Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
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Aerospace Engineering
Applied Sciences in Engineering
Bioenvironmental Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
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Four-Year Undergraduate Curriculum
Civil and Environmental Engineering
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Industrial and Systems Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
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New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2019 School of Engineering Programs of Study Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Four-Year Undergraduate Curriculum  

Four-Year Undergraduate Curriculum

Four-Year Curriculum Code 155

The degree awarded upon completion of either option is the B.S. in chemical engineering which is professionally accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

First Year

See First-Year Program (35)

Sophomore Year

(common to both options)

First Semester

  01:160:307  Organic Chemistry I (4)*

  01:640:251  Multivariable Calculus (4)

  01:750:227  Analytical Physics II (3)

  01:750:229  Analytical Physics II Laboratory (1)

  14:155:201  Chemical Engineering Material and Energy Balances (3)

  14:155:298  Professional Skills Development (1)

Second Semester

  01:160:308  Organic Chemistry II (4)*

  01:220:102  Introduction to Microeconomics (3)

  01:640:244  Differential Equations for Engineering and Physics (4)

  14:155:208  Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I (3)

  14:155:210  Biological Foundations of Chemical Engineering

Chemical Option

Junior Year

First Semester

  01:160:311  Organic Chemistry Laboratory (2)**

  01:640:421  Advanced Calculus for Engineering (3)

  14:155:303  Transport Phenomena in Chemical Engineering I (3)

  14:155:307  Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering (3)

  14:155:309  Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II (3)

  humanities/social sciences elective (3)

Second Semester

  14:155:304  Transport Phenomena in Chemical Engineering II (3)

  14:155:324  Separation Processes (4)

  14:155:341  Chemical Engineering Kinetics (3)

  14:635:407  Mechanical Properties of Materials (3)

  humanities/social sciences elective (3)

Senior Year

First Semester

  14:155:411  Biochemical Engineering (3)

  14:155:415  Process Engineering Laboratory I (4)

  14:155:422  Process Simulation and Control (3)

  14:155:427  Chemical Engineering Design I (3)

  general elective (3)

Second Semester

  14:155:416  Process Engineering Laboratory II (4)

  14:155:428  Chemical Engineering Design II (4)

  technical elective (3)

  general elective (3)

Total Credits = 130.0

Biochemical Option

Junior Year

First Semester

  01:447:390  General Microbiology (4)***

  01:640:421  Advanced Calculus for Engineering (3)

  14:155:303  Transport Phenomena in Chemical Engineering I (3)

  14:155:307  Computational Methods for Chemical Engineers (3)

  14:155:309  Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II (3)

Second Semester

  01:694:301  Introductory Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (3)

  01:694:313  Introductory Biochemistry Laboratory (1)

  14:155:304  Transport Phenomena in Chemical Engineering II (3)

  14:155:324  Separation Processes (4)

  14:155:341  Chemical Engineering Kinetics (3)

  humanities/social sciences elective (3)

Senior Year

First Semester

  14:155:411  Biochemical Engineering (3)

  14:155:415  Process Engineering Laboratory I (4)

  14:155:422  Process Simulation and Control (3)

  14:155:427  Chemical Engineering Design I (3)

  humanities/social sciences elective (3)

Second Semester

  14:155:416  Process Engineering Laboratory II (4)

  14:155:428  Chemical Engineering Design II (4)

  14:635:407  Mechanical Properties of Materials (3)

  general elective (3)

Total Credits = 130.0


*01:160:315,316 are accepted in place of 01:160:307,308.  
**01:160:309 is accepted in place of 01:160:311, and may be taken with 01:160:308.
***The official prerequisite of 01:119:116,117 General Biology II/Lab is waived if 01:160:307,308 OR 01:160:315,316 Organic Chemistry have been completed. See associate dean of academic affairs for prerequisite override. Students may register for 11:680:390 OR 01:447:390. They are the same course offered by different departments on different campuses.

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