Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School-New Brunswick
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Degree Programs Available
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Degree Requirements
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
African Studies 016
Agricultural Engineering
Alcohol Studies 047
Animal Sciences 067
Anthropology 070
Art History 082
Arts, Visual and Theater
Asian Studies 098
Biochemistry 115
BIOMAPS 118 (Programs in Quantitative Biology)
Biomedical Engineering 125
Bioresource Engineering 127
Biotechnology 126
Cell and Developmental Biology 148
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
Ceramic and Materials Science and Engineering 150
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering 155
Chemistry 160
Civil and Environmental Engineering 180
Classics 190
Cognitive Science 185
Communication, Information, and Library Studies 194
Communication Studies
Comparative Literature 195
Computer Science 198
Curatorial Studies
Ecology and Evolution 215
Economics 220
Education 300
Educational Psychology; Educational theory, Policy, and Administration; Learning and Teaching
Electrical and Computer Engineering 332
Engineering Geophysics
English, Literature In (English 350, Composition Studies 352)
English as a Second Language 356
Entomology 370
Environmental Change, Human Dimensions of 378
Environmental Sciences 375
Food and Business Economics 395
Food Science 400
French 420
Geography 450
Geological Sciences 460
Geospatial Information Science 455
German 470
History 510
Human Resource Management
Industrial and Systems Engineering 540
Industrial Relations and Human Resources 545
Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program 554
Italian 560
Labor and Employment Relations
Library Studies
Linguistics 615
Literatures In English
Mathematics 640, 642
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 650
Mechanics 654
Medicinal Chemistry 663
Medieval Studies 667
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 681
Molecular and Cell Biology 695
Molecular Biophysics 696
Molecular Biosciences
Music 700
Neuroscience 710
Nutritional Sciences 709
Oceanography 712
Operations Research 711
Packaging Science and Engineering
Pharmaceutical Science 720
Pharmacology, Cellular and Molecular 718
Philosophy 730
Physics and Astronomy 750
Physiology and Integrative Biology 761
Plant Biology 765
Plant Pathology
Plant Science and Technology
Political Science 790
Members of the Graduate Faculty
Graduate Courses
Psychology 830
Psychology, Applied and Professional
Public Health 832
Public Policy
Quaternary Studies 841
Russian, Central and East European Studies 859
Social Work 910
Social Work: Administration, Policy and Planning, and Direct Practice
Sociology 920
Spanish 940
Statistics 960
Theater Arts
Toxicology 963
Urban Planning and Policy Development 970
Urban Planning, City and Regional
Visual Arts
Wireless Communications Certificate
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Research Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-New Brunswick 2003-2005 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Political Science 790 Graduate Courses  

Graduate Courses

16:790:501Proseminar in American Politics (3) Overview of American politics. Topics include individual and institutional levels, the relationship between citizens and institutions, and the relationships between institutions.
16:790:503Proseminar: Approaches to Comparative Analysis (3) Scope and practice of the field: nature of comparison; approaches to comparison; examples of current research on selected topics.
16:790:505Constitutionalism and Judicial Politics (3) Role of the federal courts in the American system of democracy. Normative and empirical assessments of the foundations of judicial review and the alleged counter-majoritarian problem; interactions between courts and the other electorally accountable branches; the role of litigants and mobilization processes in the judicial development of doctrine and policy.
16:790:506(S) Contemporary Constitutional Issues (3) Current public policy questions explored in the judicial forum, both national and state. A variety of research methods employed.
16:790:507(S) Comparative State Politics (3) Comparative analysis of the problems of all 50 states. Major factors and political processes that shape the outcomes of state politics. A variety of approaches used in comparative analysis.
16:790:510Public Policy (3) Introduction to the formulation and implementation of public policy with an emphasis on federal policy making, models for policy choice, and intergovernmental policy problems. A major portion of the course devoted to student projects that analyze the formulation and implementation of a governmental program.
