The New Brunswick/Piscataway campus is the largest and mostdiversified of the university's three campuses, with 16 academic units,1,800 faculty, and 36,000 students enrolled in undergraduate andgraduate programs.
Faculty of Arts and Sciences-New Brunswick
Holly M. Smith, Ph.D., Executive Dean
Established in 1981 as a result of academic reorganization of the NewBrunswick campus, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences-New Brunswickteaches all arts and science courses for undergraduate and graduatestudents in degree-granting units and sets the major requirements forall arts and science majors. Organized into disciplines anddepartments, it offers 44 undergraduate major programs and 29 graduateprograms, which are administered by the Graduate School-New Brunswick.
Douglass College
Carmen Twillie Ambar, J.D., Dean
Founded in 1918 as the New Jersey College for Women, Douglass is thelargest women's college in the nation. While maintaining rigorousstandards of instruction in the fundamental disciplines of the liberalarts, Douglass supports and develops programs that link major coursesof study to future careers. The college also implements specialprograms as well as independent activities designed to help womenstudents develop the qualities required for achievement in any field ofendeavor.
Livingston College
Arnold Hyndman, Ph.D., Dean
Livingston College opened in 1969 as a coeducational institutiondedicated to serving a diverse student body reflecting the racial,ethnic, and socioeconomic composition of today's society. As a collegeof the liberal arts and professions, Livingston is committed to amultidisciplinary program that brings together a diverse group ofstudents, faculty, and staff in a cosmopolitan community dedicated tolearning.
Rutgers College
Carl Kirschner, Ph.D., Dean
Rutgers College was chartered in 1766 and is the original nucleusaround which the university developed. Formerly an undergraduatecollege for men, it is now coeducational. Dedicated to the promotion ofexcellence in undergraduate education, Rutgers College provides itsstudents with clear guidelines in the pursuit of a liberal artseducation.
University College-New Brunswick
Emmet A. Dennis, Ph.D., Dean
University College-New Brunswick is an evening college of liberal artsand professional studies serving part-time students since 1934. Withinthe context of the liberal arts tradition, University College-NewBrunswick students are offered a full range of courses and curricula,including programs in business and preparation for the professionsleading to the degrees of bachelor of arts and bachelor of science.
Cook College
Robert M. Goodman, Ph.D., Dean
A coeducational and residential college, Cook offers undergraduateprograms in various applied disciplines with an emphasis onenvironmental, agricultural, food, and marine sciences. Formerly theCollege of Agriculture and later the College of Agriculture andEnvironmental Science, Cook College adopted its present name in 1973.Graduate programs are offered through the Graduate School- NewBrunswick.
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
John L. Colaizzi, Ph.D., Dean
First organized in 1892 and incorporated into the state university in1927, the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy offers a six-yearprofessional program leading to the doctor of pharmacy (Pharm.D.)degree and a graduate program offering a post-B.S. Pharm.D. degree(both traditional two-year and nontraditional). Other graduate programsleading to advanced degrees through the Graduate School-New Brunswickare available. In addition, the school sponsors a continuing educationprogram for the benefit of practicing pharmacists throughout the state.
Mason Gross School of the Arts
George B. Stauffer, Ph.D., Dean
This branch of Rutgers opened in July 1976. The school grants bothundergraduate and graduate degrees. Formed to provide an education inthe arts of the highest professional caliber, the school offers anM.F.A. degree in visual arts and theater arts; D.M.A., A.Dpl., M.M.,and B.Mus. degrees in music; and a B.F.A. degree in visual arts, dance,and theater arts.
Rutgers Business School-Newark and New Brunswick
Howard Tuckman, Ph.D., Dean
Rutgers Business School offers undergraduate and graduate programs onor through the university's Newark and New Brunswick/Piscatawaycampuses. Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark is a four-yearundergraduate school. It offers the bachelor of science degree jointlywith either the Newark College of Arts and Sciences or UniversityCollege-Newark. Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick isa two-year, upper- division school offering programs in accounting,finance, management, management science and information systems, andmarketing. The school admits students from Douglass, Livingston,Rutgers, and University Colleges in their junior year. The bachelor ofscience degree is awarded jointly by the business school and theundergraduate college the student attended. Rutgers Business School:Graduate Programs-Newark and New Brunswick offers the master ofbusiness administration, an M.B.A. degree in professional accounting, amaster of accountancy in taxation, a master of accountancy ingovernmental accounting, a master of quantitative finance, and avariety of dual degrees. The Ph.D. degree in management is offeredjointly by the Graduate School-Newark and the New Jersey Institute ofTechnology.
