Academic Advising. Throughout their matriculation at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, students select courses and develop their academic program in close consultation with an academic adviser. During the first year, students are assigned to an academic adviser for first-year students. In all subsequent years, each student is advised by a faculty member in the student's selected program of study. Advising notwithstanding, students must assume full responsibility for meeting all curriculum and school requirements for graduation, and for being sure they have the proper prerequisites for any course for which they register. Students are encouraged to meet with their advisers throughout the academic year. Students are also encouraged to regularly consult the Degree Navigator system (, an online tool that provides useful information for monitoring their progress in fulfilling all their degree requirements. The information from Degree Navigator can facilitate more productive interactions between the students and their academic advisers. It is not a substitute for consultation with an academic adviser.
The School of Environmental and Biological Sciences uses a system of advisers to aid in the advising and registration process. First-year students are assigned to a first-year adviser in the area in which they have indicated that they will major. Upper-class advisers are assigned to first-year students in the spring of the first year, and upon enrollment to transfer students. Faculty advisers in each curriculum are indicated with the major requirements in the Programs of Study chapter.
Other Academic Support Services. In addition to academic advising, Rutgers University provides a variety of other academic support services to its students, including libraries, learning centers, and career services. Please refer to the Academic Support Services chapter in the School of Arts and Sciences section of this catalog for information on these and other support services.