16:790:511,512Proseminar in Political Thought: Plato to J.S. Mill (3,3) Intensive study of the history of Western political thought from Plato to J.S. Mill. Corequisites: 01:790:371, 372.
16:790:513Philosophy of Political Inquiry (3) Introduction to major issues in political and social inquiry in the broad perspective of the philosophy of the social sciences. Epistemology, methodology, and historiography in political theory and political science. Prerequisites: 16:790:511,512, or permission of instructor.
16:790:514American Political Thought (3) Major themes in American political thought from the 17th century to the present; emphasis on contemporary movements and ideas, including the new left, the new right, and black thought. Corequisites: 01:790:375, 376, or permission of instructor.
16:790:517Democracy, Values, and Public Policy: Theoretical Foundations (3) Theoretical foundations of public policy in a democracy. Complementarity and conflict between such fundamental values as liberty, equality, justice, security, efficiency, quality (of life), planning, community, fraternity, individuality, and privacy; theoretical implications of distinctions between public and private goods, interests, and values.
16:790:521Proseminar: Theories of International Politics (3) Contemporary approaches to the study of international systems and the behavior of their national subsystems.
16:790:522Theories of War and Peace (3) Survey of the existing theories and explanations of the causes of war and the conditions of peace.
16:790:523Politics of Africa (3) Problems particular to African political development; colonial experience, one-crop economies, traditional social arrangements, ethnic particularism, and party organization.
16:790:524Mass Media and Politics (3) The role, structure, and effects of mass media. Topics include models of mass communication, government regulation, the media as information sources and agents of socialization, media influence on candidate evaluation and voting.
16:790:527Ancient and Medieval Political Philosophy (3) Representative primary texts and significant secondary literature, emphasizing major controversies in the interpretation of classical or medieval political philosophy. Readings selected from the works of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, Aquinas, and their respective contemporaries.
16:790:530Explanations of Foreign Policy (3) Systematic analysis of factors influencing the foreign policies of states; patterns of relationships.
16:790:531Problems in American Politics (3) Selected specific problems in American politics, currently emphasizing state and local elections and campaigning.
16:790:532-533Research Design in Political Science (3,3) Research techniques, an introduction to probability and statistics, the logic of political inquiry, and the philosophy of the social sciences.
16:790:534The Presidency (3) Introduction to the historical development of the presidency, as well as significant dimensions of contemporary presidential politics. Contending approaches to studying the presidency. Topics include presidential selection; popular leadership; party politics; interest groups and social movements; and relations with Congress, the courts, and the bureaucracy.
16:790:539Politics of the Middle East (3) Comparative analysis of nationalist movements, problems of social and cultural change, the Arab-Israeli dispute, and inter-Arab politics. Historical and contemporary perspectives. Prerequisite: 16:790:503.
16:790:541Political Culture (3) Strengths and weaknesses of different political culture approaches; importance of cultural variables for understanding political change.
16:790:542Political Anthropology: Comparative Cultural Approaches (3) Approaches to the analysis of culture: semiotics, phenomenology, hermeneutics, structuralism, and critical theory; applications. Meaning in politics: the roles of symbol, myth, metaphor, rhetoric, ritual, religion, and performance.
16:790:544Collective Identity: Ethnicity and Nationalism (3) Approaches to conceptualizing collective political identity; comparative analysis of different types of nationalism and its ethnic origins and modernity.
16:790:545Theories in Political Economy (3) Survey of the classical and contemporary literature from Smith and Marx to Lindblom and O`Connor. Normative, theoretical, and empirical implications of competing schools of thought.
16:790:547Foundations of Capitalism and the Modern State (3) Comparative historical development of Euro-American capitalism and state structures, from 1450 through the Industrial Revolution. The role of class relations, state elites, international economic and geopolitical forces.
16:790:548Advanced Industrial Societies (3) State and economy in Western Europe and North America. Cross-national variations in the relationship among state, class, and public policy.