School of Communication, Information and Library Studies
Gustav Friedrich, Ph.D., Dean
This school was formed in 1982 by a merger of two schools to provideacademic programs that focus on various facets of communication andinformation science. The school offers undergraduate programs of studyin communication, and journalism and mass media. Students are admittedto the school in their junior year from the five residentialundergraduate colleges in New Brunswick/Piscataway: Cook, Douglass,Livingston, Rutgers, and University Colleges. Bachelor of arts degreesare awarded jointly by the School of Communication, Information andLibrary Studies and the undergraduate college. At the graduate level,programs are offered that lead to the degree of master of library andinformation science, the master of communication and informationstudies, and, jointly with the Graduate School-New Brunswick, thedoctor of philosophy degree. Courses for in-service librarians also areprovided.
School of Engineering
Michael T. Klein, Sc.D., Dean
Instruction in engineering began at Rutgers in 1864 when New Jerseydesignated Rutgers College to be the State College for the Benefit ofAgriculture and Mechanic Arts. The College of Engineering became aseparate unit in 1914 and was renamed the School of Engineering in1999. The school is dedicated to the sound technical and generaleducation of the student. It offers a bachelor of science degree inseven disciplines as well as a curriculum in applied sciences. Itsgraduate programs are conducted through the Graduate School-NewBrunswick.
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
James W. Hughes, Ph.D., Dean
Founded in 1992, the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and PublicPolicy provides focus for all of Rutgers' programs of instruction,research, and service in planning and public policy. The school offersundergraduate programs in urban studies and public health, each leadingto the baccalaureate degree. On the graduate level, the school confersmaster of city and regional planning, master of city and regionalstudies, master of public affairs and politics, master of publicpolicy, master of public health, and doctor of public health degrees;the latter two degrees are offered jointly with the University ofMedicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-School of Public Health. Adual-degree program in public health and applied psychology leading tothe master of public health and doctor of psychology degrees is offeredwith the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology. Aprogram also is offered that leads to the doctor of philosophy degreein urban planning and policy development; this degree is conferred bythe Graduate School-New Brunswick. In addition, the school offersjoint-degree programs with Rutgers' two law schools, with the RutgersBusiness School: Graduate Programs-Newark and New Brunswick, and withthe Graduate School-New Brunswick.
School of Management and Labor Relations
Barbara A. Lee, Ph.D., J.D., Dean
The School of Management and Labor Relations, formed in 1994, providesundergraduate instruction in labor studies and employment relations. Atthe graduate level, programs are offered that lead to the degrees ofmaster in human resource management, master in labor and employmentrelations, and doctor of philosophy in industrial relations and humanresources.
Graduate School-New Brunswick
Holly M. Smith, Ph.D., Dean
Graduate programs in the arts and sciences have been offered since1876. The Graduate School-New Brunswick awards advanced degrees in morethan 60 disciplines and is responsible for all doctor of philosophydegrees at Rutgers-New Brunswick/Piscataway. The faculty is drawn fromvirtually all academic divisions of the university.
Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
Stanley B. Messer, Ph.D., Dean
GSAPP was established in 1974 to train direct-service psychologists whohave a special commitment to community involvement. It offers thedoctor of psychology (Psy.D.) degree in professional psychology withspecializations in the areas of clinical psychology, school psychology,and organizational psychology. GSAPP also awards the master ofpsychology (Psy.M.) degree en passant to the doctorate; the Psy.M. isnot offered as a terminal degree.
Graduate School of Education
Richard De Lisi, Ph.D., Dean
Courses in education were first offered by Rutgers College in the late19th century. A separate school offering its own curricula wasorganized in 1924. GSE offers programs leading to the degrees of masterof education and doctor of education.
School of Social Work
Mary E. Davidson, Ph.D., Dean
Established in 1954 to prepare students for professional social workpractice, SSW offers a two-year graduate curriculum leading to themaster of social work degree. Jointly with the Graduate School-NewBrunswick, it offers a program leading to the doctor of philosophydegree, and its faculty also teaches an undergraduate social workprogram.
Summer Session-New Brunswick
Thomas A. Kujawski, Ed.M.
The Summer Session, begun in 1913 and established as a division of theuniversity in 1960, offers a wide variety of graduate and undergraduatecourses during three sessions in the summer months.