Courses Offered by Other Rutgers Faculties. Students are
encouraged to take advantage of the wide range of courses offered by
other faculties and schools at Rutgers–New Brunswick.
However, students must be careful to maintain the proper sequence of
courses in the pharmacy curriculum. Any deviations require the advice
and written permission of the academic dean's office.
Regardless of where students take courses, they are governed by the
academic rules of the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy. Registration
must be completed through the Office of the Registrar with
authorization by the academic dean.
Auditing Courses. With
the permission of the instructor and subject to the availability of
space, full-time students of the school may audit courses without
registration. No record is kept of courses audited and no academic
credit is earned.
Summer Courses.
Students must
receive academic advising and permission in writing from the dean's
office of the school before enrolling in course(s) during summer
sessions at colleges outside of the university. Rutgers' Summer Session course request forms are available from the Office of Academic
Services, Room 102. Enrolling for more than 3 credits per Summer
Session or more than 9 credits during one summer is considered an
overload and requires special permission from the dean's office of the
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy. Core science courses in the preprofessional years may not be taken in the summer unless the student has failed the course in the fall or spring and been granted permission by the Scholastic Standing Committee. Core sciences for students admitted to the School of Pharmacy as first-year students must be taken at Rutgers.
Professional courses may be
taken at other colleges of pharmacy during summer sessions only if the student has failed the same course at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy and
having been granted permission in writing to repeat the course by the
instructor of the failed course (or departmental chair) and
the chair of the Scholastic Standing Committee.
For more information about Summer Session courses, contact the Office of Academic Services, Room 102.
No degree credit is granted for any Summer Session coursework that has
not been authorized by the dean's office of the Ernest Mario School of
Pharmacy. It is the responsibility of the student to supply the Office
of Academic Services with an official transcript from the college
outside the university showing the grades received. Credit will be
granted only for courses in which grades of C or better have been
attained. No student will be permitted to progress with the prescribed
program of study until the transcript is received. Only courses taken
at Rutgers during Summer Session will have the grade applied to the
student's cumulative grade-point average.
Students who are
matriculating in the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy may not withdraw
from the Summer Session during the last seven calendar days of a course
without incurring a grade of F unless excused by the academic dean's
office of the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy.
Attendance. Students
are expected to attend all scheduled course meetings. When a student is
frequently absent from class exercises, quizzes, or examinations, it
becomes difficult or impossible for the instructor to evaluate that
student's performance. The instructor therefore may require that the
student obtain authentication of the circumstances that led to such
absences. The grade for work missed is counted, discounted, or made up
at the discretion of the instructor, except in the case of final
examinations, where the academic dean must rule whether or not the
student may take a makeup final examination.
Every student
must notify the academic dean or a designee of any anticipated absence
from class for a week or more. In the case of illness, the student must
obtain a written statement on his or her physician's official
stationery or a prescription form indicating diagnosis, dates of
illness, and treatments. Such a statement must be submitted to the
associate dean or a designee within three school days after the
Examinations. Final examinations are
held at the end of each semester. All students enrolled for credit in a
course in which a final examination is given must take the examination.
Students should not make travel plans until after the final exam week concludes. Students are required to be available
throughout the semester and during the entire final exam period to complete
exams. During the semester, announced and unannounced tests may be held at the
discretion of the instructor.