16:790:551Communist and Post-Communist Politics (3) Theories of communism (state socialism) and its rise and fall. Dialogues among Western Sovietology, mainstream comparative political science, and theories produced by the "natives" of state-socialist countries.
16:790:552Business, Power, and Politics (3) Relationship between economic and political power in the United States and other advanced industrial societies. Impact of business interest groups, economic elites, and governmental recruitment on policy making. Issues in power structure analysis.
16:790:553Special Topics in Political Economy (3) Specialized studies in political economy for advanced students. Topics vary by year and instructor.
16:790:554Collective Protest and Social Movements (3) Introduction to the literature on collective action, protests, and social movements; recent examples in Eastern Europe; relationships between structure and agency and between structure and culture.
16:790:555Comparative Political Economy (3) Special reference to the third world. Major periods of sociopolitical transformation: the breakdown of precapitalist social formations, imperialism, decolonization, and revolutionary change. Theories of political economy stemming from the developing world.
16:790:556Proseminar in Public Law (3) Introduction to the major literature of the field; recent theories and methods in the study of the judicial process.
16:790:557Renaissance and Reformation Political Thought (3) Western political thought from the 14th to the 16th centuries. Machiavelli, his predecessors and contemporaries, and the relationships between politics and religion in the Protestant Reformation. Prerequisites: 16:790:511,512, or permission of the instructor.
16:790:558The British Tradition (3) Social contract theory, utilitarianism, and empiricism in English political thought, with emphasis on the political sources and meanings of works by Hobbes, Locke, Smith, Burke, Hume, and John Stuart Mill. Prerequisites: 16:790:511,512.
16:790:559Metropolitan Politics (3) Conflict and consensus with respect to major urban problems: race, schools, housing, transportation, planning, renewal.
16:790:560Seminar in Doctrinal Analysis (3) Contemporary doctrinal issues; modes of conflict resolution, substantive law findings, and judicial craftsmanship; the interplay of forces at different stages in the adjudicatory process.
16:790:561Political Economy of Latin America (3) Relation between models of capital accumulation and the development of democratic and authoritarian regimes. Special reference to Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Mexico.
16:790:563American Political Economy (3) The organization of American capitalism. Sources and limits of reform. Consideration of American "exceptionalism": impact of party structure, federalism, separation of powers, ethnic and racial cleavages on class formation, and public policy.
16:790:564Comparative Legal Systems (3) Transnational approaches to judicial policy making with emphasis on mechanisms for the protection of basic freedoms; notions of equality under law; federal versus unitary systems in the distribution of powers; and the nature of the regulatory function in diverse societies.
16:790:565(S) Studies in Administrative Law (3) Inquiry into the lawmaking and judicial function of administrative agencies; critical examination of selected cases drawn from federal and state practice.
16:790:566Theories of Political Violence and Stability (3) Understanding the origins of domestic violence and instability; relationships with the origins of international warfare; sources and consequences of ethnic conflict emphasized.
16:790:567Empirical Studies of Peace and War (3) Examination of the empirical evidence on the onset of war, its expansion, the impact of war, and factors associated with peace. Prerequisite: 16:790:522.
16:790:569American Foreign Policy (3) Institutions and events that have shaped American foreign policy in the postwar era. Roles of the president, Congress, the bureaucracy, the military, and public opinion. The influence of partisan, economic, and social pressures on the formulation and implementation of policy.
16:790:571Elections and Participation (3) Determinants and consequences of various forms of political participation. Relationship between structures such as electoral systems and citizen behavior. Theories of democracy in light of empirical findings.
16:790:572Political Parties (3) Structure and functioning of political parties. Emphasis on empirical studies of membership, nominations, party competition, campaigning, and finance.
16:790:578Feminism in Postmodernity (3) Political strategies for achieving gender equality in the context of contemporary feminist debates about the category of women, foundationalism, humanism, identity politics, and essentialism.
