help is available. VPVA provides crisis intervention and advocacy. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by calling 848-932-1181. If you hear the voicemail recording, press 0 to connect with a trained, confidential advocate anytime the office is closed.
Prevention Education: Through peer education bystander intervention strategies and addressing gender roles, anti-oppression and we provide a range of programs with the goal to engage the entire Rutgers community in working to prevent crimes before they occur.
Awareness Programs: We provide a variety of large and small-scale programs throughout the academic year designed to raise awareness about interpersonal violence and engage our community in activism around these issues. We encourage collaboration with student groups and other offices. To schedule a program for your group and find out more, reach out to the office.
VPVA services at Rutgers University-Camden, Rutgers University-Newark, and Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences can be found at the following links: