Frank A. Felder, Associate Research Professor and
Director, Center for Energy, Economic & Environmental Policy; B.A.,
Columbia College; B.S., School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
Columbia; S.M., Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Teaching and research interests include energy policy and restructured electric power systems.
Michael L. Lahr, Associate Research Professor, Center for Urban Policy Research; B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Pennsylvania
and research interests include economic development; inter-industry
economics; urban and regional economics and geography; public finance;
and labor markets.
Nancy H. Mantell, Research Associate and Director, Rutgers Economic Advisory Service; B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Research interests include state and local economic and tax forecasting and analysis.
Stuart Meck, Associate Research Professor and Director, Center for Planning Practice; B.A., M.A., Ohio State; M.B.A., Wright State
and research interests include land-use law; state growth management;
affordable housing; planning and zoning administration; impact analysis;
public administration; and finance.