This program outlines the courses required by students who currently are not enrolled at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy but who are interested in the profession of pharmacy and wish to apply to the school as transfer students. Upon satisfactory completion of both years of the program, students are eligible to apply for transfer to the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy. However, students should understand that transferring is a competitive process and many students admitted will have more than two years of college completed. Admission is not guaranteed. All requirements of the preprofessional program must be completed prior to starting the first professional year.
First Year
First Semester
General Biology I (4)
General Chemistry I with laboratory (4,1)
English Composition I (3)*
Calculus I (4)
Second Semester
General Biology II (4)
General Chemistry II (4)
English Composition II (3)*
humanities/social sciences electives (6)
Second Year
First Semester
Human Anatomy and Physiology I (3)**
Organic Chemistry I with laboratory (4,1)
Microeconomics (3)
Physics I with laboratory (3,1)
humanities/social sciences electives (6)
Second Semester
Human Anatomy and Physiology II (3)**
Organic Chemistry II with laboratory (4,1)
Physics II (3)
Basic Statistics for Research (3)
humanities/social sciences electives (6)