This list includes the planning and public policy (762) courses
offered at the Bloustein School as of September 1, 2013. Special topics
courses may be found by viewing the Electronic Course Grid on the Bloustein School website. Courses are taught by multiple instructors and may not be offered each semester. Check the Electronic Course Grid or individual faculty pages on the Bloustein School website for specific syllabi.
Introduction to Planning, Policy, and Health (3)
Overview of public health, public policy, and urban planning with an emphasis on how these fields intersect in a U.S. context.
Credit not given for both this course and 10:832:101.
Basic Statistical Methods for Policy, Planning, and Health (3)
Descriptive and inferential statistics, data presentation and analysis: sampling methods, probability, estimation, hypothesis testing, and chi-square.
Writing, Reasoning, and Public Policy (3)
Learn to use words accurately, think and write logically, and formulate valid and true arguments for the creation and evaluation of public policy.
Credit not given for this course and 10:833:215.
Public Economic Policy (3)
Every government decision affects some economic market, from cars to textbooks. This course will help you evaluate government decisions and their effects on markets large and small.
Human Development and Public Policy (3)
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of educational policy with a special focus on academically at-risk populations.
The Urban World (3)
Interdisciplinary perspectives on the study of cities, historical and contemporary, and urban processes and problems.
American Land Patterns (3)
Provides an advanced undergraduate understanding of the diverse connections between America's national development and land-use environment.
Internship in Public Service (BA)
Students complete between 40 and 125 hours in the field (1 to 3 credits) doing a preapproved public service internship under the direction of a faculty member.
Special Topics in Planning and Public Policy (3)
Topics vary. This course is designed to address current issues in planning and public policy. See the Bloustein School's Electronic Course Grid for current offering.
Independent Study (BA,BA)
Prerequisite: A contract with a faculty sponsor and permission of the program director.
Global Poverty (3)
Causes and governmental responses to urban poverty in developing nations: economic, historical, and cultural factors.
Poverty in the United States (3)
Causes and consequences of poverty in the United States: economic, historical, and cultural factors, plus governmental solutions.
Principles of Public Policy (3)
Implementation of public policy including federal, state, and intergovernmental decision making. Policy areas examined include environment, health care, development, labor, and other areas.
Principles of Urban Planning (3)
The purpose of plans and planning and an introduction to planning techniques. Overview of planning domains such as housing, land use, and transportation with an emphasis on solutions to local problems.
U.S. Housing Policy (3)
Major issues in housing: historical, economic, and social factors. Political and regulatory dimensions of housing decision making: housing codes and the landlord-tenant relationship.
Graphic Communications for Planning (3)
This course will focus on the basic graphic skills necessary to communicate the visual and spatial characteristics of streets, buildings, and neighborhoods using Autocad, Sketchup, and Photosimulations.
Designing Healthy Cities (3)
The visual experience and physical nature of America's cities and suburbs from their original planning stage to their ultimate reality. Digital camera required.
Credit not given for this course and 10:832:315.
Physical Design and Site Planning (3)
The impact of physical design on quality of life with a focus on analytic processes for understanding the basic elements of human environments. Fieldwork.
Urban Municipal Management (3)
Management issues for service delivery (e.g., police and fire, health, housing, transportation, and welfare). Focus on internal organizational structure and leadership.
Social Movements (3)
How social movements translate changing social values into political forces. Issues include democracy, environment, health, human rights, labor, peace, and women.
Gender, Family, and Public Policy (3)
Explores women's evolving role in both family and the labor market, and addresses contemporary public policy debates around these changes.
Cross-listed with 34:833:591.
Aging and Public Policy (3)
This course considers the implications of aging for society in terms of public policy and response. Topics include ageism, cultural and racial-ethnic diversity as it pertains to aging, and the impact of longevity on national health and social service diversity.
Principles of Public Management and Administration (3)
This course will serve as an introduction to public administration and management in the United States. It will explore the institutional setting and political relationships in administration, leadership, decision making, personnel, and budgeting functions; administrative law and regulation; and the problem of responsibility.
Credit not given for both this course and 10:832:343.
Addictions Policy (3)
Practical pharmacology and scientific nature of addictions as public health issue. Exposure to treatment facilities, mutual aid meetings, and discussions of substance abuse policies.
Credit not given for this course and 10:832:351.
Cybercities (3)
Social and economic implications of new communications technologies for urban life. Includes consideration of ecommerce, online education, egovernment, and infrastructure needs.
Cross-listed with 34:970:653.
Organizational Marketing (3)
Provides a framework for understanding basic marketing theories and practices for students interested in public health, health care administration, policy, and planning.
Principles of Public Management (3)
Overview and understanding of the field, focusing on selected management skills and competences for effectively implementing organizational goals.
Credit not given for this course and 10:833:360 and 10:832:360.
Managing People and Organizations (3)
Introduces students to organizational theory and concepts of management. Approaches that promote and hinder effective management in public and nonprofit organizations will be explored.
Nonprofit Management (3)
course will apply management concepts and approaches to nonprofit
organizations. It will emphasize
the challenges faced by managers of nonprofit organizations in this period of
resource scarcity.
Research Methods (4)
Research concepts and skills applied to public health, public policy, and planning. Includes development of original and online data sources, coding, appropriate selection of statistical methods for analysis, and professional presentation of results.
Prerequisites: 10:762:101 and 205. Open to students enrolled in the Bloustein School only.
