Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
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Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Mason Gross School of the Arts
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Academic Policies and Procedures
Degree Requirements
Credits and Residency
Liberal Arts Requirements
Programs of Study
Course Listing
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New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2019 Mason Gross School of the Arts Degree Requirements Requirements Liberal Arts Requirements  

Liberal Arts Requirements

In addition to completing the prescribed program of study in their major as outlined in the Programs of Study chapter later in this section, students must take courses in the following liberal arts categories:

Natural Sciences: life sciences, chemistry, geological sciences, marine and coastal sciences, meteorology, physics and astronomy, anthropology*, cognitive sciences*, exercise science/sport studies*, geography*, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences*
*Not all courses in these departments fulfill this requirement.
Social Science and History: communication, criminal justice, economics, education, environmental policy, exercise and sports science, information technology and informatics, labor studies and employment relations, Latin American studies, political science, Africana studies, African area studies, American studies, Asian studies, history, Latino and Hispanic Caribbean studies, medieval studies, Middle Eastern studies, South Asian studies, women's and gender studies, planning and public policy, psychology, public health, sociology, anthropology*, European studies*, geography*, Jewish studies*, journalism and media studies*
*Not all courses in these departments fulfill this requirement.

Humanities: archaeology, African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian languages and literatures, American Sign Language, Armenian, Catalan, Chinese, classics, comparative literature, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, philosophy, Polish, Portuguese, religion, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, American studies*, art history*, cinema studies*, English*, European studies*, Jewish studies*, journalism and media studies*, linguistics*, Middle Eastern studies*, South Asian studies*
*Not all courses in this department fulfill this requirement.

: English 01:351 only, comparative literature, foreign language literature (original or translation, check with dean's office before you enroll)

Quantitative/Technical Skills: mathematics, computer science, statistics, research methods in a department, 01:355:415  Information Design, 01:355:425  Web Authoring, 04:547:320  Web Design, 01:730:201 Introduction to Logic, 01:615:201  Introduction to Linguistic Theory, 01:070:335  Analysis of Archaeological Data, 01:070:395  Quantification of Archaeological Data, 04:192:300  Communication Research, 01:202:307  Criminal Justice Research Methods, 01:377:275  Basic Statistics for Exercise Science, 14:440:127 Introduction to Computers for Engineers, 14:440:221  Engineering Mechanics: Statistics, 01:450:319  Quantitative Methods, 01:450:320  Spatial Data Analysis, 01:450:330 Geographical Methods, 01:711:295  Introductory Topics in Operations Research, 10:762:205  Basic Statistical Methods for Policy, Planning, and Health, 01:790:300  Introduction to Political Science Methods, 01:830:200  Quantitative Methods in Psychology, 01:920:311  Introduction to Social Research, 01:920:312  Computer Analysis of Social Science Data, 04:189:103  Information Technology and Information, 07:080:431 Social Media in the Arts, 07:577:201 Pain in the Assets

Mason Gross Liberal Arts Core Requirements

Part One: Areas of Inquiry (24 credits)
This area allows students to encounter multiple modes of scholarship, research, analysis and synthesis.

        A. Natural Science (Minimum 3 credits)
        Learning Goals
  • Understand and apply basic principles and concepts in the physical or biological sciences
  • Explain and be able to assess the relationship among assumptions, method, evidence, arguments, and theory in scientific analysis  
  • Identify and critically assess ethical and societal issues in science
        B. Social Science and History (Minimum 3 credits)
        Learning Goals
  • Understand the bases and development of human and societal endeavors across time and place
  • Explain and be able to assess the relationship among assumptions, method, evidence, arguments, and theory in social and historical analysis
  • Identify and critically assess ethical issues in social science and history
        C. Arts and Humanities (Minimum 3 credits)
         Learning Goals
  • Examine critically philosophical and other theoretical issues concerning the nature of reality, human experience, knowledge, value, and/or cultural production
  • Analyze arts and/or literatures in themselves and in relation to specific histories
  • Understand the nature of human languages and their speakers
  • Engage critically in the process of creative expression
        D. Liberal Arts Elective (to a total of 24 credits)                  

Part Two: Cognitive Skills and Processes (9 credits)
This area provides undergraduates with a solid foundation in areas that are critical for success in academic study and research.

        A. Writing (3 credits): Expository Writing 101
        Learning Goals
  • Communicate complex ideas effectively in standard written English to a general audience
  • Communicate effectively in modes appropriate to a discipline or area of inquiry
  • Evaluate and critically assess sources and use the conventions of attribution and citation correctly
  • Analyze and synthesize information and ideas from multiple sources to generate new insights
        B. Literature or Second Writing-Intensive Course (3 credits)

        C. Quantitative/Technical Skills (3 credits)
        Learning Goals
  • Employ current technologies to access information, to conduct research, and to communicate findings
  • Analyze and critically assess information from traditional and emergent technologies
  • Understand the principles that underlie information systems

Total Credits: 33

Where permitted by the department, students may count up to 12 credits, which are already required by the major.

Changes in Basic Skills Requirements

    * All students are required to take both the English and the math placement tests.
    * Mason Gross Students admitted as entering or transfer students in the fall of 2009 and thereafter are no longer required to show competence in elementary algebra.

The Liberal Arts Core Requirements listed above is a framework approved by the Curriculum Committee. Students must consult their department, listed below, to learn how these requirements are to be fulfilled. They are department specific.

