matriculating prior to the fall semester 2015 in the School of
Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS) must complete the SEBS general education requirements. In addition, students majoring in bioenvironmental engineering must complete the major requirements described below.
matriculating fall 2015 or after and transfer students matriculating in
2016 and after must complete a goal-based Core Curriculum in place of
general education requirements. The goal-based core is described here: Courses are certified for the Core Curriculum by a faculty committee. A current list of certified courses can be found here: Bioenvironmental engineering major requirements are as described below.
For an up-to-date description of bioenvironmental engineering
major requirements, courses, and course sequences please refer to the
program webpage at in Bioenvironmental Engineering (133 credits)
A. REQUIRED COURSES (117) Quantitative Skills (16)
01:640:151-152 Calculus
for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (4,4)
01:640:244 Differential
Equations for Engineering and Physics (4)
Multivariable Calculus (4)
Computer and Information Technology
Competence (3)
14:440:127 Introduction
to Computers for Engineers (3)
Professional Ethics
Ethical, social, and safety
considerations important in engineering practice are included in several of the
required upper-level design courses.
Additional Requirements (98)
01:119:103 Principles of Biology (4)
01:160:159-160 General Chemistry for
Engineers (3,3)
01:160:171 Introduction to Experimentation (1)
01:160:209 Elementary
Organic Chemistry (3)
01:160:211 Elementary
Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)
01:220:102 Introduction to Microeconomics (3)
Analytical Physics I (2,2)
01:750:227 Analytical
Physics IIA (3)
01:750:229 Analytical
Physics IIA Laboratory (1)
11:117:100 Introduction
to Bioenvironmental Engineering (1)
11:117:333 Environmental Engineering Tools (3)
11:117:413,414 Unit
Processes in Bioenvironmental Engineering I,II (3,3)
Bioenvironmental Unit Processes Laboratory I,II (1,1)
11:117:462 Design of
Solid Waste Treatment Systems (3)
11:117:468 Hazardous
Waste Treatment Engineering (3)
11:117:474 Air
Pollution Engineering (3)
11:117:488,489 Bioenvironmental
Engineering Design I,II (2,2)
Principles of Ecology (3)
11:374:279 Politics of Environmental Issues
11:374:460 Environmental Law and Policy I
11:375:201 Biological Principles of
Environmental Sciences (3)
11:375:202 Chemical
Principles of Environmental Sciences (3)
11:375:203 Physical
Principles of Environmental Sciences (3)
11:375:303 Numerical
Methods in Environmental Science (3) (or 300+ level statistics course (3))
Environmental Fate and Transport (3)
11:670:453 Air Quality Modeling (3) (or
11:375:322 Energy Technology and Its Environmental Impact)
11:680:201 Introduction to Microbiology (3)
14:180:215 Engineering Graphics (1)
14:180:243 Mechanics of
Solids (3)
14:180:387 Fluid
Mechanics (3) or 14:650:312 Fluid Mechanics (3)
14:180:389 Fluid
Mechanics Laboratory (1)
14:440:221-222 Engineering
Mechanics (3,3)
Thermodynamics (3)
B. ELECTIVES (12 credits must be fulfilled)
01:460:414 Hydrologic
Processes (3)
01:460:428 Hydrogeology (3)
01:640:250 Introductory Linear Algebra (3)
01:640:350 Linear Algebra (3)
01:750:326 Computer-Based
Experiments (4)
01:750:327 Modern Instrumentation
11:117:450 Applied
Instrumentation and Control (4)
11:117:494 Land and
Water Resources Engineering (3)
Environmental Systems Analysis for Engineers (3)
11:117:496 Planning and
Design of Land Treatment Systems (3)
11:117:497,498 Special Problems in
Bioresource Engineering (Up to 6 credits count toward technical electives)
11:372:232,233 Fundamentals of
Environmental Geomatics (3) and Laboratory (1) (4)
11:375:312 Environmental
Microbiology Laboratory (3)
11:375:322 Energy
Technology and its Environmental Impacts (3)
11:375:340 Environmental
Applications of Organic Chemistry (3)
11:375:346 Introduction to
Atmospheric Chemistry (3)
11:375:360 Soils and Water (3)
11:375:407 Environmental Toxicology
11:375:411 Environmental
Microbiology (3)
11:375:421 Fundamentals of Air Pollution (3)
11:375:424 Air Sampling and Analysis Techniques
11:375:430 Hazardous
Wastes (3)
11:375:434 Principles of
Industrial Hygiene (3)
11:375:444 Water Chemistry (3)
11:375:453 Soil Ecology (3)
11:670:102 Introduction to Climate
Science (3)
11:670:323 Thermodynamics of the
Atmosphere (3)
11:670:324 Dynamics of the
Atmosphere (3)
11:670:453 Air Quality Modeling (3)
11:680:390 General Microbiology (4)
14:180:372,374 Soil Mechanics (3)
and Laboratory (1) (4)
14:180:382 Hydraulic and
Environmental Engineering (3)
14:180:443 Advanced Hydraulics (3)
14:180:448 Elements of Hydrology (3)
14:540:343 Engineering
Economics (3)
14:650:462 Power Plants (3)
14:650:481 Heat Transfer (3)
33:010:272 Principles of Accounting
I (3)
33:010:275 Principles of Accounting
II (3)
Unspecified Electives
addition to courses meeting the above requirements, students can take
any other courses offered by the university, for which they meet the
course eligibility requirements, to bring their total number of credits
to the minimum of 159 required for graduation in bioenvironmental engineering.