Internship with Seminar (3)
A 125-hour field experience in the public or private sector, plus a weekly classroom experience. Students complete a project under the supervision of a field preceptor and a faculty supervisor. Projects are presented in a public forum.
Open to 762 majors only.
Writing for Professionals (3)
To develop skill in the formulation of ideas and in expository and
professional writing using appropriate, clear, and effective grammar and
syntax, and develop critical thinking and analysis as elements of
effective writing.
Cross-listed as 10:832:410
Urban Revitalization (3)
Causes of urban decline and subsequent renewal efforts. Emphasis on contemporary programs to stimulate revitalization such as neighborhood renovation, gentrification, historic preservation, and economic development.
Population Tools and Policies (3)
Basic demographic concepts, methods, and their application. Population growth, mortality, fertility, migration, and marriage patterns.
Cross-listed with 10:832:417 and 34:970:633.
GIS for Health and Planning (3)
Computing concepts and methods applicable to planning and health, including database management, introduction to geographic information systems (GIS), and graphics.
Cross-listed with 10:832:420 and 34:832:542.
Community Development (3)
Analysis of neighborhood-based community development efforts to address housing, economic, and social issues affecting low-income communities. Resources for community building.
Community Mapping (3)
This course is designed for undergraduate students interested in community mapping in the fields of planning and public health. The fundamental understanding of how community mapping can be achieved through mapping techniques through geographic information systems (GIS) and other social media tools.
Credit not given for both this course and 10:832:423.
Applied Land-Use Planning (3)
In-depth use of planning tools such as zoning, subdivision, housing, and eminent domain and their use in comparative land-use systems.
Principles of Real Estate (3)
An overview of real estate in the marketplace, the organization and services of the real estate industry, and the tools of real estate practitioners.
Cross-listed with 34:970:604.
Market Analysis for Development (3)
This course helps determine who and what is the market for future housing, retail, office, and industrial space. Understanding the market forces, financing, and feasibility in our new economic times will be key to the sustainable, livable urbanism.
Historic Preservation (3)
The scope of historic preservation has expanded significantly. An overview of historical evolution of the preservation movement in the United States, examining important public preservation regulations and programs and the economics of historic preservation.
Cross-listed with 34:970:521.
Local Economic Development (3)
Analysis of efforts of citizens, business leaders, and governments to promote local economic development, focusing on economic development theory and the political economy.
Human Rights and Health (3)
Covers human rights law, its uses in wartime, the theoretical reframing of women's rights, and its application to health and health care.
Cross-listed with 34:970:608.
Bloustein Research (BA,BA)
Advanced undergraduates participate as research assistants in an ongoing research project at one of the institutes or centers at the Bloustein School. Students contract with and are supervised by the principal investigator of the project.
Open to students enrolled in the Bloustein School only.
Humanitarian Assistance (3)
The course covers debates about military or humanitarian aid; aid or trade; development or emergency aid; complex humanitarian crises; and refugees and internally displaced persons.
Globalization and Sustainability (3)
Explore global trends in demographic, political, security, economic,
technological, social, and environmental areas. Discuss key public
policy challenges that such trends pose to nation-states and global
Transportation Planning (3)
This course will focus on transit-oriented development. Planning for transit, pedestrian, and bicycle priority networks and land uses at various scales.
Transportation Policy (3)
Major policy issues in urban transportation. Historical development and current characteristics of urban transportation systems. Problems and alternative solutions analyzed in the context of political and institutional constraints.
Tourism Planning (3)
Analysis of the largest global industry. Rise of mass tourism, marketing of tourism destinations. Economic, environmental, social, and political impacts of tourism nationally and internationally.
Design for Sustainability (3)
The future requires that sustainability be integrated into our lifestyle, buildings, neighborhoods, and cities. This course will introduce these concepts, provide case studies of present applications, review the latest research, and probe alternatives for the future.
Immigration Policy and Health (3)
Facts and controversies surrounding immigration. Legislative history, urban and public health impacts, racial implications.
Cross-listed with 34:832:577.
History of Planning Thought (3)
Major ideas in city and regional planning since the early 19th century. Origin, growth, and impact of these ideas on the evolution of planning in the context of intellectual, social, and technological change.
Ethics in Planning and Public Policy (3)
reflect upon various ethical dilemmas facing professionals and staff
who serve in both the public and private sectors. The ethics codes of
professional societies and government agencies are reviewed and
Protecting Public Health and the Environment (3)
The policies and realities facing places trying to protect community health in the face of economic feasibility and political forces.
Credit not given for both this course and 10:832:483.
Gender and International Development (3)
Competing theories of development and feminist critiques of current theory and practice: the sexual division of labor, ecofeminism, human rights of women, and population and women's health.
Cross-listed with 34:970:581.
Independent Study (BA,BA)
Open to 762 majors only. Prerequisites: A contract with a faculty sponsor and permission of the program director.
Urban Design Studio (3)
work collaboratively under the supervision of a professional planner to
develop a comprehensive plan for a sustainable small town. Site plans,
graphics, form-based codes, and a professional-quality report and
presentation are the group deliverables.
Senior Seminar (3)
Integration of past learning experience, discussion and readings on key concepts, and preparation of a senior thesis, which is presented in a public forum.
Open to 762 majors with at least 100 credits and no outstanding core requirements for the major.
Special Topics (3,3)
Topics vary. These courses are designed to address current issues in planning and public policy.
See the Bloustein School's Electronic Course Grid for active offerings.