Chemical engineering deals with the chemical, biological, and
physical processes for converting raw materials to valuable products and
with the design of such products. Students apply principles of physics,
chemistry, mathematics, biology, and health and safety sciences to the
analysis, design, and automatic control of these processes. The
biochemical engineering option focuses on biochemical and biological
processes that require the integration of biochemistry and molecular
biology with the core chemical engineering curriculum and other basic
sciences. Special programs are available for those who wish to pursue
careers as chemical engineers in medicine or biomedical engineering,
polymer process engineering and science, environmental engineering, energy engineering,
pharmaceutical engineering, and food engineering.
The achievements of chemical and biochemical engineering constantly
touch our daily lives. Past and current breakthroughs include the
large-scale production of antibiotics; plastics, synthetic rubber, and
polymeric fabrics; semiconductors; gasoline and aviation fuel;
hydrocarbon-based chemicals from oil, coal, and renewable resources;
water and air purification systems; management of hazardous wastes;
fertilizers, nutritional synthetic foods, and dietary supplements; dyes,
paints, and solvents; kidney dialysis machines and artificial skin;
biological production of alcohol or methane gas from controlled
microbial digestion of natural and industrial waste materials; and
development of bioreactors using enzymes and cells to enhance production
of foods, drugs, and specialty chemicals.
The broad education provided by these options and special programs
allows students to choose from a wide variety of careers. Many graduates
work in large corporations as well as smaller companies as practicing
chemical or biochemical engineers. The degree program also prepares
qualified students for graduate study leading to the master of science
(M.S.) or doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in chemical and other
engineering disciplines, including specialties in biomedical,
environmental, polymer, food, energy, and pharmaceutical engineering. In
addition, students are prepared to meet the graduate entrance
requirements for medical and law schools, business administration, and
other professional disciplines.
The curriculum is designed to prepare and train students for entry
into the profession equipped with the fundamental knowledge in core
sciences required for problem solving and critical thinking. Graduates
will have the tools needed to design and analyze complex chemical
engineering systems. Training in ethical, health and safety, and
societal concerns as they relate to the chemical engineering profession
is also provided. Graduates further learn effective communication skills
and gain valuable experience working in a team environment. The
bachelor of science program in chemical engineering is accredited by the
Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.
Program Educational Objectives