Part I (24 credits)
          A. Natural Science (3): 01:206:325  Kinesiology
          B. Social Science and History (6)
          C. Arts and Humanities (6)
          D. Liberal Arts Electives (9)

Part II (9 credits)
         A. Writing and Communication (3): 01:355:101  Expository Writing
         B. Literature or Second Writing Intensive Course (3): 01:355:201  Research in Disciplines
         C. Quantitative/Technical Skills (3): 07:206:237  Dance Production

Total Credits: 33

Part I: Areas of Inquiry (24 credits)
        A. Social Science and History (6)
        B. Arts and Humanities (12)
             01:082:105  Art History 105
             01:082:106  Art History 106
             01:082:XXX  Art History or Cinema Studies elective
             One Contextual Studies course; choose one from below:
                 04:189:152  The Structure of Information
                 04:567:275  Social Media and the Participatory Culture
                 11:550:133   Architectural Design
                 04:567:333  Media and Popular Culture
        C. Liberal Arts Electives (6)

Part II: Cognitive Skills and Processes (9 credits)
        A. Writing and Communication (3): 01:355:101  Expository Writing     
        B. Literature/Writing Contemporary Art (3)
             07:081:200  Seminar in Contemporary Art A
             01:355:201 Research in the Disciplines
        C. Quantitative/Technical Skills (3)

Total Credits: 33

Digital Filmmaking
Part I (24 credits)
          A. Natural Science (6)
          B. Arts and Humanities (12)
              01:082:106  Introduction to Art History
              01:354:201  Introduction to Film I
              01:354:202  Introduction to Film II
              01:354:XXX  Cinema Studies Elective
          C. Social Science and History (6)

Part II (9 credits)
         A. Writing and Communication (3): 01:355:101  Expository Writing
         B. Literature (3)
         C. Quantitative/Technical Skills (3)
Total Credits: 33

Music (Jazz, Performance, and Composition)
Part I: Areas of Inquiry (24 credits)
         A. Natural Science (3)
         B. Social Science and History (3)
         C. Arts and Humanities (3)
         D. Liberal Arts Electives (15)

Part II: Cognitive Skills and Processes (9 credits)

        A. Writing and Communication (3): 01:355:101  Expository Writing     
        B. Literature (3)
        C. Quantitative/Technical Skills (3)

Total Credits: 33

Music (Music Education)
(For students participating in Clinical Practice II prior to or during the spring 2018 semester, please see the liberal arts requirements from the Rutgers-New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2015-2017.)

Part I: Areas of Inquiry (21 credits)
        A. Natural Science (Biology) (3)
        B. Social Science and History (12)
             01:830:101  General Psychology                       
             01:830:331/333  Infant and Child Development or Adolescent Psychology             
             05:300:306  Educational Psychology                   
             05:300:383  Introduction to Special Education                                        
        C. Arts and Humanities (3)
             07:700:419 or 420  Special Studies in Music History
        D. Liberal Arts  (3)
             05:300:401  Individual/Cultural Diversity in the Classroom

Part II: Cognitive Skills and Processes (9)
        A. Writing and Communication: 01:355:101  Expository Writing
        B. Literature or Research in the Disciplines (01:355:201) (3)
        C. Quantitative/Technical Skills (Math, 01:640:100-level or above) (3)

Total Credits: 30

Theater (Production)

Part I: Areas of Inquiry (24 credits)
        A. Natural Science (3)
        B. Social Science and History (3)
        C. Arts and Humanities (3)
            07:965:281  Theory History
        D. Liberal Arts Electives (15)
             07:965:370  Global Theater
             07:965:473  Clothing and Culture
             07:965:282  Theater History II
             Free liberal arts elective
             Free liberal arts elective

Part II: Cognitive Skills and Processes (9 credits)
         A.Writing and Communication (3):  01:355:101  Expository Writing     
         B. Literature (3)
         C. Quantitative/Technical Skills (3)
              07:966:215  Scenic Art

Total Credits: 30

Theater (Design)
Part I: Areas of Inquiry (24 credits)
        A. Natural Science (3)
        B. Social Science and History (3)
        C. Arts and Humanities (3)
            07:965:281  Theory History
        D. Liberal Arts Electives (15)
             01:082:105  Art History
             01:082:106  Art History
             07:965:370  Global Theater
             07:965:417  British Art and Culture
             07:965:282  Theater History II

Part II: Cognitive Skills and Processes (9 credits)
         A.Writing and Communication (3): 01:355:101  Expository Writing     
         B. Literature (3)
              07:966:427  Shakespeare's Plays in Context
         C. Quantitative/Technical Skills (3)
              07:966:215  Scenic Art

Total Credits: 33

Theater (Acting)
Part I: Areas of Inquiry (24 credits)
        A. Social Science and History (3): 07:966:417  British Art and Culture
        B. Arts and Humanities (3): 07:966:427  Shakespeare's Plays in Context
        C. Liberal Arts Electives (21)
             07:965:418  British Art and Culture
             07:965:370  Global Theater I
             07:965:473  Clothing and Culture I
             07:965:281  Theater History I
             07:965:282   Theater History II
             Free liberal arts elective
             Free liberal arts elective

Part II: Cognitive Skills and Processes (6 credits)

        A. Writing and Communication (3): 01:355:101  Expository Writing     
        B. Literature (3): 07:966:427  Shakespeare's Plays in Context

Total Credits: 33

Visual Arts
Part I: Areas of Inquiry (21 credits)
        A. Social Science and History (6)
        B. Arts and Humanities (12)
             01:082:105  Art History 105
             01:082:106  Art History 106
             01:XXX:XXX  Art History or Cinema Studies elective
             01:XXX:XXX  Art History or Cinema Studies elective
        C. Liberal Arts Electives (3)

Part II: Cognitive Skills and Processes (12 credits)
        A. Writing and Communication (3): 01:355:101  Expository Writing     
        B. Second Writing Intensive Course (6)
             07:081:200  Seminar in Contemporary Art A
             07:081:201  Seminar in Contemporary Art B
        C. Quantitative/Technical Skills (3)

Total Credits: 33

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