16:790:579The Enlightenment: The Philosophers and Their Critics (3) Political thought of Kant, Rousseau, and their contemporaries. Emphasis on Enlightenment responses to the political, educational, and moral problems of modernity. Prerequisites: 16:790:511,512, or permission of instructor.
16:790:580The 19th Century: Continental Political Thought from Hegel to Marx to Nietzsche (3) Topics in the political thought of selected theorists from sequences, including Hegel, Herder, Marx, and Nietzsche; and de Maistre, Bonald, Comte, and Fourier. Prerequisites: 16:790:511,512, or permission of instructor.
16:790:581Transnational Public Policy (3) New phenomena that defy the basic assumptions of the dominant realist, state-centric model of the global system, including nonstate actors, transnational issues, and new forms of influence.
16:790:582Public Opinion (3) Sources and consequences of public knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes about politics. The measurement of public opinion. Political ideology. Linkages between public opinion and public policy.
16:790:584(S) Themes in Feminist Theory in Politics (3) In-depth study of a particular tradition or key debate within contemporary feminist theory. Themes vary.
16:790:585Social Class and Ideology (3) Effects of changes in the organization of work and labor markets on political behavior and consciousness. Consequences of race, gender, and ethnicity for class formation.
16:790:586Psychology of Political Behavior (3) Introduction to basic explanatory theories at the individual level of analysis. Topics may include personality, attitudes, political cognition, group influences, political socialization, and behavioral decision theory.
16:790:587Proseminar in Women and Politics (3) Introduction to approaches, methods, and debates in interdisciplinary feminist scholarship that are useful in analyzing politics.
16:790:588Gender and Mass Politics (3) Gender-related influences on political attitudes, voting behavior, and other forms of political participation. Effects of feminist consciousness on attitudes and behavior.
16:790:589Women and Political Leadership (3) History, background, recruitment, and performance of women in leadership positions. Women leaders` relationship to power and their impact on public policy and public institutions.
16:790:590Gender and Political Theory (3) Analysis of political theory as a signifying practice. The discursive uses of gender in delineating the public sphere, constituting the citizen-subject, and articulating the relations of nation and class.
16:790:591Gender and Public Policy (3) Theoretical and policy questions raised by issues related to gender inequality, including welfare and poverty, reproductive rights, violence against women, women and work, health policy, and women and militarism.
16:790:592Politics, Development, and Women (3) Political, social, and cultural impact of developmental processes on women. Theories of development and feminist critiques.
16:790:593Gender and Comparative Politics (3) Major paradigms used in the study of comparative politics, major critiques of these paradigms put forward by feminist scholars working in the field
16:790:594Women's Movements in Comparative Perspective (3) Development and impact of women`s movements in cross- cultural perspective. Analysis of the conditions and implications of women`s participation in movements such as nationalist, labor, and independent women`s movement.
16:790:595Advanced Survey Research (3) Sample design, questionnaire construction, interviewer training and evaluation, analysis of survey data, and preparation of proposals for potential users.
16:790:596Advanced Topics in Women and Politics (3) Seminar offered on occasion on topics of special interest to students of women and politics.
16:790:597,598Emerging Trends in Political Science (1,1) Seminars by eight visiting scholars, each presenting an unpublished paper. Topics vary, but papers are chosen for their empirical and theoretical contributions to the field.
16:790:599Research Seminar in Political Science Applications of Quantitative Methods (3) Intensive study and research application of selected methods.
16:790:605Philosophy of Law and Jurisprudence (3) The nature of law and its relation to other normative systems; major legal philosophies. Other topics include legal reasoning, the enforcement of morality, and the justification of punishment.
16:790:607Contemporary Philosophy and Politics (3) Recent developments in philosophy and their implications for politics and political theory.
16:790:608Critical Theory (3) This course will concentrate on those thinkers, usually associated with western Marxism and the Frankfort school, who are the most important representatives of what has come to be known as critical theory.
16:790:610Research Topics in Political Philosophy (3) Intensive research seminar for advanced students. Topics vary from year to year.
16:790:611Advanced Research in Political Economy (3) Working faculty-graduate student seminar. Presentations of original research.
16:790:612Seminar in Law and Politics (3) Intensive study of selected problem areas that may include issues in criminal justice, law and society, and judicial decision making.
16:790:613Law, Courts, and the Politics of Social Reform (3) Role of law and courts in the politics of social reform in the United States. Various ways of understanding and investigating the interplayof law and politics in reform projects, with an emphasis on recent developments in the legal academy (e.g., feminist legal theory, critical race theory), as well as in political science.
16:790:614Advanced Topics in Public Law (3) Advanced research seminar in public law provides an opportunity for the design of doctoral research projects and the investigation of their feasibility. Open only to upper-level Ph.D. candidates.
16:790:616The U.S. Congress (3) Introduces students to the major components of Congress: congressional elections; the committees; congressional leadership; the legislative process, interest groups, and the relations of Congress with the president and the courts.
16:790:623Seminar in Constitutional Law (3) Advanced seminar with emphasis on individual research projects assessing judicial craftsmanship and doctrinal lines of inquiry.
16:790:626Morality and War (3) The realism-moralism debate, explored through such authors as Niebuhr, Morganthau, and Osgood; the role of moral considerations in international affairs examined through cases such as the use of force across national borders and the human rights issue.
16:790:627Topics in International Politics (3) Specialized studies and research in international politics. Topics include mathematical models in international politics and peace research methods and literature. Open only to advanced students.
16:790:630International Political Economy (3) Topics that develop the theory of the structure and dynamic of the global political economy. Current emphasis on the development of the post-Depression World War II international economy, especially relations among OECD countries.
16:790:633Multivariate Techniques (3) Focus on multiple regression, but also may include categorical regression, factor analysis, causal modeling, and analysis of variance. Heavy emphasis on computer applications.
16:790:634Game Theory for Political Scientists (3) Introductory course in game theory for political science graduate students.
16:790:635French Feminist Theory (3) Linguistic, philosophical, and political tradition of French feminist thought. Readings drawn from Freud, Lacan, Dérrida, Beauvoir, Irigaray, Kriesteva, and Wittig. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
16:790:636Dissertation Proposals and Research in Women and Politics (3) Students produce a working draft of a dissertation proposal. Preparation for the actual process of the dissertation.
16:790:640Research Seminar on War and Peace (3) Original research conducted in the area of war and peace. Levy, Licklider, Midlarsky. Prerequisites: 16:790:522, 567.
16:790:644Applied Formal Models in Political Science (3) Survey of applied formal models in political science, applications to specific questions and problems.
16:790:651Seminar in Public Administration and Policy Analysis (3) Readings in the specialized literature on bureaucracy, followed by the presentation and discussion of individual design for research on a special topic.
16:790:654Quantitative Approaches to International Relations (3) Major current attempts to build an empirically based theory of international politics. Data-generation techniques, methods of testing, and substantive findings.
16:790:667Research Seminar in Political Psychology (3) Advanced seminar examining in depth, through individual research, selected topics in political psychology.
16:790:670Independent Study in International Relations (3)
16:790:671Independent Study in Public Law (3)
16:790:672Independent Study in Women and Politics (3)
16:790:673Independent Study in Political Theory (3)
16:790:674Independent Study in Political Economy (3)
16:790:676Independent Study in American Institutions and Policy (3)
16:790:677Independent Study in Comparative Politics (3)
16:790:678Independent Study in Methodology (3)
16:790:680Advanced Topics in International Relations (3) Advanced research seminar in international relations, intended to provide an opportunity for the design of doctoral research projects and the investigation of their feasibility. Open only to upper-level Ph.D. students.
16:790:701,702Research in Political Science (BA,BA) Designed to provide students working on M.A. and Ph.D. theses with credit for their research.
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